Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 15 (Get On-Board the Ark! Part 2: “Leaving Planet Earth!”)

By admin On February 16th, 2021



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 15





Get On-Board the Ark!


Part 2:

“Leaving Planet Earth!”

To read Part 1, go here…December 1 (Get On-Board the Ark!)






God is now calling His people to join in an end-time exodus out of Babylon.


Yes, just as Noah and his family got on-board that Ark back in the days of the great flood, so too, another ark is about to leave Planet Earth, bound for Heaven!


And so, God is now calling for His people to…“Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4


Noahs Ark – Currier & Ives – www.wikigallery.org – Public Domain






So, just what is this end-time exodus all about?http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:At_a_loss.svg


Well, concisely put, God is calling His people to forsake this doomed planet and get on-board a spiritual journey toward the Heavenly City!


Question Marks – At a loss – svg – Wikimedia Commons – Share-Alike License








Heaven's Ship, The Arcturus: The Gospel Ship bound for Castor and Pollux, The Narrow Way

But today’s devotional is given as an encouragement to pack light for this trip!


Yes, there should be no attempt to bring along any of the worthless treasures and selfish pleasures of this doomed Babylonian world!








Heaven's Ship, The Arcturus: The Gospel Ship bound for Castor and Pollux, The Narrow Way

For example, all passengers should discard all Babylonian possessions such as the vain amusements of this present world.


There will be much more wonderful pastimes to enjoy where we are going!







Ephesians 5:4


And don’t bother to bring along all the joking and jesting and vain conversations so greatly cherished and adored by this giddy Babylonian world!


All such foolish talk and jesting will have no place in the world to come!


All the love, joy, and peace, etc., we shall be filled with, will be far more than enough to compensate for the once-cherished idols that must be left behind from this unkind and sarcastic world!


Laughing – (cropped and color added) – Fotothek df roe neg – Wikimedia – Share-alike License








Listen…“For the day of the LORD of hosts

shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty…

and upon all pleasant pictures.”

Isaiah 2:12, 16


And so, please don’t bring any of those pleasant pictures which the Babylonian dream-machine churns out on a daily basis.


No, don’t bring all the lofty and ambitious careers, the exotic vacation resorts, the proud and sensual music, the world-exalting television shows, the dressing up for operas and plays, the Romeo/Juliet make-believe romances, the hoards of silver & gold, the enviable and beautiful world-renowned celebrities, all the coveted pleasure vehicles, the high fashions, and the posh and exclusive restaurants, and all the countless other alluring pleasures and proud pursuits which that old Babylonian Dream-Maker creates to hold his captives in bondage and servitude to sin and selfishness!


No, this heaven-bound Ark has no room for all the glittering tinsel-like trinkets, treasures, and gilded memorabilia from Babylon-the-Great, the doomed City of Destruction!


ABOVE PICTURE: Dream Maker of Babylon – Signs Of Heaven.org








https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Heinrich_Seufferheld_Betendes_Maedchen_opus_16,1_1893.pngBut all passengers are encouraged to bring with them, those everlasting treasures which they stored up when sojourning in this dark and sad world: the treasures of Agape Love for lost souls, the tearful prayers for friends and loved-ones who have long spurned the invitations to come aboard this Ark voyage!


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Munch_Det_Syke_Barn_1896.jpgAnd don’t forget to pack the patience, experience, wisdom and hope which grew out of the many trials and tribulations which were so faithfully endured during our painfully long earthly sojourn!


Yes, each and every passenger is admonished to come with all such heavenly luggage on this spiritual voyage to the long-awaited Promised Land!


Munch – Det Syke Barn – 1896 – Wikipedia – US Public Domain

Woman praying – Heinrich Seufferheld – 1893 – Wikimedia – Public Domain







Psalm 1611


All those heavenly treasures will be the eternal riches which all can enjoy through the ceaseless ages to come, as we joyfully wander up those everlasting pathways!


