By admin On March 3rd, 2021






Have you ever been really frightened about the future?


Well, almost every adult can say “Yes” to that question!


The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

But what if the television began to warn and threaten you about the future!? You personally!? That would be really terrifying, wouldn’t it!?


And what if total strangers stopped you and made really ominous innuendos about Hell?


And what if those same strangers began making taunting and vague whisperings about the eternal torment which occurs there?


And then, what if you picked up a magazine, or a newspaper, and began reading, only to see even more frightening allusions about Hell…eternal Hell?!


Well, that’s exactly what I was going through up there in Unit 3600!


And so, as you read, just try to place yourself in my shoes.


And maybe, you just might be able to get the feel of just how it was for me, to have the Horror-Factor go COMPLETELY OFF THE CHARTS!…


So read on…


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

















And so began this bizarre contest.


And what started off badly, quickly got worse!


I was losing miserably, every test which came my way!


Friends would come by to visit.


And they would say things like, Well Chuck, this is just a test you are going through.”


And I would answer them back with something like… “Yeah, I know!”

checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch


As the days went by, things deteriorated rapidly.


Each day, I would go out to the main sitting area, to see what the TV had to say.


I learned quickly that the TV was somehow in-sync with this contest!


Often, some sports announcers might be joking about the “terrible defeat”.


They might make remarks about, what a great loss!”


They would use phrases such as, “a very poor showing”.


This would “greatly reduce the odds for a chance in the finals”.


NOW OF COURSE, I’m fully aware that such things are normal sports lingo!


But it seemed that I always turned the TV on at just the exact right time to hear what the spirit wanted me to hear!


If I happened to sit down and someone happened to be watching cartoons, then it wouldn’t be long until I became terrified by the message from the cartoon characters!


And this flawless timing was the true impetus of the television’s demonic torment!


It wasn’t so much what they were saying.


But it was how timely and omniscient the television became!


It almost seemed to be alive!


Well, at least it certainly seemed to be very controlled!


Anyway, these were the kinds of pertinent remarks I would hear during my contest.

Stinging innuendos!

Ominous whisperings!

Terrifying forebodings!


However, one could easily make the case that I happened to sit down, “just at the right time”.


Or you could merely chalk it all up to, “He’s an extreme paranoid”.


Well, I will say that, yeah, it’s definitely true that I could have been manipulated by the spirits to sit down just at the right time.


But even if true, the spirits had to have known what was going to be said on the TV programs prior to me watching them!


So, whether or not these TV moments were actually being produced by the spirits, or whether I was merely being scheduled by these spirits to watch something on TV at the appropriate moment, it was basically being manipulated and controlled by these Unseen Ones.


I have a notion that, to a certain extent, both cases were true.


Nevertheless, these timely remarks were like fiery darts piercing through my flesh and striking to the depths of my soul!


Oh-h, if I had only had protection from these fiery arrows!


Oh-h that I had some sort of armor of protection…

“Put on the whole armour of God,

that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,

but against principalities, against powers,

against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

against spiritual wickedness in high places…

Ephesians 6:13-16.


If only I had known that this world was filled with spirits, both good and evil!


If only I had realized that there was a way of protection!


But sadly, I didn’t know a thing about the “Armor of God”!


And I knew nothing about “fiery darts from the Wicked One”!


checkmate – by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch –

ABOVE PICTURE – winter constellations – Orion & Revelation 12 Dragon (Hyades, Pleiades, etc…) seen at Eagle Ridge – Signs Of – Not for profit use!








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgOh-h the TV! The TV! 

It was little comfort during this contest!


And though I would often go to it, in order to check my progress.


But it was amazing how it always seemed to have exactly the wrong thing to say!


It was amazing how the biting sarcasm seemed always exactly what I didn’t need to hear!


And equally amazing was, that even cartoons and situation comedies just seemed to fit the occasion perfectly!


All the tongue-in-cheek insinuations!


The elbow-in-the-ribs needling!


I can’t think of a Hollywood horror flick that would be a good example of how TV could be so satanic in a satirical way!


But maybe there is such a movie.


I just haven’t seen it.


It got to the point that I became afraid of watching TV!

The Dragon in the Television


And of course, all this was totally overwhelming!


Never before in my life had TV taken on a life of its own!


Never before had I experienced any such supernatural phenomena with this inanimate piece of plastic and glass and metal known as “Television”!


Before all this, it was just a mindless invention of Man!


Man was in control of it!


