CHAPTER 26: The True Meaning of “RX-7″
By admin On March 3rd, 2021.
Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size
Now began the start of the last leg of our return trip to Guatemala from Tikal Mayan Indian temples. And also began the climactic finale of the torment which I was experiencing on this Vacation From Hell!
Things were going to get hotter!
Much hotter!
The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893
The True Meaning of “RX-7″
(play on words on lyrics from 1969 Arlo Guthrie hit, “Comin’ Into Los Angeles”)
After seeing the ruins at Tikal, and hearing about my glorious return to them (me being the reincarnation of Jesus), we began our return bus trip to Becky’s parent’s home, back in Guatemala City.
These “Chicken Buses” as they call them, were filled to the brim with passengers. But there was room for two more (standing room only!)
So Becky and I climbed aboard.
I guess I don’t need to tell you why they call them, “Chicken Buses”. But the chickens were perhaps, all sitting well-behaved in their places, in the laps of their new owners. They weren’t “flying everywhere around the place” as that old Arlo Guthrie song sang about.
But if some of those chickens only knew where they were going, and what they’d be doing tonight, they probably would be “flying everywhere around the place!” And if I only knew where I was going, and what I’d be doing…well…like those soon-to-be-roasted chickens, there wasn’t much I could do about my situation.
A 95 year old woman with her pet rooster. Havana (La Habana), Cuba
This return trip got off on the wrong foot! First, we ran out of money. We asked the manager of a motel we stayed at for a twenty dollar loan. And to our amazement, this prince of a man cheerfully loaned us twenty dollars (That would be like 60 or 80 dollars in today’s money, and probably twice or three times that much in Guatemalan money!) We carefully wrote down his name and address, promising him that we’d repay him promptly. He probably realized the slim odds of ever seeing his money again!
Never had the spirit come down on me so hard, as he did on this return trip. This was definitely a “Hitler Moment”.
“Haven’t you considered, Chuck, that I just might not be God?”
Well, I think I did consider this many times since the spirit first came into my life! But looking back, I’m not exactly sure about just what I was thinking, regarding the possibility that he was actually the Devil. I just can’t remember!
“Isn’t it possible, El-Chucko, that I might be the Devil? Well haven’t you…considered this…Mr. Adolph Hitler?”
Now I was getting really low! Now I was sinking in despair! I remember that this return trip back to Becky’s parents was so depressing, at one point (while we stopped for a lunch break in a little village, and I walked those quaint streets of an old business section), my knees almost buckled under the weight of all his condemnation!
Photo courtesy Soman & Wikipedia. Share-alike license. Click here for link.
Later, on this, our return trip, the bus was stopped by the military. These soldiers were all holding rifles. They commanded everyone to get off the bus. We were told to line up, so they could check our identification for some unknown reason.
But since I was dealing with beings of a much higher authority than these soldiers, I simply had no fear of them. I felt like I was impervious to anything at this point. And in my presumptuous arrogance (and reckless disregard), I decided to just sit down, while everyone else stood up. After all, what more could these soldiers do to me beyond what these spirits were already doing to me?
And so I just sat there, while they went down the line-up of people, checking I.D.. The soldiers looked at this stupid Americano (me), just sitting there defiantly on the ground. For a moment they looked angry, until one of them, perhaps, made some joke about me, I suppose, and they all laughed. After inspecting each person’s papers, they let us go. I was probably very fortunate to not incur their wrath.
Without a joke to diffuse that potentially volatile moment, I could have gotten myself into some serious trouble!
“NOW THAT I CAN DANCE!” (with red ants in my pants!)
(Lyrics from the 1962 Contours hit, “Do You Love Me?” with parenthesis comment by Author)
After the soldiers left, the passengers were given some time for a break, before returning to the bus. And having to go to the bathroom, I saw some bushes off the road a-ways. I went over where I could have privacy. But after pulling my pants back up, I noticed something biting my rear end. I soon realized that I somehow acquired Red Ants from those bushes. And now they were biting me!
