Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 11 (Come Out From Among Them, Part 4: “The Powerful Influence of Daily Associations”)

By admin On February 16th, 2021



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 11





Come Out From Among Them,


Part 4:

“The Powerful Influence of Daily Associations

To read part 1, go here…February 11th (Come Out From Among Them!).





“Therefore the law is slacked,

and judgment doth never go forth:

for the wicked doth compass about the righteous;

therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.”

Habakkuk 1:4







This above verse from the Prophet, Habakkuk, holds the key to http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Tissot_Habakkuk.jpgunderstanding the Book of Habakkuk.


Yes, the Book of Habakkuk, though immersed in allegorical symbols, is a book which explains so much of the Bible.


But God has so greatly embedded the various truths within those allegorical symbols, that it must be carefully studied to discover the true hidden meaning of that little book (comparing its many symbols with similar symbols found in other parts of the Bible).


Habakkuk by James Tissot – Wikimedia Commons – US Public Domain







1st Corinthians 15:33


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PS_Kr%C3%B8yer_-_Hip_hip_hurra!_Kunstnerfest_p%C3%A5_Skagen_1888.jpgBut Chapter 1, verse 4 of Habakkuk is the primary focus of today’s devotional.


And it is a very simple concept…“Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.” Habakkuk 1:4


Yes, this theme of the corrupting influence of unbelievers over Believers is a reoccurring theme found over and over again throughout the Bible.


PS Krøyer – Hip hip hurra! Kunstnerfest på Skagen – 1888 – Wikimedia – Public Domain







2nd Corinthians 6:14


From the very first chapters of Genesis, to the Exodus and wilderness wanderings of the Hebrews, to the rooting-out of the heathen from the land of Canaan to the fiery Old Testament prophets to the New Testament epistle writers, God repeatedly commands His people to separate themselves from unbelievers.


Listen to Paul… “Come out from among them (unbelievers), and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you, and be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” 2nd Corinthians 6:17, 18 (read entire passage of 2nd Corinthians 6:14-18)


In this abbreviated passage, God warns His people that separation from unbelievers is necessary for God to be our Father, and we to be His children.


John the Baptist – James Tissot – Wikimedia – US Public Domain







Isaiah 55:9


One great error in the world today is found in beholding the ways in which the world’s inhabitants perform their everyday tasks.



Yes, the world has its own way of doing things.


And yet, God has given us the Bible. And that Word of God reveals a whole new way of doing things! Heaven’s way of doing things!


And He commands us to purify our hearts and minds from the old ways of the world, and begin to live life anew in the ways of Heaven.


No more are we to live according to the faithless ways of the world.


Holy Bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Lic.







1st Corinthians 15:33


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PaulT.jpgAnd so, Satan floods our daily lives with the corrupting influences of unbelievers, so that our enlightened conscience becomes blunted to the point that we lose our spiritual discernment.


And as a result of all this, many or perhaps most Christians have lost sight of Jesus. 


Listen to Paul…“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:” Galatians 2:20


They do not understand that the life of Jesus is to be their life, as Paul reveals in this above verse.


Paul the Apostle – Artist – Valentin de Boulogne or Nicolas Tournier – circa 1500s – Wikipedia – Public Domain






“Certain men…turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness”

Jude 1:4


But because church-goers are surrounded by false believers in the Church, they are heavily influenced by the bad example of these deceivers.


In other words, they see their entire local congregation behaving in a worldly manner.


They take notice of how their fellow parishioners make decisions and, as a result, handle their own daily issues much the same way the world handles life’s daily issues.


Audience hands – cropped & altered – Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain







Isaiah 55:8, 9


Thus, rather than allowing the Bible to be their daily guide, they instead do things pretty much like the rest of the world.


When mistreated, the world retaliates, instead of quiet, faithful acceptance. 


When desiring some thing, they grab, instead of allowing God’s sovereign will to override their own impetuous self-will.


And they depend upon their own strength to solve life’s issues instead of leaning on God’s divine strength, by faith.


They accept many worldly ideas and philosophies instead of making the Bible their sole source of Truth!


Yes, this unbelieving world more-or-less seeks after the vain pleasures and earthly treasures of this selfish planet. 


ABOVE PICTURE: Dream Maker of Babylon – Signs Of Heaven.org







Revelation 18:4

.Constellation- Woman of Revelation 12 flees to the mountains Mark 13:14

Well, the time has come for God’s people to finally come out of this impossible situation.


Yes, the hour has arrived when God is calling on His people to finally reject the vain wares and selfish ways of this Babylonian world, and flee to the mountain of God, the heavenly Sion.


And no more will they be hopelessly entangled with the vain and faithless ways and counterfeit philosophies of this unbelieving world.


PICTURE – Constellation – Woman of Revelation 12 flees to the mountains – Mark 13:14 – This is not a star-chart, but merely a concept picture







“Dear Lord, Let me not be immersed in the corrupting influences of today’s society nor today’s church-world…

Prayer – Mother and Daughter – Wikipedia – (cropped image) the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license








To explore deeper into this subject, please read…May 12th (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 1)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






.Orion Constellation at Eagle Ridge
















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







Revelation 12 Woman chooses Narrow Way


As the opening verse says, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:13-14


So what are these two gates all about? And how can I choose the right door? Well, just read this article and these questions and more will be answered.



This sketch, while not 100% accurate, gives a fair portrayal of how this constellation group appears at winter’s end and even into June, when above the western horizon.









To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Revelation 12 Woman & The Narrow Gate Stars (Orion’s Gate to Heaven)







September 12 (The City of Morality, Part 5: “The Christian Fraternity House”)

Elks Lodge – by Joe Mabel – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License 1.2









Those who are interested in using photos on this page may click on the provided image credit link below each photo, to get to Wikimedia Commons for various licensing names, details, and tags, and all other necessary info on any particular photo. 

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