Arcturus (the star that wise-men follow!)

By admin On December 22nd, 2010








“Can you guide Arcturus


with his sons?”

Job 38:32 







In the Book of Job, the last chaptersis found a very long lecture to Job, given by Almighty God Himself! 


And in this amazing lecture, God asked Job various questions.


However, the questions God asked, were probably far beyond what Job could comprehend, much less give an answer to. 


Job-and-his-friends – wikimedia – public-domain










But among the various questions asked Job, were some very curious ones about the stars.

.Wise Men (Magi) From East Follow Star To domain release

And one of those questions about the stars was… “Can you guide Arcturus with his sons?” Job 38:32.


Now Job, like many ancient wise-men, probably realized that Arcturus was that very bright star in the night skies. But what in the world was God talking about, when He asked Job if he could “guide Arcturus WITH HIS SONS? How could a star have sons?! And how could Job possibly guide a star!? What strange questions for God to be asking a mere mortal man!!







Revelation 10:7


And so this puzzling question which God asked Job (“Can you guide Arcturus with his sons?” Job 38:32.), was never answered.

Wise Men (Magi) From East Follow Star To domain release


And the Bible seems silent on this question. And so, this question has remained a mystery for thousands of years…until now.


You see, God, according to His “eternal purpose” (not to mention His infinite patience), has kept these things secret through the long millenniums…until just now! 


Yes, God is beginning to reveal these mysterious signs in the heavens! And now we are discovering that God has written His marvelous love story in the heavens, using the various constellations as picture symbols. And this should be no surprise. After all, God plainly declares in Psalms… “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1.


But the heavens also declare God’s righteousness, as is written… “And the heavens shall declare His righteousness…Selah.” Psalm 50:6.








Now as far as those who search Bible prophecy concerning “signs of the End”, most of us were expecting extraordinary heavenly phenomena: you know, such things as giant asteroids or other colossal cataclysmic occurrences.




But you see, God has mentioned various constellations in Scriptures: Orion, The Pleiades, Mazzaroth, etc.. But He also spoke in Revelation of “great signs” in the heavens: a woman with child, a dragon who swept a third of the stars, and Michael who fought against that dragon (see Revelation, Ch. 12).


The Bible also speaks of other signs in the heavens. And it is the purpose of Signs Of Heaven website to introduce these wonderful signs, and to reveal the many Bible passages which explain them. And if you are one of the fortunate ones to receive this amazing message, then you too can begin to proclaim this heavenly love story to anyone willing to listen.


Comet Hale-Bopp-29-03-1997 – cropped image – wikipedia – share-alike license








Matthew 6:20


“My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and My revenue than choice silver. I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: That I may cause those that love Me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.” Proverbs 8:19-21. This above passage speaks of a pathway which leads to riches and treasures.


Yes, God is just now revealing the long-awaited signs, as it is written, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:25. And God is just now opening up a pathway to the stars: a figurative gate to Heaven itself!









But be warned! This message is a warning for each of us to renounce this evil world of selfishness, and a call for us to come follow Jesus, as one of His disciples.


And by becoming His disciple, the Reader will discover that it will require everything, as far as the self-seeking earthly-pleasures, riches, desires, and aspirations that this present world has to offer.


Pilgrim in a Rocky Valley – by Carl Gustav Carus – wikimedia -US public domain








Listen… “Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in His commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and His righteousness endureth for ever.” Psalm 112:1-3


Nevertheless, by becoming a true follower of Jesus, the Christian will become one of the wealthiest persons on Earth! A billionaire? No…a trillionaire!!


And how is this possible? This is because, as God’s child, God has promised eternal life to those who persevere in following Him. And of course, everlasting life is worth more than all the riches that this world could possibly give, wouldn’t you agree?


But if that’s not enough, the redeemed will eventually inherit the vast riches of love and knowledge and wisdom and everlasting life, and all the other treasures that Heaven has to offer, as is written… “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.” Revelation 21:7.








. the faithful follower of Jesus will be of those who unravel unfathomable mysteries.


