
By admin On April 5th, 2011






Once upon a time there was a young man. This young man had much of what life could offer.

He had money. He had youth. He had talent.

He had…well…he had just about everything most people could want or hope for.



But there was one thing this young man did not have.The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893



You see, this young man did not have the preparation necessary for the firestorm which was about to burst out on him.

And this firestorm was Judgment Day: his Judgment Day.


He didn’t even believe that God existed.

And neither did he believe that there was such a being as the Devil. 

Picture right: TheScream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893






This e-book, “Judgment Day: RX7”, tells the true account of this young atheist who received a deadly blow to his atheism when he came home one night and the Devil was waiting for him.

And you will read about all the “fun and games” which followed…



In the e-book, “Judgment Day: RX7”, you will read of the ultimate “Vacation from Hell”, as he visited Guatemala, being tormented by Satan for most of the trip. 

Climb with author to the top of the Jaguar Temple in the Mayan ruins of Tikal.

And all the way to the top, being deceived by satanic lies.

Temple-1-tikal-feb-2006 wikipedia GNU free-use license


Next you will see him fall to the depths of human despair, as Satan crushes out every last ray of hope that he had.


Then follow the author as he went in and out of several mental hospitals, trying to convince psychiatrists that he was demon harassed, and not mentally ill.


Picture right: Temple-1-tikal-feb-2006 wikipedia GNU free-use license






You will be taken through his agony and horror, as he faces Judgment Day as the Devil came through the inmates, television, and other things in such a way as to hold a mock trial…of the author.

And all the while, trying in vain to convince others this was satanic, and not mental illness.


Belize20D_242 wikipedia share-alike licenseYou may rejoice to read of God’s great mercy, in bringing the author safely through the fiery furnace of satanic torment…

…and how the Lord led the author to finally put on the “armor of God”…

…in such a way as to resist the Devil…

…and to walk the narrow upward pathway through the devouring fire, and upward toward the heavenly Jerusalem.


Picture left: Belize20D_242 wikipedia share-alike license






Orion Constellation and Dragon Constellation

When all is said and done, you will find yourself believing this story.

Or you may find enough evidence to convince yourself this is the imagination of a lunatic.

Either way, you will probably be convinced that this is the author’s honest account of what happened.


This personal story is in harmony with Scripture, and exalts the Bible in such a way, that you may find yourself scrambling for your Bible, in hopes of putting on your “Armor of God”, for what is just upon the horizon for the entire world.







Table of Contents




You may click on any chapter links listed below…



.800px-Juancito pack mule wikipedia public domain

Ch. 1: HOME PAGE…”Beginning of the Trail”  Story of a very difficult climb.





Ch. 2: “Atheist-2-Believer In 1-Second-Flat”  The 1st day. What happens when an atheist meets the Devil? Read.





.The Real Accusing Finger -www.signsofheaven.org-copyright 2011

Ch. 3: “Where Ya Gonna Run To, All On That Day?”…  The 2nd day. What happens when comedy comes back to bite you?





.The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893


SPECIAL SECTION:  “Oh Sinnerman” youtube song  This song seems to capture the terror of Judgment Day.









Ch. 4: They’re Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha!… The 3rd day of Chuck’s troubles.







Ch. 5: “…One Flew “INTO” The Cookoo’s Nest, Part 1: “Old Days”…”  What happened in the mental ward? Not what Chuck expected.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest poster – wikipedia – “Fair Use” Copyrighted







Ch. 6:   One Flew Into The Cuckoo’s Nest, Part 2: “Catch A Wave!” Chuck continues to reminisce about various popular giant tsunami-sized waves which swept over society (and swept him up too!)


Mavericks Surf Contest 2010 wikipedia – cropped image – share-alike license






.380px-Michail_Alexandrowitsch_Wrubel_001 wikipedia public domain

Ch. 7:  One Flew Into The Cuckoo’s Nest, Part 3: “Do You Believe In Magic?” Chuck thinks back to times when he had experienced several incidents of what might be called “Occultic Phenomena”







Ch. 8: “Born Free?“…How can such a lovely and benign little song become like a horrible, deadly, giant hailstone? Read to find out.


Born Free Poster – wikipedia – fair-use-rationale (click here to see Fair-Use Rationale requirements)










Ch. 9: “The Last Passover”…  Read about the last night of doom on earth.







Ch. 10: “Left Behind!…One tin soldier rides away”. Chuck goes through the Rapture, and finds himself “Left Behind!”







Ch. 11: “Welcome Back, Hotter!”… Chuck’s second trip to the “ward 3600″ did not go quite as smoothly as the first trip..








.checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org

Ch. 12: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell!” PART 1…  The spirits had all sorts of “fun & games” planned.






.Our Daily Brainwashing


Ch. 13: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” PART 2…Did it ever occur to you that the television is greatly controlled by Satan? This expose’ on television is a real “eye opener”!








Name That Commandment

Ch. 14: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” PART 3… This second part to the previous chapter, is the frightening story about the interaction between these spirits and the TV. This story raises some issues that are incredible, to say the least!







Ch. 15: ” It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over”… What do you do, when the entire world wants to cut you in pieces?





Ch. 16: “And then it still ain’t over!“… 


Yogi Berra was correct of course, when he said “It ain’t over till it’s over, and then it still ain’t over!”PRAYER

So the question to be answered is: How do you escape when you’re in an iron room with no doors or windows? Is it all over? Well, just read this chapter to find out. This chapter is about just that kind of situation. But like Yogi says, “and then it still ain’t over!”




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Ch. 17: “Silent Night”…  The spirit takes a vacation, and Chuck goes to the coast.









Ch. 18: “On Such A Winter’s Day”…The spirit returns. Big-time!






Ch. 19: “I AM Music”…  This spirit is a pretty good song-writer!






Ch. 20:  “And I Write The Songs”…   More songs by a pretty good song-writer.







Ch. 21: “Vacation From (in) Hell”… If you think your vacation went badly, just read about this one!!!








Ch. 22: “Fantasy Island”…  Fantasy Island always made people better by the end of the show. This Fantasy Island was no exception!







Ch. 23:  “On A Train Bound For No-where”… This was more than just a bumpy ride!








Ch. 24: “On A Train Bound For No-where”, CONTINUED: The Lost Isle of Thunderbolts” Chuck turns into a “Right-Turn” extremist. He also buys the world’s costliest gum! 


Lightning FL courtesy Craig O’neal for wikipedia creative commons license 2.0





Temple-1-tikal-feb-2006 wikipedia GNU free-use license


Ch. 25:  “On A Train Bound For No-where”, CONTINUED: “Return, O Promised One”… The Mayans would’ve been proud! NOT!”







Ch. 26: “RX-7″…   Finally the spirit ”Comes out of the closet” and exposes who he really is!







Ch. 27: “Coming To America”… This little chapter tells of the “Orange Crush” and “big 8/23 Skidoo” and more. Some still unanswered questions.









Ch. 28: “Hellen Ashes” … This chapter has some very prophetic moments.







lithoraph by Gustave Dore' Wikipedia Public Domain



Ch. 29: “Oh Lucifer, Son Of The Morning”… this chapter discusses how “The Devil made me do it” is a lot more true than most of us would care to admit.







Ch. 30:  “Goodbye Cruel World!”…  Will Chuck take that final plunge over the falls? Will the voice be gone forever? Read and find out.










And so, this was how my atheistic belief was shot dead; yes… shot dead by God!


Billy the Kid – wikipedia – public domain