1984 All Over Again?
By admin On May 25th, 2022It is a wonder why the book, Orwell’s “1984”, is still required reading in many public schools!
“And why is that?”, you might ask.
Well, just look out at current events in many or most societies! Don’t we see the very nations which once embraced freedom, now beginning to transform themselves into the very same authoritarian dystopia which Orwell warned against?
And why is it that the general populace is so willing to vote for politicians whom they know will push for such an Orwellian dystopia?
Maybe because our mainstream information organizations are increasingly becoming propaganda arms for our atheistic politicians! Maybe because our schools have likewise become filled with zealots for atheism!
And what about the social media? It too has almost monopolistic control over what people are allowed to hear, or not to hear!
Yes, just like Orwell’s book, every household has a two-way monitoring system in which we increasingly hear mostly what they want us to hear, and also are being spied upon to see what we are thinking and speaking and doing!
Yes, “the god of this world”, Lucifer, now called Satan, has invented the Internet for the very purpose of allowing complete authoritarian control over the masses.
History books are now being written to give an exaggerated version of history, just like Orwell’s book!
The government openly lies, knowing that the media, for the most part will cover for them!
The justice department has greatly been corrupted by socialists who want harsh justice to be applied to those who oppose their authoritarianism!
About the only thing Orwell didn’t get right was in the area of fleshly pleasures. Probably because he was an atheist, he failed to predict the current moral decay in society. Because had he understood Bible prophecy, he would have realized that immorality would be running rampant in these last days!
Well, who knows what the immediate future holds in store for us? Perhaps things will go back to normal for a few years. After all, we are now standing in the Valley of Decision”, in which each and every person must