
By admin On March 20th, 2021








.Orion Constellation and Dragon Constellation 

A new devotional is presented for each day of the year.


Directly below each day’s devotional, is a short “location guide” to one particular sign in the Sun, Moon, or stars.















January 1: (O Taste & See That The Lord Is Good: Closing Time) 


January 2 (Harvesters of Light)


January 3 (A World of Lies, Part 2: “Every Vote Counts! Or Not!”)


January 4 (Trickle-Down Christianity)


January 5 (Pearl of Great Price!)


January 6 (Noble Bereans, Part 37: “The New Waldenses”)


January 7 (Noble Bereans, Part 38: “John Wycliffe & Harold Camping”)


January 8 (Noble Bereans, Part 39: “Huss & Jerome & Us”)


January 9 (Noble Bereans, . Part 40: “Martin Luther”)


January 10 (Mark Now Given? Part 10: The Mark: Visible or Invisible?)


January 11 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 8: (“And He Spake As A Dragon!”)


JANUARY 12 (How a Joke Killed! Part 2-b: “An Antichrist Spirit”)


January 13 (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day, Part 7: “Snowflakes”)


January 14 (Babylon = Baby-Land! Part 3: Jesting)


 January 15 (The Revelation 12 Crown Constellation, Part 1: “Hold Fast To What Thou Hast!”) 1ST ARTICLE OF SERIES


January 16 (The First Shall Be Last! Part 2: “The Tragic Tale of Europe’s Apostasy”)


January 17 (The First Shall Be Last! Part 3: “The Tragic Tale of Europe’s Apostasy” CONTINUED)


January 18(The False Prophet, Part 25: “Roger Williams & The Two Horns of the False Prophet Beast”)


January 19 (Noble Bereans, Part 41: “God’s Prophetic Timeline”)


January 20 (Noble Bereans, Part 42: “Harold Camping and William Miller”)


January 21 (Mark Now Given? Part 4: “Internet Censorship”)


January 22 (Mark Now Given? Part 5: “Freedom of Speech, An Endangered Right!”)


 January 23 (Television and The Image That Speaks, Part 5: “What’s Your Delusion?”)


January 24 (The Devil Made Me Do It, Part 33: “Mass Psychosis or Devil-Delusion?”)


January 25 (Upward, Into the Promised Land! Part 4: “Cleansing the Sanctuary” CONTINUED)


January 26 (Upward, Into the Promised Land! Part 5: “Cleansing the Sanctuary” FURTHER CONTINUED)


January 27 (Noble Bereans, Part 44: “God’s Law & The United States”)


January 28 (Noble Bereans, Part 45: “God’s Law & The United States” CONTINUED)


January 29 (Noble Bereans, Part 46: “God’s Law & The United States” FURTHER CONTINUED )


January 30 (The False Prophet, Part 27: “Many Shall Say…Lord, Lord!”)


January 31 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 20: “O Lucifer, Son of the Morning!”)








February 1 (The Devil Made Me Do It!: “The Hour Of The Hypocrite!”) 


February 2 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 9: “How To Stop the Growing Lawlessness in the Land”)


February 3 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 10: “How To Stop the Growing Lawlessness in the Land” CONTINUED)


February 4th (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 60: “Remember the 6th Commandment Too!”)


February 5 (How a Joke Killed! Part 4: “Mocking Others! Not Good!”)


February 6 (Noble Bereans, Part 50: “Liberty of Conscience Now Threatened!”)


February 7 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 11: “How To Stop the Growing Lawlessness in the Land” CONTINUED FURTHER)


February 8 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 12: “It’s Only A Movie”)


February 9 (Noble Bereans, Part 51: “Come Out of Her My People!”)


February 10 (The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Part 11: “Ellen White on “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble”)


February 11 . . . . Apocalypse NOW! . Part 24: “Ellen White On God’s People Being Delivered”


February 12 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 58: “The Final Destruction of Babylon”)


February 13 (The Devil Made Me Do It, Part 21: “The Dumbing Down of Society About History”)


February 14 (By Beholding Jesus…Changed! Part 2: “Ellen White’s Book on Jesus’ Life”}


February 15 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 25: “Is the Holy Spirit Being Removed From the World?”)


February 16 (The Time of Trouble, Part 4: The Last Hurrah!”)


