Daily Devotional, Year 3 – May 17 (Television and The Image That Speaks, Part 4: “Television, The Irresistible Image-Maker”)

By admin On February 14th, 2021


Daily Devotional, Year 3 – May 17





Television & The Image That Speaks,


Part 4:

“Television, The Irresistible Image-Maker”

To read Part 1, click here…October 27th (Television and the Image that Speaks)






“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,

that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth,

but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

2nd Thessalonians 2:11, 12






This above verse foretells of a day in which God will send strong delusion to those who have not received the love of the truth.


Of course, the apostate portion of the Church has always been subject to strong delusion.


Because, “the (Antichrist) spirit that now works in the children of disobedience”, is the very essence of strong delusion. (see Ephesians 2:2)


Evangelist Preaching – Church – Audience hands – Wikimedia – Public Domain









And yet, in these last moments of time, the Bible forewarns of an image that the entire world bows down to, and worships.


And as never before in history, this image has the ability to speak!


You see, we are living in that very day. And there is no fulfillment to that long-promised talking-image as great as television is (and other high-tech devices too).


And especially when one considers that the very name, “tele-vision” seems to fulfill a “talking image”, foretold in Revelation 13.









But this website has shared many articles about the effects of television and Internet.


And yet, today’s devotion is concerned with the ever-growing hypnotic power of this talking image-maker, called television (and Internet).


Right now, the “god of this world” has sharpened and perfected the productions which are sent around the world via these high-tech devices. (2nd Corinthians 4:4)


And to be honest, they are often so well-refined, that they can hold audiences spell-bound, especially young audiences!


TV – highquality – Wikimedia – Creative Commons License






CARTOONSTV indoctrination


Even the cartoons are getting so incredibly powerful, that children are mostly helpless to resist the overwhelming influence of Satan’s mesmerizing prowess, via these productions!









ABOVE PICTURE: Dream Maker of Babylon - Signs Of Heaven.org


So, just what are we going to do? 


What are we going to do for ourselves, but also for the souls of our children?


Are we going to allow, “the god of this world”, to continue to mesmerize us and our children into the image forewarned of in Revelation 13? (2nd Corinthians 4:4)









Right now, the power of these productions is profound, with their incredible and colorful lighting, their enchanting and exciting music, their masterful storylines, and their well-disguised indoctrination into this Anti-Christ world system!


They create a normalcy in the minds of viewers, concerning this extremely abnormal world!


ABOVE PICTURE: The Pied Piper of Television – www.signsofheaven.org









As most everyone in the Christian community understands, the Bible uses not only Jesus, but mere mortals, such as Paul, to be role-models for Christians to admire and emulate.


But Lucifer, now called Satan, fully understands this, and has given us his own role-models, for us to conform to. And now, with the advent of television, radio, the printed page, and high-tech devices, like never before this Master-Destroyer has perfected his mind-control machinery in which to conform the world into his own selfish image!


And so, the many ‘superstars’ seen and adored by the lost multitudes on a daily basis, become firmly etched upon the tables of the human hearts of all those adoring fans of these ‘ministers of (Satan’s counterfeit) righteousness’! (2nd Corinthians 1:15)


And as a result, they eventually begin to emulate them in their own personal daily lives!


James Bond – by SteveBancroft – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 4.0 – cropped photo

Poster – Gone With the Wind – US Public Dom – Wikipedia

Super Bowl XLIII Thunderbirds Flyover Feb 1 2009 – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Elvis Presley – Wikipedia – Public Domain









This is the essence of the image of the beast, which, by the way, is the very image of the Dragon, Satan.


Oh yes, don’t be fooled by the “good and moral message” often presented in these productions.


Because, mingled within are the very qualities of Satan: lust, sensual music, anger, hatred, revenge, greed, commonness, unholiness, impatience, materialism, pride, “foolish talk & jesting”, a pretentious ‘form of godliness’, and other similar qualities. (See Ephesians 5:4 & 2nd Timothy 3:5-7)


ABOVE PICTURE: television & the image of Satan – www.signsofheaven.org






TOO POWERFUL TO RESIST!http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Tissot_Habakkuk.jpg


But the main point of today’s devotional is that these productions are ever-increasingly powerful: too powerful for most people to resist, especially the young!


And with each passing day, these productions are getting even more overpowering than the previous day!


This is one reason why Habakkuk the Prophet warns Christians living in these last days to, “RUN!”


Habakkuk by James Tissot – Wikimedia Commons – US Public Domain






HABAKKUK SAYS, “RUN!”http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Genesis19-17.jpg


Yes, the Book of Habakkuk was written especially for this very day, in which the Lord commands us…

“And the LORD answered me, and said,

‘Write the vision (of unbelievers surrounding God’s people),

and make it plain upon tables,

that he may run that reads it.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time,

but at the end it shall speak, and not lie:

though it tarry, wait for it;

because it will surely come,

it will not tarry.”

