Daily Devotional, Year 4, August 18: (Mark Now Given? Part 12: “The Internet Mob’s ‘Cancel-Culture'”)
By admin On March 23rd, 2021.
Daily Devotional, Year 4 – August 18
Mark Now Given?
Part 12:
“The Internet Mob’s ‘Cancel-Culture'”
To read Part 1, click here...January 20th (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day)
Isn’t it amazing how fragile and even hysterical our societies have become!? And one might even describe much of today’s turmoil as “Mass Insanity”!
Yes, it seems as though the Internet has become the breeding ground for a whole lot of anger, rage, hatred, and finger-pointing! Many even describe all this current evil rhetoric as “The Internet Mob”, or “The Cancel Mob”.
And it’s truly amazing to see how cruel a large mob of people can get when they join forces under the cloak of anonymity, which the Internet so easily provides!
The name-tag given for this current-day phenomenon is, of course, “The Cancel Culture”.
“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”
Matthew 24:12
People are even losing their lucrative careers and often having their entire lives destroyed over some thoughtless comment they might have made in past times.
Quite often, the “Internet Mob”, not satisfied with facts, will even twist and embellish some individual’s words in attempt to destroy that person’s reputation. And all this evil being carried out merely for the sin-sick pleasure of destroying another human being!
It’s really quite frightening to see all this insidious and venomous evil now sweeping through the Internet like a giant and deadly tsunami!
And while many are happily applauding and encouraging this Internet hate-fest to continue, yet other, saner voices on the Internet/television, are pleading…“This raging, hate-filled madness has to stop!”
Minneapolis Riots – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but…against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12
Well, of course, many Christians “are not ignorant of his (Satan’s) devices”. 2nd Corinthians 2:11 And they fully understand that all this societal hate-fest is actually being fueled and orchestrated by none other than that “that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan“! Revelation 20:2
Just listen to Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
This verse reveals just who our true enemy is: it is none other than Satan, the unseen ruler and master orchestrator of this fallen, evil world!
Christian and Apollyon – Pilgrim’s Progress – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark…”
Revelation 13:17
Yes, it now appears that Satan has been permitted by God to fulfill Bible prophecy which foretold of this very hour in which the entire world will be subjected to the final test.
And all this cancel-culture appears to be merely the preparatory precursor for the ultimate cancelling, which Revelation 13 prophesies of, using the following language…
“And he (Satan working through unsaved men) had power to…
cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed…
And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark…”
Revelation 13:15, 17
(Parenthetical comment by website Editor)
Yes, this above prophecy will be the ultimate cancelling, in which Satan, working in and through the unsaved multitudes, will ultimately turn their weapons against God’s faithful remnant people.
And all those who refuse to bow down to this present-day world-order will be cancelled!
ABOVE PICTURE: Mark of the beast – pub. dom. – Wikipedia
Proverbs 25:25
But in spite of this terrifying report, there is still much Good News! Yes, there is a way of escape from all this pandemic madness! We don’t have to get swallowed up by all this societal hate!
And God is now calling to His people, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
And so, the call is now going out to “flee to the mountains”. Matthew 24
And truth-be-told, the actual mountains we must flee to, are spoken of in many such places as Habakkuk 3:19…“The LORD God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and He will make me to walk upon mine high places.”
And did you know, the spiritual mountains to which we must flee are actually spoken of in Ephesians 2:6, “And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”?
Picture – Lot Escapes – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.
ABOVE PICTURE: Most Holy Place within the heart – Signs Of Heaven
Daily Devotional, Year 2 – May 20 (Mark Now Given? Part 13: “The Cancel Culture & the Beast’s Mark”)
Covid – Mark Hand – Home quarantine stamp – cropped and altered Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
“Dear Lord, Help me to prepare my heart for that day. Let me hide all those great and precious promises in my heart, so that I may walk by these through the soon-coming fire and tempest…
USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…SEPTEMBER 5 (Apocalypse Now! Part 9: Has Judgment Day Begun? Part 1), or you can also read… NOVEMBER 27 (Prayer in a Fragile World! Part 3: No Fear On Judgment Day?
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
Please tilt your head to the left. Do you see a man with a very long pointed nose. (Obviously, the sketch to the right is just an exaggeration in order to help you find the face in the photo to the left.)
Do you see an angry look? His right eyebrow is raised as if he is judging.
This second face in the Moon appears to be that of a combination of a man as well as a fox. Or maybe a wolf. Doesn’t he have a long narrow nose like a wolf or fox? Maybe even a dog. Nevertheless, the expression on his face, as he appears to look down upon the Earth, is that of scorn.
Unlike the first Moon-man’s sad look of shock and awe (click here to see and read about); this ‘man/fox/wolf/dog’ appears to be that of anger and scorn. As if he is disgusted at the sinful planet below. He is very moral, you see.
“Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath.” Proverbs 21:24
Yes, this wolf-like beast-face in the Moon, is what the Bible calls a proud Pharisee. They were the morality crowd. They were the finger pointers. They were the scorners. They didn’t realize that their own pride was even more reprehensible to God than the drunkenness, immorality, or sexual perversions of the unsaved of the world.
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Moon Into Blood Trilogy: 2nd Face: The Pharisee Scorner”
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
August 19 (How To Keep The Sabbath, Part 5: “The Mark of the Beasts”)
ABOVE PICTURE: Mark of the beast – pub. dom. – Wikipedia

Maranatha!: “Fanaticism and Tongues Speaking”– By Ellen G. White
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 5-MINUTE DEVOTIONAL – – Maranatha!: “Fanaticism and Tongues Speaking”– By Ellen G. White (youtube.com)
Falling Backwards – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Share-alike License