And the Christian will embark on incredible spiritual journeys, far above the heavens, into the Heavenly throne-room of God, and far beyond anything Mankind can conceive or dream of! And though right now, the child of God won’t literally see these things. But with his or her mind’s eye, they will dwell in Heaven itself, seated with Christ in the heavenly throne-room of God!


ABOVE PICTURE – Starry Night at La Silla – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license








And furthermore, you will gain a love and a sympathy and an understanding for lost sinners, just as the great love which Jesus has for miserable sinners: miserable sinners such as you and me! 


So don’t hesitate! And don’t be afraid to follow Jesus! We have everything to gain, and we will have all eternity to enjoy it!


Now that’s true riches, my friend! That is true riches!


Nicodemus – Wikimedia – Public Domain






“there shall come a Star out of Jacob”…

Numbers 24:17

Wise Men (Magi) From East Follow Star To domain release


“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him.” Matthew 2:1, 2 


There exists a lot of intrigue regarding just what star did the Magi from the East follow, which led them to the First Advent of our Savior. The Bible speaks of Arcturus as a possibility… “canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?” Job  38:33. 


Arcturus may very well have been that star. Nobody knows for certain, because God can perform miraculous deeds beyond anything we can conceive or even imagine!


In simple terms, there’s nothing that’s impossible for God! (Luke 1:37)








But there is a much greater question which confronts Mankind today.


Because, just as a single star guided those wise men to the coming Savior, so also, God is just now giving us a star (plus many other stars), to guide us safely to the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior!


And so this starry guide (Arcturus) appears to be the type fulfillment of those wise men following the star, 2,000 years ago!


Starry Night at La Silla – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license







We must keep in mind, that those wise men of old, after spending countless hours searching the Scriptures, to see just exactly what and who those prophecies were pointing to, traveled through the deserts hundreds of miles to find the Messiah.


And so, are you willing to spend months praying and searching out this message, in light of God’s Word, to see if this message is the real thing?


In other words, are you truly the last-day fulfillment of those wise-men of old? Are you willing to put out the same effort that those wise men of old put out, to discover the truth? And with this message, you don’t even have to travel hundreds of miles!


But to really understand this message, does take a great deal of effort.


But wise men don’t mind that!


After all, that’s exactly the stuff that wise men are made of! 


USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – public domain










And Arcturus is that brilliant star (one of the brightest in our heavens) which leads these Gospel constellations, Summer, Fall, and Winter Constellations, to present a picture story, a heavenly allegory of sorts; these constellations, which together, tell of the incredible love of God.


And Arcturus, our Host Star, will lead to an understanding of God’s Word, which will, in turn, guide God’s people up a narrow pathway; onward and upward through Heaven’s Gate itself, and ultimately into the very heavenly City of God!


Oh don’t doubt for a moment that God cannot or will not do this! For with God, all things are possible! Listen… “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23


And Signs Of Heaven Website will direct the Reader to God’s Word in such a way as to bring out certain Bible truths not currently recognized or emphasized in most of the current Christian theological circles. 









An easy way to find Arcturus is to follow the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper, in the spring through fall (these are the months in which Arcturus is visible). 


SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS: (Star-chart: constellations span the heavens (Ark in south, 7 Stars in north), and travel from east to west through the night.

This sketch is of the Summer Constellations as they appear when in the western half of the night sky. The box-like constellation is the The Ark of the Covenant (AKA Sagittarius) is in the south. To the right is both the Flower of the Field Constellation (AKA Scorpius) and the The Cross/Scepter Constellations. Further to the north is the Crown of Revelation Twelve (AKA  Corona Borealis Constellation) and the star, Arcturus. Farthest to the north is the 7 Stars Constellation (AKA The Big Dipper )









The bright and beautiful star known as Arcturus leads a heavenly entourage westward (and northward) each night through the heavens with his sons (and daughters).


That brilliant star, just like that star in the east, which guided the wise men of old. And just like Jesus, who guided His faithful disciples…so too, Arcturus seems to be a representation of Jesus.


Thus, “can you guide Arcturus with his sons”, seems really to be speaking of Christ.