It was simply a tool…a machine….like a record-player, or a camera.


But now the TV had become a monster!


Now it had become my tormentor!


And now I was no longer in control of it!


Rather, it was now in control of me!


Now it had a biting wit that could destroy or drive into insanity, anyone it wished to annihilate, for whatever reason!


Now it had become the TV Demon!


It spoke as a dragon!


And perhaps as I watched it up there in Unit 3600, I thought to myself… “How many people has this satanic device driven to madness? Have there been others who have been tormented by this fiery demonic device, the TV?”


For me, this incredible invention had always been just a benign little entertainment device.


It had always been a real comfort, entertainer, and companion since being a little boy!


And as an adult, it was still my buddy, as I watched it while enjoying a burger & fries, or chips and a beer, or a bourbon & 7-Up.


But now, all of a sudden it had become some sort of satanic, “Tormentor-in-Chief”!









It became apparent that the spirits could use humor in a very devastating way.


It was the most effective way that the spirits could destroy me.


In other words, taunting ominous humor can be really, really evil…when they come from unseen spirits!


And so, I began to realize that the things I loved, such as TV and its humor, could be the most effective weapon in the hands of these spirits.


And what I thought was harmless, could be used in an incredibly hideous and ugly way!


And what made it even more devastating, was that anyone else watching the TV with me, had not even the slightest hint of a clue of what I was currently seeing and hearing and going through during those moments!


Yeah, these spirits seemed to be orchestrating these outside occurrences, but the fear and torment were happening in my mind!


Only wish I’d known and had lived by the following Bible truth…

…”For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;

but of power,

and of love,

and of a sound mind.”

2nd Timothy 1:7.


Yeah, if I’d known about the satanic source of fear, I could have instead had the spirit of, power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2nd Timothy 1:7








(The title of Creedence hit song, “Run Through The Jungle!”)


Yeah, concerning the fearful torment I was going through, I remember sitting down at one point, just as the final scenes from a James Bond movie was airing on the TV.


Now, normally I would have loved a good James Bond flick!


That’s the kind of movie I liked!



Exotic places and dangerously beautiful women!


But at this moment, it was like watching him through some Mirror From Hell!

A television from Bizarro World!

It was totally surreal!


As Bond escaped from some dangerous situation, I became shocked at how this all seemed to relate to just what I was going through!


As he ran through the jungle from the bad guys, it just seemed to be a very surreal allegory as to what I was now going through.


Suddenly, in the midst of the thick jungle foliage, Bond ran smack-dab into the presence of a giant grotesque statue of a pagan god.


Bond stopped and looked shocked to see this monstrous devilish-looking stone idol right there in his pathway.


Passing around it, he then resumed his escape!

The Dragon in the Television


And as I saw this scene unfold with all these seeming parallels to my situation, I began to wonder if these spirits had made this scene especially for my situation!


That stone idol looked very satanic.

This scenario seemed to fit this horrible contest I was now going through!


Now I’m not actually saying it was made especially for me.


Of course not!


James Bond and I are mirror-opposites in almost every conceivable way!


But at the time it sure seemed like it was produced for me!


After all, the fate of the world rested upon my shoulders (or so I was being told by the spirits.)


And just as he ran smack-dab into the presence of that grotesque-looking stone image, so had I run smack-dab into a big ugly being of some type and origin!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

James Bond – by SteveBancroft – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 4.0 – cropped photo








At some point, I began to wonder if all the programs on television had been developed by these simply to torment the people of the world on Judgment Day.


You know, like maybe the Devil is producing all these shows for just the right time.


And even though these programs outwardly seem very benign and harmless.


But it also seems like they have many hidden satirical double-entendres, designed to mock and deride people on Judgment Day, as the people of the world try to watch TV on that day.


In other words, the unsuspecting masses will simply turn on the TV, not realizing that Judgment Day has already begun, only to find these so-called “harmless programs” have “grown extremely sharp teeth”, so to speak, and have become the instruments of cruelty and death, in the hands of Satan and his evil-angels!


Maybe so.


I dunno.


TV high quality – cropped image – wikipedia – creative commons license







Matthew 13:35…


Now, as to how I was all-of-a-sudden getting hidden meanings, let me just say, this was a brand new phenomenon for me to be interpreting things as allegories.

The Dragon in the Television


Before my troubles began, I never, never interpreted anything allegorically! I hardly ever got a deeper meaning out of things I saw or heard or read. So why was I now interpreting so many things in an allegorical way?


