Daily Devotional, Year 4 – November 1 (Apocalypse Now! Part 9: Has Judgment Day Begun? Part 1)

By admin On December 13th, 2023



Daily Devotional, Year 4 – November 1





Apocalypse Now!


Part 9:

“Has Judgment Day Begun?”

Part 1

To read Part 1, click here… AUGUST 3 (Apocalypse Now! Part 1: Silencing the Gospel!)









“Let no man deceive you by any means:

for that Day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,

and that man of sin be revealed,

the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,

or that is worshipped;

so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,

showing himself that he is God.”

2nd Thessalonians 2:1-4


Whore – Babylon – Burgkmair – 1523 AD – Wikimedia – US Public Domain







There are many who are looking around at this topsy-turvy world, and asking themselves the question, “Have we arrived at the Day, which is called, The Day of the Lord?”


Yes, there are many unbelievable events and unexplainable paradigm shifts going on right now in the world which would make one believe that we have indeed reached that great and fearful day, The Day of the Lord!


Question Marks – At a loss – svg – Wikimedia Commons – Share-Alike License









http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jesus-in-Jeans-by-Peter-Royle.jpgBut the Bible makes very clear… “for that day shall not come, except there come:


1. “a falling away first”, and…


2. “that man of sin be revealed…” 2nd Thessalonians 2:3, 4


Now, here above is seen those two things which must first occur, prior to the Day of Christ:

1. “a falling away” (apostasy), and…

2. the “man of sin be revealed…that he as God sits in the temple of God”.


Photo – Share -Alike License – skateboarding Jesus in Jeans – cropped and divided photo – Wikimedia








But most people do not understand who or what is the nature of this Antichrist beast! Wehttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Magnifying_glass_on_book_icons have been told, over and over again, that this Antichrist Beast is a single individual, as it seems to say in 2nd Thessalonians, calling him, the “man of sin”.


The problem is, this verse cannot be understood properly unless we allow the Bible to define who is “the man of sin”


Magnifying Glass – Wikimedia – Share-alike License








http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paradise_Lost_3.jpgListen to Isaiah…“How art thou fallen from heaven,

O Lucifer, son of the morning!

how art thou cut down to the ground,

which didst weaken the nations!…

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee,

and consider thee, saying,

‘IS THIS THE MAN that made the earth to tremble,

that did shake kingdoms'”

Isaiah 14:12, 16


So here, Satan (Lucifer) is referred to as, “Is this the man…?”


Yes, Satan is the true Antichrist as he has waged his warfare against Heaven and God’s elect through the various kings and kingdoms which have ruled in the earth, throughout history.


And so, Lucifer, empowering these various kings and kingdoms is what composes this multi-headed, multi-horned beast with various other beasts making up his body.


Gustave Dore – Paradise Lost illustration – Lucifer becomes Satan – Wikimedia – US Public Domain









These old engravings properly depict this multi-faceted Antichrist Beast with the Mystery Harlot Babylon riding upon it.


Yes, the Christian community of yesteryear knew who this beast was, who for centuries persecuted God’s elect in the form of the apostate church-system of Europe.


Oh yes, those popish rulers were indeed part of the Antichrist Beast. And certainly, that apostate church and her popish potentates received the “deadly wound by a sword” (God ‘s sword, the Bible). And it is true, that the Romish church seems to have fully recovered from that deadly wound.


Papessa tiara Harlot rides Beast – Wikipedia – US Public Domain







But the Antichrist Beast is far more than just one of its heads.

Exclamation Mark – Wikimedia – Public Domain








Now this is not to diminish the role that this 5th-head of the beast has played in Church history and in the history of the world.


And this 5th-head (popery) is definitely beginning to re-emerge as a big player in the end-time events! 


But the true fullness of the 1st-Beast of Revelation 13 must be realized by beholding all of its 7 heads.


Because in these last moments of Earth’s history, this entire Antichrist Beast will stand upon the world stage in all of its fullness, and in all of its sinister, counterfeit “glory”.


Whore – Babylon – Burgkmair – 1523 AD – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








.The Pleiades: Mystery Babylon: Mother of Harlots

And even though the inhabitants of the world will once again “wonder after the beast”, God’s elect and chosen followers are encouraged to study, study, study, so as to gain a much fuller understanding of this 7-headed Beast.


But the bottom line to all this is, we can now finally see the two events transpiring before our very eyes:

1. the apostasy of the Christian world, and…

2. the revealing of just what is and who is the Antichrist Beast, foretold of in 2nd Thessalonian, chapter 2, concerning what must occur prior to Christ’s coming for His gathered-together people.


The Pleiades: Mystery Babylon: Mother of Harlots








And so, to answer the signature question of today’s devotional, “Have we arrived at the day which is called, The Day of the Lord?”


Well, this website offers much more information on these things. And so, please keep reading these articles on this website to gain a fuller understanding of just where we are in time!







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Book_of_Revelation_Chapter_9-1_%28Bible_Illustrations_by_Sweet_Media%29.jpgTO READ PART 10, CLICK HERE…

OCTOBER 20 (Apocalypse Now! Part 10: Has Judgment Day Begun? (Continued))

.Judgment Day – by sweet media – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license






“Dear Lord, Help me to study, study, study, that I may know for a certainty about these things. Hide me from the fiery tempest which is now coming upon the earth. Help me to put away any worldly traits and affections and lusts which I may still be clinging to. Let me take refuge under the shadow of Thy wings…

Prayer – Anna Blunden – For Only One Short Hour – Wikimedia – Public Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Ark of the Covenant Constellation, Pt. 2: How To Enter The Most Holy Place, or you can also read this shorter article…“May 4th (Mark of the Beast & Seal of God)”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license








.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!

















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)









“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” Revelation 12:3 


In Revelation, the Dragon of Revelation 12 is described as having seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns. However, the Dragon Constellation up in the night sky does not.


Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation


But God has faithfully created the wave of water, in such a way, as to illustrate this same concept of the seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns. Because this wave of water is basically composed of ten stars.


The main body of the wave has seven stars (#‘s, 1 thru 7). And the tip of the crest of the wave has the other three stars (#’s, 8, 9 & 10). So we have this 7 and 10 numbering. And this gives us a great clue, as to where in the Bible we should look, to find out the riddle as to just what or who do these 7 heads, 10 crowns, and 7 horns represent. Because, the Bible speaks very much about floods and waters as being associated with Satan (the Dragon).








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Flood Waters of Satan-Introduction







November 2 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 10: Has Judgment Day Begun? (Continued))











CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 5-MINUTE DEVOTIONAL – – Maranatha!: “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble”– By Ellen G. White


Jacob – Wikimedia-US – Public-Domain





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