That is, Arcturus leads his nightly procession of constellations through the skies, giving a heavenly parable of how our Lord, not only led His disciples through the Holy Land, but likewise leads His followers today…


SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS WITH WOMAN AND TURTLE-DOVES: The above sketch are the Summer Constellations as they appear when in the western half of the night sky. The  Two Turtle-doves Constellation (AKA Sagittarius) is in the south. To the right is both the Flower of the Field Constellation(AKA Scorpius) and the The Cross/Scepter Constellation. Further to the north is the Crown of Revelation Twelve (AKA  Corona Borealis Constellation) and the star, Arcturus. Farthest to the north is the Woman of Revelation (Woman in Travail) (AKA Ursa Major )









Just who is Arcturus guiding? After all, Scripture says… “can you guide Arcturus with his sons”. Well, obviously, the short answer is…he’s guiding his sons!


But why are these constellations to be considered the sons of Arcturus? These Summer Constellations represent the Gospel as presented in Revelation Chapter 12. Signs In Heaven shows the reader just how all these stars and constellations present the Gospel Story in these heavenly pictures.


And the more one studies this website, the greater will be the understanding of just how these constellations fulfill the Bible prophecy, which says… “can you guide Arcturus with his sons”. 


ABOVE STAR-CHART – Summer Constellations w/doves & Rev. 12 Woman –








The sketch is of the Summer Constellations. Here we see The Two Turtle-Doves Constellation, the The Cross/Scepter Constellation, the star, Arcturus , The Flower of the Field Constellation, The Crown of Revelation Twelve, and The Woman of Revelation 12   (The Two Turtle-Doves are in the south, and the Revelation 12 Woman is in the north)











But as is seen by this other sketch, there are more constellations involved. This sketch shows a box with a star on each end. This represents The Ark of the Covenant , and this other sketch to the right, shows The 7 Stars Constellation (AKA The Big Dipper). Those 5 constellations (7 counting the two double-entendres, already mentioned) listed above, make up what is known as the Summer Constellations.


ABOVE CHART: Summer Constellations – with Ark & 7 Stars 










Now Arcturus is not just guiding the Summer Constellations. No, that bright and beautiful star is also guiding the Fall Constellations (see sketch below, right). And these are known as the Valley of Decision Constellation Group.


Of course, this concept of the Valley of Decision can be found in Joel… “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.” Joel 3:14.


So God is revealing, or rather, hinting of this constellation group, way back in the days of Joel.


But God is no longer hinting, but now revealing this constellation group at this present hour. So if ever there was a time to take heed to the words of Joel, it is now!  


This constellation group is all about a decision: a decision that each and every human must answer… “Am I willing to lay down my life to follow Jesus? Am I willing, for Christ’s sake, to endure the hardships and tribulation which all Christians must endure? Will I allow God to do a work in me to crucify that Old Man of sin within, so that Christ can freely live out His life through me?”


This constellation group can best be seen in late summer through fall, when it is in the eastern skies. It speaks of the valley in which every person who comes into the world must walk at one time or another in his or her life. Read this for sure, and find out how the Andromeda Galaxy concerns us! Hint: The Andromeda Galaxy appears as if it is traveling up the mountain (as the sketch below, to the right shows). And this is very good news! Read and find out why!

Valley of Decision Constellation Group


THE VALLEY OF DECISION CONSTELLATION GROUP. They appear in mid-summer in the eastern skies in pre-dawn hours. These are made of Cassiopeia (mount on left), and various stars from the Andromeda Constellation (valley) Pegasus (Mount of Cursing (middle mount) & Destroying Mount (right)), and Pisces (Broad Way to Hell). The galaxy which appears to be climbing the Mountain of Blessing is the Andromeda Galaxy


The above sketch show this amazing constellation group as it appears in fall, just prior to the winter constellation group. Actually, these Valley of Decision Constellations appear in mid-summer after midnight. The mountain to the left (also known as Cassiopeia) is the Mount of Blessing (Grace). The middle mountain is the Mount of Cursing (the Law). And the third mountain to the far right is the Destroying Mountain (Babylon). The straight line from the Destroying Mountain to the Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation is called the Broad Highway to Hell.