February 17 (Buying & Selling The Gospel)


February 18 (A Form of Godliness, Part 5: “3-dollar-bill Love!” CONTINUED)


REPLACE DUPLICATE OF YEAR 2, JANUARY 16 – February 19 (Arcturus, The Star That Wise Men Follow, Part 3: “We Have Seen His Star!”)


February 20 (We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood! Part 6, “Satan’s Psycological War Against Our Children!” CONTINUED)


February 21 (Mark Now Given? Part 6: “Killing The Messenger”)


February 22 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 4: “Planet Earth, An Experiment In Selfishness”)


February 23 (Flee To The Mountains, Part 23: “How To Be Like John the Baptist: His Gravitas!”)


February 24 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 5: “Planet Earth, An Experiment In Selfishness” CONTINUED)


February 25 (Noble Bereans, Part 52: “Dead People Speaking!?” CONTINUED)


February 26 (By Beholding Jesus…Changed! Part 3: “Ellen White’s Book on Jesus’ Life” CONTINUED)


February 27 (“Ellen White’s Book, The Desire of Ages: A Story For The Whole Family”)


February 28 (O Taste and See That The Lord Is Good! Part 4: “The Wedding At Cana”)


February 29 (Flee To The Mountain! Part 24: “Pillar of Salt Churches”)








March 1 (He That Hath An Ear To Hear, Part 6: “Strong Delusion!”)


March 2 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 22: “It’s A Gad, Gad, Gad, Gad World!”)


March 3 (Sodom Rising, Part 17 “Which Rainbow Will You Cling To?”)


March 4 (Planet Earth, Devil’s Island, Part 17 – “A World of Terror”)


March 5 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 11: “And He Spake As A Dragon!” FURTHER CONTINUED: “Controlling The World!”) 


March 6 (Look For The Light At The End of the Tunnel! Part 6: “Did Jim Morrison ‘Break On Through To The Other Side’?”)


March 7 (A Suffering Church is a Strong Church! Part 3: “John the Baptist”)


March 8 (In Every Thing Give Thanks!?! Part 8: “Cancer, a Faith-building Experience?”)


March 9 (A World of Lies, Part 14: “It’s a Cuttlefish World! Yellow Journalism Today!” FURTHER CONTINUED)


March 10 (Arcturus, The Star That Wise Men Follow, Part 4: “The Call By The Sea”)


March 11 (The False Prophet, Part 28: “Many False Prophets”)


March 12 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 13: “Sinking Into The Bottomless Pit” CONTINUED)


March 13 (How To Breeze Through The Coming Crisis! Part 6: “Great And Precious Promises!”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – March 14 (The Devil Made Me Do It Part 37: “The Dancing Plague of 1518”)


March 15 (How To Breeze Through The Coming Crisis! Part 7: “Rejoice Evermore…Pray Without Ceasing…In Every Thing, Give Thanks!”)


March 16 ((Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 17 – “The Prodigal Son & The USA”)


March 17 (The False Prophet, Part 29: “The Left Horn: Cruel Compassion”)


March 18 (The Commandments of God, Part 4: “Christians & The Old Testament Law”)


March 19 (As The Flower of the Field, Part 15: “Black Holes In Inner-Space: Romantic Idolatry!”)


March 20 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 14: “This World is Not My Home!”)


March 21 (Daniel 2:41: “A Kingdom…Divided…Cannot Stand!” CONTINUED)


March 22 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 26: “The Invisible War”)


March 23 (My Yoke Is Easy! Part 6: “Come Apart & Rest A While!”)


March 24 (The True Message of Revelation! Part 2: “Do Ye Not Hear The Law?” CONTINUED)


March 25 (Dawn of the Dead! Part 5: “Cannibalizing Our Children!?”)


March 26 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 23: “Romance: The Real Thing or Just A Devilish Delusion?”)


March 27 (Dawn of the Dead! Part 6: “The Time of Trouble”)


March 28 (How To Keep The Sabbath, Part 4: “How To Quit Working On The Sabbath”)


March 29 (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day, Part 9: “Will The Real Nazi/Fascist/Racist Please Shout the Loudest!”)


March 30 (Taking Back This Nation For God, Part 18: “Why Did We Become ‘The Divided States of America’?”) 