I’m not sure about the story-relevance of this moment, nevertheless it hurt! But I managed to get them all off, rather easily and quickly! And then I returned to the bus.
But anyway, concerning my encounter with those soldiers, I eventually learned not to do foolish things, presuming that God is always going to protect me.
There’s an old saying, “discretion is the better part of valour.” But I’d like to add this to that saying, “…But presumption is a worse part of stupidity.”
Stupid, young, me!
Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license
Ant head closeup – wikimedia commons – share-alike license
Hosea 4:6
By the time we arrived back at Becky’s parent’s house, it was probably pretty late. Clouds made the dark Guatemalan skies even darker. As I remember, the spirit was back on his assertion that I was Jesus (in a former life). I didn’t know what to think! How in the world are you gonna argue with a spirit? How in blazes can you resist a spirit’s wisdom? I had absolutely no protection against the spirit’s assertions! I sure wish I had known my Bible! The following verse really says it all…
“Finally, my brethr
en, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day…”
Ephesians 6:10-13
Oh, if only I had put on this armor! If only I’d been a Christian. But alas, “If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride”, as my Grandpa Frank used to say. But alas, it was much too late to think about this!
Anyway, this thought about God’s armor didn’t even enter my mind! I knew nothing about any such armor! Nor did I know anything about the Bible, nor how it could protect a person from spiritual wickedness. I didn’t even believe there was such a thing as “spiritual wickedness” until just about 7 months earlier!
For more information on God’s Armor, please go to, and read… “Orion & The Armor of God”
ABOVE PICTURE: soldiers of the cross – armor up! – Orion & The Revelation 12 Dragon constellation (comprised of Hyades & Pleiades and other constellations) –
The next morning, back at Becky’s parent’s home, I opened my eyes to hear the ultimate rude awakening by the following pronouncement…
I sat up in bed! This announcement couldn’t have been more shocking had someone thrown a live grenade in my lap! I just knew this pronouncement was for real! I realized that there wasn’t gonna be any more guessing games about who I was!
“You are the unluckiest SOB that ever walked the face of the Earth! You have been brought back so we can punish you, you no good “&^%$#@!—S–O–B!!” Now you are going to pay for all those Jews! Now God is going to make you return three million times to pay for what you did! Three million Jews! You murdered three—million—Jews!! And don’t think you can pray to God. God won’t hear your prayers. God hates you, Adolph! God hates you with a passion! And He can’t wait for you to get off of this planet!”
I threw on my clothes and hurried out to the living room. And just as I entered the living room, a very loud “musical” horn honked to some tune like the first line of the old tune “Dixie”. This startled me, because I’d never heard a musical horn up to this point in time (remember, this was 1980).
And to my amazement, as the horn honked, I saw outside, a military truck with soldiers, or police riding by in the open back-bed…ALL WEARING NAZI HELMETS! I just about fell over in stark terror at the scene of Nazi soldiers riding by on a military truck outside the window.
“That’s right Adolph. We got every thing prepared in advance for this special homecoming.
We arranged this little surprise party just for you—Adolph Hitler. We brought you back here to Guatemala. Even threw in the Nazi Helmets to boot. Get it Chuck? To boot? To boot, as in Nazi Jack-boots. That’s supposed to be funny, Adolph…Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…uh hum (pretending to clear his throat). OK, I guess that wasn’t so funny!! OK, so sue me, Adolph! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”
The spirit bombarded me with one terrifying thought after another! He presented many possible punishments that I would have to endure, throughout the ions of time. I had to pay for three million Jews (three million was the number of Jews killed according to many back then. At least, that’s the number I heard back in those days. Nowadays, the estimates are much higher.)
“Yeah, you’re gonna have to pay for a lo-o-o-o-ng time! And with all the other people you killed in the war…I suppose that adds up to about double the lives…say six million lives. And if you add let’s say, 40 years times 6 million souls…that means you’re gonna be paying for at least 240 million years.”
