Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 6 (The Iron & Clay: Part 2 “End-time Devolution”)

By admin On February 16th, 2021



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 6







The Iron & Clay:


Part 2

“End-time Devolution”








Most everyone is acquainted with the so-called “Theory of Evolution”


And yet, most people have little or no knowledge of the converse word, “devolution”.


For many, the word, “devolution” became known via a certain musical group named “Devo”. Their music and act seemed very bizarre, to say the least, capitalizing on the ideology of devolution.

Devo – two members of the band Devo – Wikipedia – the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license







“…avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called…”

1st Timothy 6:20″ 


Yes, we have been so immersed in the concept of “Evolution”, that it was somewhat difficult to grasp the concept of devolution.


After all, we’ve all been totally brainwashed, day & night, practically from birth, that the world has been evolving through the ages, from a single lowly amoeba upward to modern man being the pinnacle of the evolutionary process.


Astronomy Evolution – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication









The Book of Daniel talks about King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a great statue, made of various metals.


This statue has been interpreted as representing the various kingdoms of men, which would rule the earth, beginning with Babylon of Daniel’s day, and ending in our day. And this would seem like a plausible idea.


Now while the head of the statue in his dream was made of gold, representing Babylon, this statue devolved into lessor metals until our day, down to the feet made of iron mingled with clay (clay, not even being a metal!).


Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream – Wikipedia – US Public Domain







http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lightmatter_burningman.jpgTHINGS GETTING WORSE, NOT BETTER!


Well, to put it very concisely, this statue was signifying that Mankind was not getting better, not “evolving”, but actually “devolving”, growing worse and worse with each new ruling kingdom.


From the head of gold to the arms and breast of silver, to the loins of brass, to the legs of iron, to the feet of iron mingled with clay!


Burning Man – 2013 -Chapel – cropped/altered image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons License







http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Millerite_1843_chart_2.jpgA KINGDOM DIVIDED…SHALL NOT STAND


Now, in Part 1 (click here to read), it was revealed that at the end, this fallen world would become divided, symbolized by the ten toes, made of iron, mingled with clay, which would not merge together, but instead, be divided and opposed to one-another.


And it was also revealed that this not only represented the church-world, but the secular world as well.


In other words, the world would become a divided world. 








https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Antifa_@_Trump_in_Phoenix_8-22-17.jpgDIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH?!


Many of today’s thought-leaders are becoming increasingly opposed to the currently popular ideology that “diversity is our strength”.


Many today are finally confessing, “Diversity is NOT our strength, but rather ‘unity’ is our strength. Diversity actually, is our ruination!”

Antifa @ Protest Trump in Phoenix – 8-22-17 – Wikipedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2








Mark 13:14

.Constellation- Woman of Revelation 12 flees to the mountains Mark 13:14

But the Good News here is, that it is still the day of Salvation!


And though we have only a little time left, we can still come out of all this Babylonish confusion and flee to the mountain of God for refuge! 


ABOVE DRAWING: Fleeing Woman of Revelation 12. (not a star-chart, but a concept picture)***





http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Genesis19-17.jpgAnd we have this promise…

“Flee out of the midst of Babylon (the City of Confusion” Isaiah 24:10),

and deliver every man his soul:

be not cut off in her iniquity;

for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance;

He will render unto her a recompence.

Jeremiah 51:6



Picture – Lot Escapes – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.







“Dear Lord, ‘Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep Thy precepts….'” Psalm 119:134

Prayer at Day’s End – Angelus by Jean-François Millet – Wikipedia – Public Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read…  August 7 (The False Prophet, Part 15: “The False Prophet’s Two Horns!”)or you can also read… “March 11th (Just Two Wings of the Same Bird!)” 

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







Soldiers of the Cross - Armor-Up!.

















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







“Then the moon shall be confounded,

and the sun ashamed,

when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion,

and in Jerusalem,

and before his ancients gloriously.”

Isaiah 24:23


When God created the Moon and the stars, He ordained them to “rule the night” (Genesis 1:16). The Moon, especially when it is full, can light your pathway through the night, as it reflects the light of the Sun.


So too, the Christian is to be a light to the world: to this sin-darkened world. But as the Moon must reflect the light of the Sun, in order to be a light to the world, so also must the Christian reflect the light of Jesus, to be a spiritual light to this planet in rebellion. Listen…


“Ye are the light of the world…

Let your light so shine before men,

that they may see your good works,

and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16

.This is a drawing of a winter-time total lunar eclipse, first published in Bilder- (Picture Atlas of the Stemenwelt) in 1888

However, during an eclipse, the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, preventing that sunlight from shining on the Moon’s face. This is an incredible object-lesson about when the child of God allows the world to come between him and his Lord. Like the eclipse, that person no longer reflects the light of Jesus, because his or her love of this dark world of sin has eclipsed the light from the “Sun of Righteousness” (see Malachi 4:2).


And so, this is just one of the many poetic truths seen in the Moon. (For more on this subject of an eclipse, you may link to the article… “Lunar Eclipse & Spiritual Eclipse”)


Dutch Painting: Um_moinho_dominando_a_baía_à_luz_lunar wikimedia US public domain

This is a drawing of a winter-time total lunar eclipse, first published in Bilder- (Picture Atlas of the Stemenwelt) in 1888








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Moon Into Blood Trilogy: 1st Face: The Night Watchman”






September 7 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 12: “As Ye See ‘What Day Approaching?’”)

Picture – Lot Escapes – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.














The Open Forum Talk Show with Harold Camping 


CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 90-MINUTE TALK SHOW – – The Open Forum Harold Camping October 3, 2002 (youtube.com)

Harold-Camping – courtesy Family Radio






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