Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 19 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 15: “How Antichrists Crept Into The Church!”)
By admin On February 16th, 2021.
Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 19
Habakkuk Says “Run!”,
Part 15:
“How Antichrists Crept Into The Church!”
TO READ PART 1, CLICK HERE…August 11th (Habakkuk Says “Run!”)
“Therefore the law is slacked,
and judgment doth never go forth:
for the wicked doth compass about the righteous;
therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.”
Habakkuk 1:4
This above truth from Habakkuk presents an end-time scenario of church-wide apostasy, which precipitates the final announcement…
“And the LORD answered me, and said,
Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables,
that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time,
but at the end it shall speak, and not lie:
though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come,
it will not tarry.”
Habakkuk 2:2, 3
Here is foretold the day of apostasy in which God’s people are told by God to, “RUN!”
Habakkuk by James Tissot – Wikimedia Commons – US Public Domain
Of course, the Apostle, Paul reiterates this same prophecy…
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth…
But thou, O man of God, flee these things;
and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. ”
2nd Timothy 4:3, 4 & 1st Timothy 6:11
So here again, God is forewarning us that the day will come when the churches and so-called denominations will end up in utter apostasy!
Audience hands – Wikimedia – Public Domain
But how did this happen?
Just how and when did this apostasy occur?
Question Marks – At a loss – svg – Wikimedia Commons – Share-Alike License
The very simple answer of how and when this apostasy occurred is, that ever since the beginning of the church era, the Devil has been bringing in one false doctrine after another!
And yet in these end-times, Satan has stepped up his destruction of the churches, giving them such a worldly appeal, that even unbelievers are willing to join up and become regular members, much like some fraternal organization, howbeit with a thin veneer of religiosity.
Rock Music Christian CHURCH Pomona – Wikimedia – Public Domain
What happened is, that some decades ago, erring church leaders began to give the churches a type of “make-over”, in hopes of attracting a greater number of parishioners.
And it worked! Yes, by making the worship services so charismatic and even fun, church became a non-threatening fraternal organization.
And so, the churches filled up with such attractions as fashionable music, comedy in the pulpits, social events, clubs, sports, movies, non-biblical holidays, plays, dances, the church-world, to a great extent becoming so inviting, that the people of the world began to attend.
Church music – Singers & Dancers – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share-alike License
And because the church-world has largely accepted the so-called, “Do-it-yourself free-will gospel”, parishioners were led to believe that merely saying the Sinner’s Prayer, or water-baptism, or church-attendance, etc., proved they had become saved.
Baptized in the Jordan – cropped image – Wikimedia – Licensed
1st Timothy 6:5
And combined with the current-day prosperity-driven gospels being preached, church attendance was now absolutely painless!
All that was now required was a certain level of moral behavior, and some degree of personal religiosity and, “Voila! I’m now a saved and sanctified soul!”
Audience hands – Wikimedia – Public Domain
And so, what we are now seeing is a church-world which is little more than a religious version of some fraternal organization: weddings, funerals, baby-showers, social events, sports, movie-night, picnics, outings, car-washes, game nights, family nights, camping trips, holidays, dances, plays, breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, school events, all working together to make modern-day church membership very appealing to the unsanctified multitudes.
Hands Toasting Drinks – Cheers! cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
And thus, the church has filled up with worldly-minded parishioners who now demand a non-threatening gospel, void of the offence of the self-sacrificing Cross of Christ.
Now, these Antichrist wolves in sheep’s clothing become active members of the church, holding various offices, and determining the level of religiosity tolerated, preached, and lived by, in that particular local congregation.
ABOVE PICTURE: Satan, The False Prophet who offers a world-loving gospel
Matthew 24:15
And sadly, because these world-loving social/fraternal organizations have no intention of repenting, God has withdrawn His Holy Spirit, causing a void in those bodies, which has been filled by Satan as he comes as an “angel of light” along with his, “ministers of righteousness”. (see 2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15)
ABOVE PICTURE: The False Prophet
But God is faithful to His elect ones, and is currently calling His people to “Come out of
her, My people, lest ye partake not of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues” Revelation 18:4
And so, the call now goes out to join this end-time exodus out of the apostate church community.
And God is desiring to finally have a purified people who fully live by the pure and uncompromised Word of God.
James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
To read the next part, click here…
September 23 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 16: “Nothing Left To Cling To!”)“
Picture – Lot Escapes – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.
“Dear Lord, Help me to flee to the mountain of God. Give me the desire to save my family from the destruction rising up all around us…
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…“August 22nd (Sodom Rising! Part 1)”, or you can also read…January 7th (TIME TO GET OUT OF DODGE!)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
This page is about the Big Dipper, also called the Great Bear constellation (Ursa Major ). However, the ancient pagan cultures did not see this constellation as God intended it to be seen. It is actually a headless woman in childbirth. This is seen in springtime. It is seen in the northern skies.
But as the seasons progress, this travailing woman flips upside down, now appearing as a woman with upraised arms like eagle wings who is running (eventually flying, as shown in sketch on right) into the wilderness (westward). The single star representing her birth-child (Christ) now becomes her head (“Christ is the head of the church.” Ephesians 5:23
The 7 Stars (Big Dipper) is easy to see with its very bright 7 stars. But the Revelation 12 Woman (Ursa Major) must be seen on a dark starry night, away from city lights.
These are star charts from Wikipedia, with sketches of the Woman added.
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…“Woman of Revelation 12 (Flees to the Wilderness)“
September 20 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 19: “Bind Them Into Bundles!”)
Wheat Stacks with Reaper 1888 Vincent van Gogh Wikipedia US public domain
The Open Forum Talk Show with Harold Camping
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 90-MINUTE TALK SHOW – – The Open Forum Harold Camping October 22, 2002 (youtube.com)
Harold-Camping – courtesy Family Radio
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