March 31 (Noble Bereans? Part 55: “Ellen White’s Views On The Two Beasts of Revelation 13”)








April 1 (Jeremiah & the Smooth Prophets, Part 1) 1st ARTICLE OF SERIES


April 2 (ABC Christianity) 


April 3 (The Evil-Eyed Pharisee Scorner, Part 7: “God Is No Respecter of Persons!”)


April 4 (A World of Lies, Part 15: “Rascals Then, and Rascals Now!”)


April 5 (“The Light of the World!” Part 2)


April 6 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 15: “Why All The Lawlessness?”)


April 7 (The Revelation 12 Crown Constellation, Part 2: “Hold Fast To What Thou Hast!” CONTINUED)


April 8 (“And Just Who is My Neighbor?” Part 2: Good Samaritan)


April 9 (Satan’s Number 8, Part 3: “Caught in Satan’s Web”)


April 10 (Blessing The Children)


April 11 (Two Turtledoves Constellation! Part 2: “Forsaking All to Follow Jesus!”)


April 12 (It’s A Rosie The Riveter World, Part 6: “1st Head of the Beast: Pride!”)  


April 13 (It’s A Rosie The Riveter World, Part 7: “1st Head of the Beast: Pride!) CONTINUED!” 


April 14 (A World of Lies, Part 16: “It’s a Cuttlefish World! Yellow Journalism Today!” CONTINUED)


April 15 (Television and The Image That Speaks, Part 7: “Do Not Rich Men Oppress You?”)


April 16 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 6: “The False Prophet’s Counterfeit Compassion”


April 17 (The False Prophet, Part 31: “The 6th Head: Cruel Compassion Regarding Abortion”)


April 18 (We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood! Part 7, “How To Catch A Serial Killer”)


April 19 (Upward, Into the Promised Land! Part 6: “The Temple Cleansed Again”)


April 20 (The False Prophet, Part 32: “Misguided Mercy”)


April 21 (How Shall the Moon Be Turned Into Blood? Part 7: “Mark of the Beast in the Moon? 2nd Face: The Pharisee-Scorner”) CONTINUED


April 22 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 24: “Satan, the Great Puppet-Master!”)


April 23 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 25: “Satan, the Great Puppet-Master!” CONTINUED)


April 24 (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day, Part 8: “Every Man…His Labor…(Is) The Gift of God” CONTINUED) 


April 25 (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day, Part 9: “Every Man…His Labor…(Is) The Gift of God” FURTHER CONTINUED)


April 26 (Finding Perfect Peace, Part 11, “Why Did God Take Away My Spouse?”)


April 27 (“Habakkuk Says “RUN!” Part 22: “Habakkuk Says ‘RUN’ From Public School!”)


April 28 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 26: “Who Really Blew Up The Twin Towers?”)


April 29 (The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Part 10: “Peter’s Conversion”)


April 30 (Hands That Shed Innocent Blood: “God’s Providence in the Womb”)








May 1 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 24: “Romance: The Real Thing or Just Another Devilish Delusion?”) CONTINUED


May 2 (Add Thou Not! Part 6: “Babylonian Sun Worship”)


May 3 (Add Thou Not! Part 7: “Babylonian Sun Worship” CONTINUED)


May 4 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 7: “Mob Anger & Justice!”)


May 5 Global Warming Alert! Part 2: “Paradise Lost: Why Are There So Many Fires?)


May 6 (Global Warming Alert! Part 3: Why Is There Global Warming?)


May 7 (Arcturus, The Star That Wise Men Follow, Part 5: “The Walk To Emmaus in Today’s World”)


 May 8 (Prayer In A Fragile World! Part 6: “Praying Yourself To Sleep”)


May 9 (The Straw-Man! Part 8: “Aleister Crowley: Satan’s Wing-man or Just His Straw-man?”)


May 10 (The Weapons of Our Warfare! Part 2: “Fighting Our Own Battles)


May 11 (Revelation 12 Woman, Part 2: “Why Are Things Getting so Crazy Terrible?”)


May 12: The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 28: “The Robin Hood Conspiracy!”


May 13 (“He That Hath An Ear To Hear”, Part 8: “Ellen White On Parables”)


May 14 (The False Prophet, Part 33: “What If The Right Prevails Over The Left?”)


May 15 (The 4 Winds of Revelation 7:1 Now Blowing! Part 2: “Separating The Wheat From The Chaff”)


May 16 (“The Dawning of the Day!”)


May 17 (Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads, Part 6: “Don’t Look Down!”)