Habakkuk 2:2, 3


Picture – Lot Escapes Sodom – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.






OVERWHELMING INFLUENCEhttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berlin-neukoelln_satellite-dishes_20050314_p1010596.jpg


Yes, the Book of Habakkuk foretells of the day when,

the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth:

for the wicked doth compass about the righteous;

therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.”

Habakkuk 1:4


As this above verse foretells, the day is coming (and now is), when God’s people will be so overwhelmed by the corrupting power and influence of this unbelieving world, that they are commanded to flee!


Berlin neukoelln – TV satellite dishes – cropped image – Wikimedia – C.C. Share-alike License









Of course, this is a parallel message to Revelation 18:4…

“And I heard another voice from heaven,

saying, Come out of her, My people,

that ye be not partakers of her sins,

and that ye receive not of her plagues.”


Here is the very same call: to make the end-time exodus out of Babylon (both the world & the world-loving apostate churches).


And so, because of the overwhelming power of today’s high-tech devices, God’s people are commanded to “RUN!”, as it says in Habakkuk, and to “Come out of her (spiritual Babylon), My people!”, as it says in Revelation 18:4.


James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners – Wikipedia – US Public Domain






And this website is literally teeming with articles on how and where we must flee.


And the reader is highly encouraged to join this end-time exodus.









https://theheavensdeclare.net/television-the-image-that-speaks/TO READ PART 5, CLICK HERE…

September 14 (Television and The Image That Speaks, Part 5: “Television, Satan’s Advertiser-in-Chief!”)

TV – The Image of the Beast – www.theheavensdeclare.net – Not for commercial uses








“Dear Lord, Give me the understanding, conviction, and strength to eliminate television and secular radio, etc., out of my life…

Prayer – Mother and Daughter – Wikipedia – (cropped image) the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license







To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Revelation 12 Woman & The Narrow Gate Stars (Orion’s Gate to Heaven)”, or you can also read…October 27th (Television and the Image that Speaks), or you can also read…June 13 (Television and The Image That Speaks, Part 8: “The Many Faces of Satan”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license









.Soldiers of the Cross - Armor-Up!




















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







foursome late winter 8/29/11


This most amazing phenomenon is seen throughout the winter. Although it can be observed most of the winter, it is seen best when it is the western part of the sky, at winter’s end (The end of winter being the final scene of this heavenly Gospel story). Orion , the Dragon, and the Glorious White Horse are beginning to descend into the western horizon (sketch to right is Winter Constellations descending into western horizon. This can actually be seen as early as December, in the pre-dawn hours).


And at this point it is apparent that the Fleeing Woman of Revelation 12 Constellation is veering toward the two bright stars, known as Castor and Pollux (sketch to left). But the Wide Gate Stars are composed of the two brightest stars of the Auriga Constellation, known as the star, Capella, and the star, Menkalinan. The two stars, Castor and Pollux, make up the concept of the Orion’s Narrow Gate Stars.

Revelation 12 Woman & Orion's Gate & Wide Gate.

This can even be observed into June in the western sky (for a short time just after dark). While a dark night is best for seeing the Woman Constellation, the 4 stars which comprise the Narrow Gate/Wide Gate Stars can be seen even under mediocre conditions. It begins with the Fleeing Woman of Revelation 12 Constellation (AKA Ursa Major) going towards these two doors.


The sketch to left shows, the two doors are each composed of two bright stars. The two bright stars that comprise the Narrow Gate are the two brightest stars of the Orion the Reaper’s sickle. The two stars that comprise the ‘Wide Gate’ Stars are the two brightest stars of the wave of water that comes out of the Dragon Constellation’s mouth (for explanation of “Wave of Water”, just click here). The stars that make up the ‘Narrow Gate’ are about half the width of the Wide Gate (see sketch below left).


Revelation 12 Woman chooses Narrow Way


(For more information on Orion’s sickle, just click here, “Orion The Reaper”. )


Editor’s note: These sketches on this page are merely sketches. The stars are not in their exact place. However, they are close enough to find them in the night sky. But as with most stars, it takes persistence to finally locate them.









To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Revelation 12 Woman & The Narrow Gate Stars (Orion’s Gate to Heaven)”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







May 18 (Jacob’s Trouble, Part 7: “7 Bowls of Wrath on The Church!?!”)

ABOVE CHART: 7 Stars (aka Big Dipper) – winter – signsofheaven.org – not for commercial use
















CLICK HERE TO LISTEN…The Open Forum Harold Camping February 28, 2002 (youtube.com)


ABOVE PICTURE: Holy Bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Lic.


Those who are interested in using photos on this page may click on provided link below each photo, to get to Wikimedia Commons for various licensing details & tags, and all other necessary information on any particular photo.


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