ABOVE PICTURE: Joel the Prophet public domain








Now there is a third group which Arcturus guides: the Winter Constellations. These Winter Constellations follow the Fall Constellations, which follow the Summer Constellations. 


And so now the Winter Constellations must be addressed. These constellations have everything to do with warfare: Christian warfare.


In this sketch to the right is seen four primary constellations: Orion the Soldier, as he fights the Dragon of Revelation 12. Next to this Dragon is the Goodly Horse in Battle Constellation. Last is seen this Revelation 12 Woman again. But now she has flipped around by winter. And now, in her upside down position, she appears as The Fleeing Woman of Revelation 12 .


ABOVE CHART – Winter Constellations – Orion, Revelation 12 Woman (AKA Ursa Major) – Revelation 12 Dragon (AKA Hyades, Pleiades, etc.) – Goodly Horse in Battle with Rider (Camelopardelis, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, etc…)









This entire scenario, both summer and winter, are primarily based on Revelation Chapter 12. But there are aspects which are found in other parts of Revelation, such as The Glorious Horse.


Arcturus leads this heavenly procession of both Summer, Fall & Winter Constellations in a cyclical pattern which takes an entire year before this same story repeats itself. Signs In Heaven explains the details of this unfolding story written by God Himself in the night skies.

winter four constellations


All are invited to come investigate this presentation. And the Reader should keep in mind that in this website, the Bible is exalted as the only infallible Word of God. The Bible is our true focus in the website.  


All the constellations on this website are related to Bible truths. You can go to the Table of Contents, to read about each of these and how they each relate to the Gospel.









(As he proclaims the everlasting Gospel)

The point to all of this is: what God created in the heavens is a colossal pictorial and parabolic story, which unfolds in a yearly cycle. He has chosen Arcturus to represent Jesus. It is as if Arcturus is guiding this heavenly entourage of these starry symbols northwestward through the night skies, giving us a picture show of sorts, presenting the everlasting Gospel, as seen in these picture symbols. Just listen to Scripture…


“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,” Revelation 14:6.


So Arcturus is representing the angel who is flying in the midst of heaven, as this verse says. And what follows Arcturus, is the everlasting Gospel, represented by all these Summer, Fall, and Winter Constellation symbols.


Thomas Cole -_The Voyage of Life Old Age_- 1842 – wikimedia – US public domain








Now obviously, Arcturus is not an angel. But quite often, the Bible uses stars to represent angels, (for example: “The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches” Revelation 1:20). And so it is not difficult for anyone familiar with Scripture to comprehend that these Signs In Heaven are the fulfillment of Revelation 14:6… 


Of course the entire Bible is the everlasting Gospel. So these heavenly symbols merely point us to the Bible: because the Bible should always be the real focus of our attention. 


And these Signs Of Heaven only uplift the Bible. Every article on this site is filled with many Bible verses, and scriptural concepts which are as solid as the Rock of Ages! But, one very important truth should not be forgotten: This message in the heavens does not define the Bible. But rather, these heavenly signs are defined by the Bible! The various doctrines presented on this site should stand on their own, by merely studying the Bible.


Schnorr_von_Carolsfeld – 1860 – Abram counts stars – Wikipedia – Public Domain








“Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;” Titus 1:1 


Now that these basic concepts surrounding Arcturus have been established, it can now be shown how Arcturus guiding his sons relates to the individual person. The above verse from Titus is very revealing, as to just what is the chief pursuit of the Christian: the pursuit of godliness, i.e., to become changed into the righteous image of Christ… “the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;” 


So as it states here, the pursuit of godliness should be the overwhelming goal of each and every professing Christian.


After all, if Bible prophecy is merely cold, abstract ideas, which have little practical relevance to our daily life, then we’re really not understanding prophecy as we ought to understand prophecy. So as one old preacher always used to say, “Let’s try to see these things in a way in which the ‘rubber meets the road'”. Let it be seen, just what is the practical application of Arcturus guiding his sons, and how it relates to each one of us, personally.







