Daily Devotional, Year 4 – August 4 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 20: “Can America’s Cancer Be Cured?”)

By admin On March 24th, 2021



Daily Devotional, Year 4 – August 4





Taking Back This Nation For God!


Part 20:

“Can America’s Cancer Be Cured?”

To read Part 1, click here… “March 28th (Taking Back This Nation For God!)”






“The wicked shall be turned into hell, 

and all the nations that forget God.”

Psalm 9:17





http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Starry_Night_at_La_Silla.jpg“The Heavens Declare The Glory of God!”

Psalm 19:1


God has created this universe to be a wonderful physical realm and home to all who dwell in the heavens. (see Revelation 12:12)


A beautiful universe! A marvelous and orderly cosmos! From the tiniest particle to the greatest galaxy and even beyond, this amazing Creation proclaims the glory of God! (see Psalm 19:1)


ABOVE PICTURE – Starry Night at La Silla – cropped – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license







Psalm 34:8


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sandylion.jpgThis Planet Earth is likewise filled with many beautiful and wonderful things for people to enjoy!


And yet, the entrance of sin has marred that beauty, to a great extent. Grass and trees and plants now wither away and die over the course of time. People and animals too. The incredible beauty of this world’s pre-sin paradise, originally created for mankind’s peace and enjoyment, has now become a mere remnant of its original glory!http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:South-American_butterfly.jpg


But, in His mercy and grace, God has allowed a certain amount of that original beauty to remain. Just go through the Internet and behold all the beautiful photos of nature! Nothing short of amazing!


Child & Dandelion – Wikimedia – Public Domain

South American Butterfly – Wikipedia – Share-Alike License









Matthew 13:28


But amidst all this lingering beauty are reminders of the evil which dominates much of God’s Creation. The spider is hideous and frightful, and presents a remarkable illustration of how wickedness desires to entangle, entrap, and destroy its victims! The little fly believes it is flying into a tunnel leading to some interesting place. But this optical illusion is merely a deadly trap resulting in its victims’ bondage and eventual destruction.


Spider Web – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Web- Spider – Signs Of Heaven






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FEMA_-_14767_-_Photograph_by_Liz_Roll_taken_on_09-03-2005_in_Louisiana.jpg“THE PLAGUE THAT WALKS IN DARKNESS”

Psalm 91:6


Disease is another product and reminder of mankind’s fall from Heaven’s grace. All through the earth, both man and beast suffer from diseases of various types.


Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases, not only because of its almost certain death sentence, but also because it is so prevalent in today’s world. Yes, people all over the planet are suffering the painful results of cancer, in whatever form it comes.


Lady in sling – Photo by Liz Roll – FEMA – Elderly cared for in Louisiana – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain








Galatians 4:24


But as with many various things in fallen nature, cancer too, can provide a metaphoric portrait of how sin can destroy a once-thriving society.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Thanksgiving-Brownscombe.jpgCurrently, The United States is suffering a type of spiritual cancer, which has progressively grown through the many decades of our history!


Yes, even though this once God-blessed nation began as an experiment in liberty of conscience and freedom of political/religious speech, it has become increasingly mired in sin.


And though the original pilgrims journeyed here to escape the tyranny of the corrupt church/state system of Europe’s Dark Ages, to live here freely under Heaven’s rule, Satan began working quickly and tirelessly to undo God’s original blessings on the fledgling nation of the USA.


Pilgrims & Mayflower Harbor by William Halsall 1882 wikipedia US public domain

Pilgrims & Thanksgiving – Brascome – Wikipedia – Public Domain







(Lyrics from Simon & Garfunkel mega-hit, “Sounds of Silence)


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Legree.pngAnd just as cancer begins as a tiny and unnoticeable spot, so also did the cancer of sin on this nation. Secularists and false Christians moved in and began to populate this new promising haven, alongside the Christian pilgrims. And instead of worshiping God with the pilgrim Christians, those godless men greedily sought new ways to enrich themselves from the earth’s vast pristine natural wealth.


One means which thousands of unbelievers living in the southern states employed, was to imitate what other nations were doing at that period in history. And slavery was one way in which various nations could prosper. And before long some godless men (and false brethren in the church) were importing slaves by the thousands to work in their fields, and farms, and homes.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:President_Barack_Obama.jpgBut God had blessed the USA with a constitution and Bill of Rights which declared that every human has equal rights under the law. And eventually, multitudes of men and women with a conscience began a movement to free all those held in bondage.


And eventually the USA achieved equal rights for all men, due to the excellence of our God-given Constitution. And today, the ancestors of those slaves are now enjoying equal rights and protections under the law, and many are excelling to great positions of leadership and power in various fields…even becoming world leaders!