May 18 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 29: “When The Devil Whispers ‘Murder!’”)


May 19 (The 7 Stars, Part 2: “7 Stars & The 7 Bowls of Wrath”)


May 20 (Mark Now Given? Part 8: “Masters of the Universe or Just Useful Pawns of Satan?”)


May 21 (As The Flower of the Field, Part 15: “A World of Wilting Flowers?”)


May 22 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 8: “The Dragon’s 6th Head & The 6th Commandment”)


May 23 (As The Flower of the Field, Part 16: “It’s a ‘Lose-Lose’ World!”)


May 24 (The False Prophet, Part 34: “The False Prophet’s Two Horns Concerning Capitalism VS. Socialism!”)


May 25 (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day, Part 13: “How To NOT Take The Long Road Home!”)


May 26 (In Every Thing Give Thanks!?! Part 9: “…Until I Met a Man Who Had No Feet!”)


May 27 (As The Flower of the Field, Part 18: “Somewhere Over The Rainbow?”)


May 28 (The Revelation 12 Crown Constellation, Part 3: “Hold Fast To What Thou Hast!” CONTINUED)


May 29 (The Revelation 12 Crown Constellation, Part 4: “Hold Fast To What Thou Hast!” FURTHER CONTINUED)


May 30 – (Noble Bereans, Part 59: “Go Into The Highways & Hedges!”)


May 31 (Seared As With A Hot Iron, Part 2: “It’s A Totalitarian World!”)








June 1 (Damsels & Dragons, Part 2: “The Revelation 12 Dragon’s Floodwaters!”)


 June 2 (Who is the Rich Young Ruler? Part 2: “Going Through a Needle’s Eye”)


June 3 (Who Is The Rich Young Ruler? Part 3 – “Going Through a Needle’s Eye” CONTINUED)


June 4 (Who Is The Rich Young Ruler? Part 4 – “Going Through a Needle’s Eye” CONTINUED)


 June 5 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 21: “Turn Not To The Right Hand, Nor To The Left!”)


June 6 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 19: “Like Hind’s Feet To Walk Upon Mine High Places”)


June 7 (Loopholes in God’s Law, Part 2: “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?”)


June 8….(We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood! Part 8, “Political Correctness: Christo-phobia?”)


June 9 (Mark Now Given? Part 9: “Is The Vaccine The Mark of the Beast?”)


June 10 (As The Flower of the Field, Part 19: “The Biggest Carrot In The Universe!”)


June 11 (Noble Bereans? Part 60: “Ellen White On The Ministry of Healing”)


June 12 (Nature’s Witnesses, Part 15: “Ellen White On ‘Nature & Health’”)


June 13 (Television and The Image That Speaks, Part 8: “The Many Faces of Satan”) 


June 14 (Noble Bereans? Part 61: “Ellen White On The Ministry of Healing” CONTINUED)


June 15 (What’s An Aristaphagist!? Part 3: “What Did Jesus Eat?”)


June 16 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 30: “Fanatics in the Church!”)


June 17 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 9: “You Say You Want A Revolution”)


June 18 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 10: “Satan’s Monster-Making Machinery!”)


June 19 (Flee To The Mountains, Part 24: “Am I a Lot, or an Abraham?”)


June 20 (The Return of Elijah, Part 4: “Mothers & Children”)


June 21 (O Taste and See That The Lord Is Good! Part 7: Our Badness & The Lord’s Goodness!)


June 22 (Apocalypse Now! Part 27: “Satan Now On the March”)


June 23 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 12: “Woke Christians & Heaven’s Cancel-Culture!”)


 June 24 (Flee to the Mountains, Part 27: “Escape From Planet Earth!”)


June 25 (What’s An Aristaphagist? Part 4 “How To Cure Fibromyalgia”)


June 26 (The False Prophet, Part 37: “Understanding the 2nd Beast, Its Two Horns & Today’s Political Divide”)


June 27 (Planet Earth: Devil’s Island! Part 18: “Every Knee Shall Bow!”)


June 28 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 16: “Why Are Our Enemies Taking Over?”)


June 29 (Flee To The Mountain! Part 25: “Jeremiah’s Cup of Fury! The Removal of the Holy Spirit” CONTINUED)


June 30 (The Sign Of The Son Of Man In Heaven, Part 2: “Jesus: The True Meaning of Coming Out of Babylon”)