Luke 5:11


And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And He says unto them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men’. And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him.” Matthew 4:18-22


And so the star, Arcturus, as it leads an entourage of constellations on a year-long embassage through the heavens, reminds us of Jesus, as He called and led His Disciples.


Christ calling His Disciples by Edward Armitage 1869 courtesy public domain








Contrary to popular opinion, Christianity is much, much, more than merely going to church once a week, paying tithes, and being a nice moral person through the week. No, Christianity is a journey…a spiritual pilgrimage, which takes place in the heart of each Disciple of Jesus. It is not just an ideology which compliments one’s life. IT IS THE LIFE! A personal friendship with our Creator/Redeemer. A brand new life, in which the Disciple receives a new heart.


In basic terms, this means that new thoughts and new desires are imperceptibly placed within the heart of the new convert. But this is a growing experience: a seed which is planted and grows. And God works quietly behind the scenes, cultivating that new seed as it grows and matures into fully grown vine.


And as the days go by, the Disciple grows and grows, becoming more and more like his or her Master.


And as a result, just like that old Gospel song, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face! And the things of the world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace!” To follow Jesus will become increasingly paramount to all earthly considerations.


Braet von Überfeldt – woman with bible – 1866 – wikipedia  – US public domain







. Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he says unto them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men’. And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him.” Matthew 4:18-22


The above verse is a picture of Jesus, standing on the shore…calling His Disciples in their fishing boat, to, “Come and follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men”. And then He led them on an amazing 3-1/2 year journey through the highways and byways of Judea and Galilee!


Just picture Jesus in your mind’s eye, patiently leading about His faithful Disciples…to the wedding at Cana…to the shores of Genesaret. By the Jordan. And onward to Jerusalem. Sleeping under the canopy of the starry black sea of the heavens: listening to Jesus telling his picture-stories; walking along the dusty roads of Israel; joyfully following their Master, wherever He led them.


Jesus calls His disciples – –

Jesus Discourses with His Disciples J- ames Tissot – by Brooklyn Museum – by wikipedia – public domain








“And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed Him.” Luke 5:11 


When the twelve Disciples began to follow Jesus, the above passage was fulfilled. They forsook all to follow Jesus.  But this verse is not just speaking of those 11 faithful ones. No this was also a prophecy concerning each and every follower of Jesus throughout time.


Every True Worshipper of God ultimately forsakes all to follow Him. This “forsaking” is an action of the heart, and not a dispensing of all material goods. It is the new desires of the heart for the things of Heaven, which eventually cause the treasures of the world to lose their luster and diminish in their importance.


Christ calling His Disciples – by Edward Armitage – 1869 – courtesy – public domain









“And He said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it.” Luke 9:23.


If a man, woman, or child decides to follow Jesus, it requires one to give all. Jesus accepts no half-hearted service. And only those who are willing to let God purge their heart from all selfishness, will ultimately overcome the world.


Yes, Salvation is a gift. But only those who have truly received that gift will gain that victory over self, and over the world, with all its glittering allurements.


TAKE UP YOUR CROSS… “Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24.


The Cross is that symbol of self-sacrificing love for humanity. And such love as this, the world cannot know!


USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain









“Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” Revelation 3:17


This rich young ruler wished to become a Disciple and follower of Jesus. And though he tried to keep the commandments since childhood, he knew that there was something wrong in his life. His conscience convicted him that he was lacking something. But just what was missing, he knew not.


Many people only think of money and power when hearing this story of the Rich Young Ruler. But this young man was not only rich, but also had his youth, and probably was handsome, and talented, as well. And most likely, besides enjoying the honors that come with living a high station in life, he no doubt also had other various hobbies, and interests, and further aspirations in life, too! And not to mention, he also had all those selfish and comfortable little pleasures which everyday life affords. 


And Jesus said… “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. Matthew 19:21, 22. 


No doubt, this rich young ruler had various gifts and pleasures and cares, and aspirations: and these were among the riches he didn’t want to give up for Jesus. He enjoyed this life! This present world was his oyster, so to speak. There were simply too many things to give up.