At this point, I returned to my bedroom, and sat down to listen to this outrageous and terrifying scenario which this spirit began to paint. The spirit was now telling me that God wished for me to begin paying right now, for all the sins I committed in this, my present life. Yes, my first punishment would be for my own sins, not yet for Adolph’s sins…
“Let’s see now. Since you had such a good eye for deals and steals on houses…why don’t we take out your right eye!?! And don’t worry. We’ll be glad to give you all the help you need to cut it out.” And I knew this spirit could deliver what he promised!
“And since you liked to give women the “bird”…why don’t we take off that bird finger!?!”
I was sinking lower and lower with each new punishment pronounced against me! And on and on he went, about all the punishments that were waiting in store for me! I don’t know how long this went on. Maybe an hour or two. No, now that I think of it, this went on all day, as I began to take walks through the neighborhood. And as I walked, the spirit condemned. I was being crushed under the weight of this devilish condemnation to the point that my body got so weak, to the point of urinating. But I didn’t.
Nevertheless, something was awaiting me a lot worse than urine!
Stahlhelm by Rama for Wikipedia – share-alike license
Nazi soldier firing squad – courtesy – Wikipedia – Public Domain.
So after enduring this long list of horrors and promises of him maiming me, The Devil continued…“God hates you, you dirty scum! We can’t wait to get your filthy carcass off this planet! Eat s&%$#t! you no good rat! No I’m serious! Eat s&%$#t!, Adolph!”
The spirit was now compelling me to go into the bathroom and do just that. And so I did. I didn’t eat a whole lot. But just one piece of feces. But it was enough to make me wretch. But I didn’t.
After this, I leaned on the bathroom sink, and coughed and spit and dry-heaved. I then washed out my mouth.
Just remembering this disgusting moment makes me sick. But what are ya gonna do when the Devil talks to you?
I was that startled man in “The Scream of Nature” painting.
I was that, “Ya-Prayed-too-late!” man in the unnerving song, “Sinnerman”.
I was that “pleading-for-mercy-rich-man-in-Hell”, from that Bible parable!!!
The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893
Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man in Hell – James Tissot – wikimedia – public domain
The Devil continued…“And ya wanna know what that little black coffin you drive is all about? Here’s the real meaning. It doesn’t stand for Rx-7 as in prescription drugs. And it doesn’t stand for “Our Ex-Seven”, as in your ex-lucky number. No, no, no, no, no-o-o-o! It stands for… ‘OUR….EX….HEAVEN’!!” That’s right, Chucky, ‘El-F——y’! This Earth was your heaven! But now it’s your “EX” heaven! It’s now your HELL! And ‘to Hell with this B——-t’ !!”
(Just a note of context, the words, “To Hell with this B——-t” were the last words which one of my two Grandfathers was purported to have said just before he took his own life with a gun, some years earlier. You see, my poor old Grandpa Bill’s body was riddled with cancer, and he was on powerful hallucinogenic medications (Percodan, etc….) when he took his own life. So I knew exactly what the spirit was referring to, with that comment! He was making reference that I, like my Grandpa Bill, was on my way to Hell)
“To Hell with you, you piece of s&^%$#@t!. This is your EX-HEAVEN you SOB! Get off this planet!! GET OFF THIS G..D… PLANET!!!”
The shouts of this demonic force possibly kept reverberating in my mind…or at least they should have…
This is OUR EX-HEAVEN!!!”
This is OUR EX-HEAVEN!!!”
The spirit began to…OK I guess I don’t have to call him “the spirit” anymore. Now I can call him by his rightful name: The Devil. You know…ol’ “L.S.D.” (Lucifer—Satan—The Devil). He was now “out of the closet” as the current saying goes! I guess I suspected it all along. No, he wasn’t as everyone thinks he is. As I had found out over the past months, besides being evil, he could also be downright funny when he wanted to. He could be charming if it suited his purpose. He could behave warm and graciously if he needed to. The Devil could come off any ol’ way he chose to.
He could even be religious…
“…for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers
also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness…”
2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15
If only I knew these Scriptures! I might have been able to shield myself from this 7 month-long deception!
Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license
(Title of the 1973 Alice Cooper song)
But now the Devil didn’t need to fool me. No more did he have to pretend to be anything other than he really was…the Devil!
Now he could be just plain ol’ Satan. Now he could be as mean and as nasty and as evil as he really is!
It’s amazing to meet someone who is totally evil and is very content to be totally evil! Very few humans wish to be thought of as totally evil. Most people would like others to like them. Even your average Satan worshipers try to be somewhat likable. It’s seldom that you find someone who really tries to be as evil as they possibly can be! Oh, I suppose it happens in the movies. But not very often in real life! So when the Devil has no reason to be nice, he no longer needs to pretend to be good.
Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license
The Devil frightened me with the prospect of how many lives I would have to live, in order to pay f
or all those Jews I murdered. He told me that there were planets all over the universe. He told me that I would be re-incarnated on many different planets, in order to repay for my countless crimes. I would come back in many different life-forms, under the worse conditions. “Yes ‘Chucky-You-^!$#y’, you will be re-incarnated out there in the universe. And then you will pay for your crimes in a different way, in each life you will live. Three million Jews! Three million excruciatingly torturous lives! Three million planets. And another three million for all the others you killed!” (Now as I’ve already said, the current estimates are six million Jews killed. But back then, I believe, the general consensus was three million. But I could be wrong.)
The next terror began as this Devil announced to me, “You, El-Chucko are, “The Devil’s Dog!” And as the Devil’s Dog, he would use me as his “beast of burden”, so to speak. I would be kicked, and whipped, and treated as his favorite “object of abuse”. And so far, considering what I’d been through for seven months, I had no doubts I was indeed, The Devil’s Dog!
Now, prior to all this, I had no idea that there was such a thing as the Devil having a dog! Of course, prior to all this, I was instructed by society, that the “Devil” was just a myth! There really was no Devil! He simply is the product of religious folklore!
But now I knew that he does indeed exist! And let me tell you, if the Devil tells you he has a dog, who am I to argue!?!
Of course, I could’ve argued about ME being the Devil’s Dog! But I had never even heard of the Devil really talking with a human. That was just something only seen in horror movies. The Twilight Zone! So I just figured that if the Devil was talking with me, it must be something “really big!”
So with all this horror rolling around in my head, I just had to conclude that, yes, I probably was the Devil’s Dog.
And while we’re on the subject, I assumed he was the Devil. At this time I didn’t realize that there were many devils. So if I say Devil, it may be just a generic devil. Or it might be The Devil, Lucifer. I don’t know. So you decide for yourself if it was “The Devil”, or just “a devil”.
As the condemnation continued, I was now sitting on my bed in Becky’s parent’s home. The bedroom door closed, of course! And I was being assaulted with every kind of damnation and threatening accusation you could possibly imagine!
Eventually, the obvious question to ask him was … “What will the very next planet of punishment be like as I live out my next jail-sentence?” In the flash of a moment, there appeared on the white plaster wall of my bedroom, an image. It was about 2 or 3 feet long, and not quite as high. It was a very faint image. It looked like a Spanish town from back, probably in the 1800′s. It looked like the city center of a quaint little Spanish market-place, with old-looking two-story buildings, even with balconies, as I vaguely recall. There were donkeys pulling carts, and Spanish people walking to-and-fro. It was, perhaps, the main intersection of some little Spanish city.
But the strange part of this was that each of their faces was blurred out. So you couldn’t see their faces. Puzzling. Very puzzling!
There were antiquated buildings in the background. It looked like a very happy scene. It was not a still picture. The people and animals were moving; just like a TV. But it wasn’t a television. Nor was it some picture on the wall. It was a 100% vision! But this vision only lasted for a few moments and then completely vanished away!
Needless to say, I was confused by this vision. It seemed to be a hopeful picture! It actually looked like a pretty good place to live! It didn’t go along at all with the Devil’s current barrage of condemnation. Really puzzling!
I can’t honestly say how long this wake-up call from Hell lasted.