ABOVE PICTURE: The True Upward Pathway www.signsofheaven.org








Heaven's Ship, The Arcturus: The Gospel Ship bound for Castor and Pollux, The Narrow Way

Yes, O child of God, the heaven-bound Ark is waiting for each and every man, woman, and child who has been invited to make this voyage away from this tired and sad and dying old planet!https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22However_pressing_his_duties_STM2-c_James_Lee_Frazer_always_finds_time_to_read_a_few_chapters_from_his_Bible_each_day._I_-_NARA_-_520675.jpg


The only passport needed is the infallible Word of Christ, already stored up in one’s heart!


And the only “golden card” required is a mustard seed of faith!


And the only baggage needed is that which holds those heavenly treasures!


However pressing his duties STM2-c James Lee Frazer always finds time to read a few chapters from his Bible each day. I – NARA – 520675 – Wikimedia – Public Domain








Heaven's Ship, The Arcturus: The Gospel Ship bound for Castor and Pollux, The Narrow Way

And it matters not if one is bed-fast, or incarcerated, infirm or healthy, rich or poor.


Yes, the invitation goes out to all!


There’s enough room on the Ark for every hungering and thirsting and world-weary soul!


ABOVE PICTURE: Flower of Heaven – Envelope – To Earth With Love!








And so, before that door of mercy finally and forever closes, the call still goes out…




ABOVE PICTURE: The Gospel Ark of Salvation









“Dear Lord, Help me to understand this fearful message, and how it applies to me! Help me to get aboard the Ark of Salvation, before its door forever closes…

The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer – Wikipedia – US Public Domain









To explore deeper into this subject, please read… January 7th (TIME TO GET OUT OF DODGE!), or you can also read… September 7 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 12: “As Ye See ‘What Day Approaching?’”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!

















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







.gospel ship


“And after three months we departed


in a ship of Alexandria,


which had wintered in the isle,


whose sign was Castor and Pollux.”


Acts 28:11









These two sketches below are the same picture, one with stars only, the other with embellishments. These stars appear more or less like this when they are in the western sky, just before they sink below the western horizon (please excuse the less-than 100% accurate sketch). At the top of the sketches in the center is the Big Dipper. But with other surrounding stars, the Big Dipper is known as Ursa Major or the Great Bear. But as this website points out, Ursa Major is actually the Revelation 12 Woman. (Ursa Major appears much larger in the sky than this sketch shows. But in order to fit her into this drawing, the artist had to depict her much smaller)








.Revelation 12 Woman chooses Narrow Way


This most amazing phenomenon is seen throughout the winter, and even into June at the beginning of night. It is seen best when it is the western part of the sky. Orion, the Dragon, and the Glorious Horse are beginning to descend into the western horizon. And at this point it is apparent that the Woman of Revelation 12 Constellation is veering toward the Narrow Gate Stars as you can see just to the left of the mountain. A dark night is best for seeing this. It begins with the Woman of Revelation 12 Constellation going towards these two doors. The doors are each composed of two bright stars. The two bright stars that comprise the Narrow Gate are the two brightest stars of the Orion the Reaper’s sickle. The two stars that comprise the Wide Gate Stars (to the right of the mountain) are the two brightest stars of the Wave of Water (AKA Auriga Constellation) that comes out of the Dragon Constellation’s mouth (for explanation of “Wave of Water”, just click here). The stars that make up the Narrow Gate are about one-third less the width of the Wide Gate. The two bright stars which symbolize the Wide Gate are Capella and Menkalinan. These are the brightest two stars of the Auriga Constellation. (For more information on Orion’s sickle, just click here, “Orion The Reaper”. )


Editor’s note: These sketches on this page are merely sketches. The stars are not in their exact place. But they are close enough to find them in the night sky.








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… CASTOR & POLLUX PART 1: THE MYSTERY SHIP OF SCRIPTURE…







September 16 (Our Favorite Babysitter: Satan! Part 8: “Naive Christian Parents & Today’s Sensual Cartoons”)

Betty Boop – WIKIPEDIA – Public domain












The Open Forum Talk Show with Harold Camping 


CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 90-MINUTE TALK SHOW – – The Open Forum Harold Camping October 16, 2002 (youtube.com)

Harold-Camping – courtesy Family Radio






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