 Rich Young Ruler – Hoffman – complete and entire surrender of this world, in order to gain Christ – wikimedia commons – US public domain









And these are the very same riches which people today are not willing to sacrifice, to follow Jesus. And l that rich young ruler, there are many church-goers who merely try to keep the Law to the letter. Like the rich young ruler, they think they can fulfill the Law’s demands, and yet still hold on to the earthly pleasures and treasures of this life, with all its selfish aspirations and amusements.


But Jesus knows the hearts of men. Jesus is not looking for half-hearted followers. Jesus is looking for men like Paul, and John, and Peter: men who are willing to cast away the world with all its glittering inducements, to follow Jesus with singleness of heart.


Paul Shipwrecked Acts–public domain








Listen… “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,” Philippians 3:8.


Paul here makes a grand testimony about his complete and entire forsaking of the things of the world, in order to win the heavenly Prize… “I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,”.


Paul couldn’t have cared less about earthly treasures and worldly comforts! To become like Jesus was everything to Paul…and to John…and to Peter…and to James, etc… 


Paul the Apostle-Artist-Valentin de Boulogne or Nicolas Tournier- circa 1500s wikipedia public domain











But that rich young ruler didn’t realize what he was giving up, as he walked sadly away from Jesus. He just didn’t know what joy was awaiting him, in becoming a Follower of Jesus! This is the joy of all joys…to become a Disciple and Follower of Jesus…just like Peter or John, or Matthew, and all the others!







When you make the decision to follow Jesus, you are there: with Peter, James, John, and Andrew, leaving their boats in order to follow Jesus: happy to forsake all, and excited to follow the long-awaited Messiah!









When in your prayer closet, you are there, wrestling with Jesus, just as did Jacob on the night of his trouble. And one day, if we persevere, we will be able to say with Jacob… “for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Genesis 32:30. Yes, the troubled times in which we now live, cry out for our intense pleadings for God’s grace, for ourselves, and for the needs of others too!


Jacob – Wikimedia-US – Public-Domain









When handing out tracts or knocking on doors, or just telling about Jesus to someone in the local mall, you are there: with the seventy disciples, whom  Jesus sent out, two by two, to proclaim the wonderful Gospel to the multitudes. When you are at work, trying to be a good and godly example to others, you are likewise witnessing your faith, just as did those Disciples of Jesus.


Mall witnessing, Panama City, Panama –




When you are studying your Bible, or even just meditating on the Scriptures, as you work: as you walk, as you lie down.


You are there: with those twelve Disciples, gathered around a fire, listening to Jesus, explaining His parables…under the canopy of the starry host of heaven: being in tune to God’s silent promptings of your heart, urging you forward to perform those Christ-like duties and to walk more and more as Jesus walked.


Virtuous Woman with Bible – Braet von Überfeldt – 1866 – Wikipedia – US Public Domain

Jesus Teaching – Luke 4:31-32 – jesus talks about heaven – – public-domain








When you give your offerings, or just sharing your time or talents with others, you are there: pouring fragrant ointment on Jesus, just as did that woman with the alabaster box.









When you help someone who is needy, with your time, or finances, prayers, or other means, you are there, just as that Good Samaritan who cared for that beaten man, when nobody else would lift a finger.








When you are persecuted for your faith, you are there with Peter and the other apostles, being beaten and persecuted for their witness of their faith (and rejoicing that they were accounted worthy by God, to suffer for the name of Jesus!)








When you are suffering in a hospital bed. Or on the bed of affliction, under God’s heavy hand of chastisement for sin, as you sit in confinement.


Yes, and even finally upon your death-bed, fighting life’s last battle. There you are! There, next to Jesus…on a cross…suffering…even dying…joyfully…for Jesus’ sake…crying out un-presumptuously to Him, “Remember me Lord, when You come into Your kingdom!”







Elisha & Chariots of Fire


Yes dear Christian, you are there! The Christian life is a supernatural life. That is, when you choose to follow Jesus, you become connected (via God’s Spirit) to the infinite power of eternal God. And though you cannot see Him on His glorious throne, yet by faith you can see, in your mind’s eye, all the armies of Heaven gloriously aligned above the horizon, just awaiting to do battle on your behalf, as you humbly cry out to your Heavenly Father for His divine help and protection and grace in times of doubt or distress or suffering!