The Bible is filled with many, many allegories. For instance, the book of Proverbs is filled with many allegories (parables or proverbs).


And Jesus often spoke in parables. Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job, etc., spoke in parables.


But those allegories in the Bible are interpreted correctly with the aid of the Holy Spirit.


“Which things also we speak,

not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth,

but which the Holy Ghost teacheth;

comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”

1st Corinthians 2:13 


In other words, when God’s Spirit abides in a Believer, that child of God begins, gently and slowly, to see more and more, the deeper spiritual meaning behind any Bible passage. (But I knew absolutely nothing about all that “spiritual” stuff during those days of my torment.)


So the question to be answered is this: “Was I filled with the Holy Spirit during this time?”


Was that why I was seeing allegories in so many things?


Or were there evil spirits at work, making me see “deeper meanings” in so many things, counterfeiting what the Holy Spirit performs in a Believer’s heart (mind)?


Listen to this next verse…“And then shall that Wicked be revealed…with all power and signs and lying wonders…” 2nd Thessalonians 2:8 (condensed).


Even though I was not aware of this passage, it explains that Satan, in these last days, can duplicate and counterfeit the workings of God in order to deceive people.

., I didn’t really even question this phenomenon at that point in time.


No, right at that moment, I was on a “roller coaster ride through some sort of fiery-devilish-netherworld-theme-park”!


I didn’t have time to do much deep questioning about the “why’s & wherefores” concerning my troubles!


Oh yes, I was amazed and bewildered by what was happening.


But as for answers, I didn’t have any!


I just knew that there really, truly, actually exists…a spiritual realm!


And I was now very directly in touch with that realm.


Five Wise Virgins – Matt 25 – – Public Domain

Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man in Hell – James Tissot – wikimedia – public domain








The Dragon in the Television


As I was watching short snippets from sit-coms; the actors might be wryly smiling, as if they were mocking and taunting me with their little sarcastic jests…“Guess who’s gonna flunk his big test today?”, one actor might say to another.

“Oh yeah…I know, Dude”, answered the other actor… “Somebody forgot to do his homework!”


Then they would both laugh, and walk off together, still laughing!


These and more were the types of subtle comments being shot at me from the television, like a Gatling Gun!


As far as I was concerned, the TV had become a dragon!


Or a raging wild beast, tearing me “limb-from-limb” as the saying goes.


For me the TV had become the “Prophet of Doom”!


It had become the “Great Satan”. The “Subtle Mocker”.


I can think of a Bible verse that seems somewhat fitting for the TV…


“And the third angel poured out his vial the rivers and fountains of waters;

and they became blood.

And I heard the angel of the waters say,

‘You art righteous, O Lord,

which are, and was, and shall be,

because You have judged thus…

and You have given them blood to drink;

for they are worthy’.”

Revelation 16:4-6 (condensed)


Now I’m not saying that actual blood came out of the TV.


But drinking literal blood would’ve been a huge step up from what I was drinking in from the TV during these days of torment!

The Dragon in the Television.

And truth-be-told, the Bible speaks of the “hearing of blood”…


Listen…(Blessed is the righteous man) …

”that stops his ears from THE HEARING OF BLOOD,

and shuts his eyes from seeing evil;

Isaiah 33:15


So, you see, the above verse talks about “hearing blood”.


Thus, drinking blood in Scripture doesn’t necessarily mean literal blood.


You can be drinking blood by, say for instance, watching violence on TV.


And the violence that I was now drinking in, was directed at me…by the spirits!


And I was hearing, and I was seeing blood! Violence! Directed at me!


Sea boiling – Pahoeoe – fountain original – Wikipedia – Public domain








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgNow I realize and fully understand that TV can be a real comfort to people.


Especially the elderly, as well as shut-ins.


But for me, TV was no longer my friend!


I was now the enemy of these invisible powers.


And they were out for blood…my blood!


And the Bible does speak about an image in the last days which is given the ability to speak…

…“And he (Satan) had power to give life

unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak,

and cause that as many as would not

worship the image of the beast

should be killed.

Revelation 13:15


And if you think about it, the name “television” is made of two Latin words…”tele” and “vision” which literally means “talking vision” or perhaps, “talking image”.


Never before in Man’s history, was there ever such a thing as a “talking image.”


Jeremiah 10:5 speaks of idols (images) in this way…”They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not” (Jeremiah 10:5).


The images (idols) of olden times were made of brass or wood or stone.


