Cancer On A Nation

By admin On February 9th, 2021

The Medical Community has made great strides in its quest to cure cancer. No doubt about it!


But what about a cancer which is destroying a nation? Yes, it seems as if certain western nations have been struck with cancer, even “stage 4 Cancer”!


That’s right, it now appears that those very nations which once lovingly and enthusiastically embraced the Great Christian Reformation are now about ready die. This is so tragic, and deeply saddening to those whose eyes are opened enough to realize what is happening.




Just look at those nations, and what is going down in them….”millions of non-citizens are allowed to flood over the boarders…public schools are now teaching atheism, socialism, sodomy, and other destructive ideologies and perversions…the federal government now engaging in financial suicide with printing money, borrowing from rogue nations, all in effort to support socialist-spending-programs…sexual immorality now being encouraged upon young and old alike…freedom of political/religious speech now being destroyed…Christianity being “dumbed down”, giving sway to various “prosperity gospels”, and sensual behavior…paganism now rising…courts no longer adhering to the “rule of law”…mass murder in abortion clinics…destructive and deadly “recreational” drugs now being legalized…governors and mayors allowing and even encouraging political violence in our city streets, when it agrees with their political leanings…Hypocrisy, cheating, lying, graft are fast becoming the new normal in the political arena…the unwarranted closing of businesses, resulting in mass unemployment, by our free-spending and irresponsible state and federal government leaders…racism rearing its ugly head against Christians, Jews, and various color-groups, to the magnitude never before witnessed…etc…


Now this is just a partial list of the self-destruction going on in the former Christian nations.


And it seems as if a terminal cancer is in its final stages and is about to kill these western nations.


Well, of course, this website has many articles which reveal that it is actually “the god of this world”, Satan who has been permitted to orchestrate this destruction, which will ultimately be the means whereby he will cause all humanity to either worship him or be killed.


It would be really wonderful if the citizenry of this fallen world would repent of our wickedness. It just might be that God may allow us a few more years of probation, like He did to that grate city-state, Nineveh, recorded in the little Book of Jonah.


But truth-be-told, this secular/atheistic world probably won’t do that! And so, we can only expect to see this world get more evil, more hateful, more violent, more immoral, more irresponsible, more selfish, more greedy, more apostate, and more loveless!


If there is any Good News here, it is that this is still the day of Redemption through Christ’s self-sacrifice to make Salvation possible! Yes, like no other time in history, it is critically necessary for any man woman and child who desires eternal life, to flee from the wrath to come…fleeing to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and renewal of life!


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