. by day, you will find yourself walking, like the Disciples, spreading the precious Gospel seed wherever the Spirit leads. Taking the lovely name of Jesus, with every word spoken. Walking through this sin-darkened world, witnessing to those who take notice that of a truth, Jesus is present within you. Even like faithful Enoch, walking through the highways and byways of life in this world, spreading the Gospel-seed of unpretentious love. 


Day by day, you will become more and more closed in with God. Moment by moment, your heart will become intertwined with God’s heart, eventually two hearts beating as one heart. And just like Enoch, when the appointed time of sojourning on earth is finally done…you will walk onward…and upward…and into the highways and byways of eternity. (“And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” Genesis 5:24).


Mall witnessing, Panama City, Panama

Braet_von_Überfeldt_- woman_with_bible_- 1866 – wikipedia  – US public domain

tissot the meal in the house of the pharisee alabaster- – US public domain

Stephen Stoned – Rembrandt_- 1625 – wikipedia – public domain

crucifixion by Paolo_Veronese – 1580-1588 AD – wikimedia – public domain

Elisha & Chariots of Fire –

ThomasCole – Pilgrim of the Cross at the End of His Journey – wikimedia – US public domain








“And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations…” Jeremiah 29:13, 14 


And just like the wise men of old, who journeyed westward, following that brilliant star, leading them to Bethlehem. We too, as wise men, must follow that brilliant star, Arcturus (Jesus), as He leads His sons northwestward…into the heavens…and onward…into eternity. The call is going out to join this heavenly odyssey? The trumpet is now sounding to join the heaven-ward throng. Am I willing to forsake all (in my heart), and follow Jesus? We have nothing to lose and everything to gain…We will have all eternity to follow this heavenly star. The bright shining One…Christ Jesus. 


For He is that true ‘bright and morning star’. (Revelation ch.22).  









“Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.” Psalm 4:4


The burden which Jesus places upon us is a light burden, indeed! He does not require His Followers to wear a heavy yoke around their necks. There are many Christians today, who are spiritually weak, and many are physically weak, as well. We too, can follow Jesus, right where we are. Whether bed-fast, or incarcerated, or just in a weakened condition, we can still stay close by Jesus’ side, and even breathe the very atmosphere of Heaven, right where we are!


Just look at this wonderful painting of this young girl, who, in an obviously tragic circumstance, maintains an unwavering faith, comforting her mother, as her mother weeps.


“The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: Thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.” Psalm 41:3


Munch – Det Syke Barn – 1896 – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








Confinement can be a wonderful place to be busy doing the Lord’s work, as a Follower of Jesus. For those of us who are weak or infirm, confinement can be transformed into the battlefield of victory in the Heavenly Christian warfare. To meditate upon the Bible or even listen to an audio Bible, can be perhaps the finest use of one’s time. To pray while in bed, can be an excellent way to draw close to God.


One humble, praying, trusting Child of God can accomplish more, while in a bed-fast condition, than an entire army, by their own strength and weaponry.


The Christian who has little strength, or is sick or crippled, can take much comfort in the next verse… “Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.” Psalm 149:5


Munch – Det Syke Barn – 1896 – wikipedia – US public domain








Just listen to Paul’s incredible testimony concerning his many ailments and afflictions… “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” 2nd Corinthians 12:10.

450px-Maes_Old_Woman_Dozing wikipedia public domain


So Paul actually took pleasure in things which most people loathe, such as illness. This is because Paul valued the spiritual strength which results from the aforementioned afflictions. Can we say with Paul… “for when I am weak, then am I strong.”?


Those who are given to Insomnia can take much comfort in this next verse… “My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips: When I remember Thee upon my bed, and meditate on Thee in the night watches.” Psalm 63:5, 6


The wayward Christian can plead and plead for hours upon his bed of suffering, for the Lord to forgive and return… “By night on my bed I sought Him whom my soul loveth” Song of Solomon 3:1


Maes – Old Woman Dozing – Wikipedia – Public Domain









.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!




