But finally, a little “sunbeam of hope” appeared in my otherwise dark world…
“Maybe just maybe, God might hear one last prayer. Maybe one…last…prayer.”
“But you have to do something first, Chuck. You’re gonna have to plop down on your head just like ya did back at Unit 3600.”
I was terrified right now at this horrible thought. Nevertheless, I still had a little hope here. After all, if God might hear just one last prayer…that’s alotta hope! A whole lotta hope! With all this condemnation going on, to have one last prayer….well…that was a very big deal!
So to simply fall on my head as he demanded, was the only obstacle between “hope”…or “NO hope”, should I NOT fall.
Now, I had no mind to jump as high as I did back in the hospital. I wanted to live! I didn’t want to die at this moment in time!
Yeah, back in Unit 3600 I really-really-really wanted to die! But now my attitude was vastly different, for some unknown reason.
But I knew I had to do what the Devil was telling me to do, if I wanted to have a prayer-of-a-chance!
So, I glanced up to make sure no one was looking down at me from outside that little window in which Papa looked at me, during the first few days of my visit.
Next, I got on my bed, and leaned over as close to the floor as I could, holding my hands by my side. I got so close to the hard floor, that my head was only a foot or less from the ground. I tried one time, but my hands just reached the floor and broke my fall. “That’s not good enough, Chuck. No fair using your hands!” , said the Devil, mockingly.
And so I got back into position. I took a lot of time preparing. I didn’t want to die. So finally I leaned over and fell again. But again I used my hands to cushion the blow.
“Nope Chuck. That’s still not good enough!. Yer gonna have to do it, over and over and over until you get it right!!”, mocked the Devil, maybe like an old-fashion, “Schoolmarm” might say!
After several failed attempts, I finally succeeded in falling on my head with my hands by my side. I fell onto that hard, ceramic-tile floor on my head, without using my hands!
Yeah, I fell on my head, and I wasn’t hurt. And falling over onto my back made a lot of noise, however. I was hoping that nobody in the house had heard me. “I DID IT! I FELL DOWN ON MY HEAD!!”
Cigarette smoke – wikimedia – share-alike license
But now I felt that I had just one prayer. Oh…I savored that opportunity! One last prayer! It was the only ray of hope remaining for me! And needless to say, it was like the juiciest and most flavorful New York Steak dinner, just awaiting for my taste-buds to delight in its consumption!
But what should I ask for? Maybe I should ask for a long life!
I suppose I could have thought about that old comedy with Bob Hope or somebody. You know, a guy standing in front of a firing squad. And he had one last request. He asked if he could smoke a last cigarette. So he pulls out a two-foot-long cigarette to smoke. And now, that old Hollywood comedy gag would make a whole lotta sense! Now I wanted something that would likewise last me a long time!
So I got down on my knees and carefully chose my words.
Cigarette_smoke – cropped image – wikimedia – share-alike-license.jpg
But what should I ask for? A long life of seeing the worl
d? Lots of money also? Fame and fortune? Beautiful women? Maybe I should have asked for that yacht that I was gonna sail away into the sunset with? Or maybe all the
No, there was only one thing that was important right now; and such a wish would also buy me some much-needed time! And this one thing just might give me the knowledge that I needed, to get myself out of this impossible predicament! Because I felt that this one thing contained a lot of hope. And hope was just now in short supply. Very short supply!
And so I prayed the following words…
Yacht – Lady Moura in Monaco – wikipedia – public domain
betty boop – wikipedia – public domain
“Please God, let me read the whole entire Bible!”
That was it! That was my last request! “Please God, let me read the whole Bible.” The Bible!
Read the whole Bible, cover to cover!
That was my last request!
That was it!
Holy bible – cropped image – wikimedia – creative commons lic.
.![Judgment Day license plate Judgment Day license plate](
To go to next chapter, click here…
Ch. 27 “Coming To America”
This little chapter tells of the “Orange Crush” and the “big 8/23 Skidoo” and more. Some still unanswered questions.