The Bible refers to them as “dumb idols”.


They couldn’t walk. They couldn’t talk.


But the Bible speaks about the day when an image will have the ability to speak.


That day has come, or so it seems!





These are all present-day talking images.


Oh yeah, the images are constantly changing.


But make no mistake! They are images, which indeed, do speak!


But more than merely a literal image, television, radio, Internet, and motion pictures, along with all the beautiful music you hear on TV, quite often present the attributes of Satan in the most glorious and appealing manner.


Listen to what this Bible passage has to say about an image that the whole world is commanded to worship…

“Nebuchadnezzar the king (of Babylon) made an image of gold,

whose height was sixty cubits,

and the breadth thereof six cubits:

he set it up in the plain of Dura,

in the province of Babylon…

Then an herald cried aloud,

To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages…

That at what time you hear the sound of…all kinds of music,

you fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up:

And whoso falls not down and worships

shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.”

Daniel 3:1,4,5,6 (condensed for brevity & context).

. passage from Daniel in the Bible tells about a golden image in the likeness of the King of Babylon, (who by the way, is referred to as “Lucifer” in Isaiah 14.)


Notice in this passage, the herald announces the warning to the entire world regarding the consequences of not falling down and worshiping the golden image.


This passage from Daniel ties together very nicely with Revelation 13…

…“And he had power to give life

unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak,

and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast

should be killed.”

Revelation 13:15


Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image and The fiery furnace – Daniel 3-12 –

Academy Awards Ceremony – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share Alike Lic.








For me, prior to all my present troubles, the TV had become a false prophet.


It was like a Pied Piper.


Like those proverbial Lemmings, TV was leading me (in former times) down the road of ruin to fall over a cliff of destruction.


Not that I had become dysfunctional prior to this.


But over the years, without knowing, I became changed, little by little into the same image of Satan, (to a much lesser degree of course!).


And the TV had become worse and worse since I was a little boy.


Now obviously, I know it seems like an extreme statement…”changed into Satan’s character”.

I know, I know! But please bear with me, and I’ll explain.


By the time this all began, I came to somewhat possess Satan’s character: Pride, Greed, Anger, Impatience, Lust, Dishonesty, etc…


But the TV had taken me further and further into evil.


For instance, in the fifties, a married couple on TV couldn’t even be shown sitting on their bed together, unless their feet were touching the floor.


And do I need to tell you how much worse it had become by the seventies?









The Bible says…”Be not deceived. Evil communications corrupt good character.” 1st Corinthians 15:33


The world repeats this biblical concept somewhat the same”You are what you eat.”


Either way you slice it, it comes out the same“Garbage in…garbage out”.


ABOVE PICTURE: TV indoctrination – – not for commercial uses









But let’s get back to the question of “Just what are the attributes of Satan?”


As we read Scripture, we find that Satan’s qualities are Pride, Violence, False Science, Dishonesty, Impatience, Lust, Greed, Hatred, Hypocrisy, and a Form of Godliness (and other similar qualities).


Now, you might be wondering how “a form of godliness” could be one of Satan’s qualities.


Satan knows that if he only had evil qualities, he would blow his cover, so to speak.


So, in order to deceive the world, Satan must work under a cloak of false humanitarianism…

“…for Satan himself is transformed

into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing

if his ministers also be transformed

as the ministers of righteousness;

whose end shall be according to their works.”

2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15


So, before all my troubles began, I had somewhat an appearance of goodness.


I suppose I had some morals.


I wouldn’t think of killing anyone.


Okay, that’s one good quality……Oh, there must’ve been other good qualities in me.


Well, when I think of another one, I’ll let ya know.


Okay, okay, I know one! I was a good tipper at restaurants!


And I could be friendly, and maybe even charming at times.


Oh yeah, and also, I was punctual getting to work!


And I tried to do a good job at work!


Okay, so I had some correct behavior.


And I was usually pleasant to people…to their face.


So, I had good morals…and… I had some bad ones too.








But let’s get back to my story.


The contest continued. I underwent similar tests.

checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

The chessmen (the reps). I was losing them all!


Not only were the spirits and the TV condemning me, but my patient-representatives were preparing for release from the ward.




I was losing the chessmen!!


checkmate – by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch –






Judgment Day license plate



To go to the next chapter, just click here…


Ch. 14: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” (PART 3)…


This third part to the previous two chapters, is the frightening story about the interaction between these spirits and the TV. This story raises some issues that are incredible, to say the least!


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