“Lift up your eyes on high, and behold Who hath created these things; that brings out their host by number: He calls them all by names by the greatness of His might, for that He is strong in power; not one faileth.” Isaiah 40:26


ABOVE PICTURE – Starry Night at La Silla – cropped  and altered image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license






The above verse is a plea from God to look up at the Heavens and behold Who has created these


In this busy work-a-day world, there are many very interesting things which can occupy one’s time and energy: hobbies, and careers, and entertainments and,_near_Yonge.jpgworries, and habits, to name just a few.


But as the child of God devotes his or her life to God, there should be a jealous guarding of one’s own heart… “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23.


The Christian wants nothing to get in the way of running that Christian Race.


New York Times Square – terabass – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share-alike License

Shoppers in Toronto – cropped image – Wikimedia – share-alike license











But having said this, there is one hobby which every ‘Noble Berean’ may take up, which only compliments the pursuit of the heavenly Prize.


Yes, Signs Of Heaven becomes a wonderfully rewarding hobby which, unlike many less meaningful hobbies, pays off with rich, heavenly rewards. Everlasting rewards!


And unlike the person in this photo with equipment, all you need is fairly good vision, and a dark, starry night.


And once a person really gets to know these heavenly messengers, it will become very apparent that the message connected with these signs is truly a message to be heeded.


Thus will the Christian be able to share this message with others. And there are perhaps many nuances and hidden biblical truths to these signs which have yet to be discovered.


Astronomy Amateur – cropped image – Wikipedia – share-alike license







.summer w/woman & doves




“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:25


ABOVE CHART: Summer Constellations with Doves (Sagittarius) & Woman (Ursa Major)








.Orion Constellation

The very first step in finding these many constellations, should be to find the two main constellations: Orion, and the 7 Stars (aka, The Big Dipper).


These two constellations represent Christ (Orion), and His Chur7 stars as Crossch (7 Stars).


And just as these are the easiest constellations to find, so too, the first place to begin studying the Bible is the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).


These four books present Christ and His Church, when He walked the earth, just as Orion and the 7 Stars represent Christ and His Church, as seen up in the heavens.


Then, once you are comfortable finding these two constellations, you can begin to locate the next closest constellations, and so on.


ABOVE PICTURE: Orion the Soldier and the Revelation 12 Dragon (Hyades & Pleiades, etc.) – winter constellations – – not for commercial use

ABOVE PICTURE – 7 Stars Constellation as the Cross (aka Big Dipper) – winter – – not for commercial uses









Now if you’re fortunate enough to be able to go on nightly walks, and you live in an area where you can safely view the stars, here is another Heavenly Hobby which Signs Of Heaven endorses…


Why not combine star-watching with prayer, as you walk? What a great way to draw closer to God!


It cannot be over-stressed, just how wonderful it is to walk under the dark canopy of Heaven, while lifting up one’s heart to our Heavenly Father! There is a closeness to God that cannot be described with words!


(And even if you cannot safely do this, you can always do such prayer-walks in the daytime, in a safe place, such as a mall, which is every bit as effective, prayer-wise.


And for those who are in confinement, one can view these starry signs on the Internet, or simply listen to Scripture on audio.


Either way, all such may enjoy God’s richest blessings at this very time in which God is pouring out all Heaven’s treasures upon anyone willing to forsake all, and follow Jesus!)


Starry Night at La Silla – cropped and latered image – Wikipedia – share-alike license








Now of course, the Bible commands us to, “pray without ceasing“. The Christian is to constantly talk with our Heavenly Father throughout the day.


But the Bible also holds up the godly life of Daniel, who, when captive in Babylon, still set aside three times daily, in which he knelt for special prayer.


And furthermore the Bible also says… “Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice.” Psalm 55:17.


Even those who are bed-fast or in a prison cell can begin to imitate Daniel in this way. And if one is fortunate to be able to walk, then this thrice-daily prayer regimen can be combined with three walks daily and even nightly.


Marines at Prayer by Alex Raymond – Wikimedia – public domain

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