Slavery – Legree-Wikipedia-Public-Domain (2)

President Barack Obama – Wikipedia – US Govt. Public Domain






http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:New_york_times_square-terabass.jpg“YE HAVE HEAPED TOGETHER TREASURE FOR THE LAST DAYS!”

James 5:3


But alas, this nation eventually fell into sin of another stripe. Yes, because of the rise of the industrial age, the US began to prosper beyond anything the world had ever seen! Even many lower-income people began to enjoy a higher standard of living than even the rich of centuries past! Automobiles, television, radio, Internet, over-abundant and low-cost food, alcoholic beverages, recreational drugs, time-saving appliances, and just about any invention one could imagine were now manufactured cheaply and abundantly!


Americans had more than the “heart could wish!” Psalm 73:7


And not only the USA, but the whole world began to prosper, because of the industrial age!


And even the church-world joined in with the prosperity-boom of America!


New York Times Square – terabass – Wikipedia – Share-alike License







Proverbs 27:6


And America’s church-communities enjoyed much “peace and safety”, now able to build countless houses of worship, free from assault by antichrist forces!

(“peace and safety”, 1st Thessalonians 5:3)


At last, the secular world was seemingly embracing the church-world!


And so, one could say that this entire nation became a “cornucopian super-society”! And yet, little did we realize that the cancer of sin was silently, stealthily, but steadily growing.


Clueless to this malignancy, America was now in, “full party mode”!


Television offered endless varieties of programs, mostly with, “a form of godliness”, and yet, void of true godliness. Oh yes, Christians could find shows which they imagined had enough goodness to entertain them and their children.

(See 2nd Corinthians 4:4 for “a form of godliness” reference)


But through the decades, television steadily devolved, as well as radio, and Internet.


And the church-communities devolved along with them!


And the much-distracted church-community had ere-long fallen into a death-like slumber, and all the more as their leaders told them they would be “raptured away” prior to the tribulation.


Mega Church – Wikimedia –

ABOVE PICTURE: TV indoctrination – www.signsofheaven.org – not for commercial uses










And while we were asleep, secularists silently took over the public school system. And all the Bible storybooks were quickly eliminated from the schools, replaced by atheist publications, teaching socialism, evolution, psychology, and even “new-age spiritualism” instead.


Every last drop of Christianity was soon squeezed out of public schooling, causing history books to omit the bloody history of the Church!


Nazi Stabs Bible – Wikimedia commons – US Public Domain (2)






“Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you”

1st John 3:13



And as atheists and secularists continued to grow in power over the government, they began to become increasingly intolerant of Christianity.


And through the decades, America’s cancer increased until it finally reached a “stage-4” level!


And all those nice secularists who previously slapped Christians on the back, inviting them to parties and social events, now began to greet them with frowns, disapproval, criticism, and censure.


Anti-Christian rally in Chicago – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license






“AND HE (the 2nd Beast of Revelation 13) SPAKE AS A DRAGON”

Revelation 13:11


And with all that political power, aided by a compliant and corrupt media, the United States began speaking as a dragon. A brand-new America was emerging. A totalitarian dystopia! And no more were they going to tolerate living under even the basic principles of godliness!


Just as “stage-4” cancer rapidly spreads, so too, America’s cancer was reaching its final moments, now spreading like a wildfire!


TV – The Image of the Beast – www.theheavensdeclare.net – Not for commercial uses







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Antifa_@_Trump_in_Phoenix_8-22-17.jpg“And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter”

Isaiah 59:14


“All Hell finally broke loose!” God’s “cup of fury”, causing pandemic madness, was given to all nations to drink!

(See Jeremiah 25:15 for “cup of fury” reference)


Crazy and unexplainable laws and maxims began to be thrust upon the populace. Hateful ideologies began to be forced onto school children. Racism, gender confusion, suicidal government spending, national self-loathing, unchecked mob violence in cities, governmental bullying of the citizenry, over-run borders, media censorship of opposing opinions. Courts greatly disregarding the Rule of Law.


America was seemingly now in free-fall, morally, religiously, politically, financially, and socially.


A once great nation became like a gravely ill man on his death-bed, suffering his final moments before death!


And a large class of the citizenry, who still professed to love and believe in this nation, sadly and helplessly looked on, witnessing their once beloved nation, dying before their very tear-filled eyes!


Other nations also looked on, confounded and bewildered by this once great nation’s current tragic demise.


Antifa @ Protest Trump in Phoenix – 8-22-17 – Wikipedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

Gay Parade – Wikimedia – GNU Free Documentation License

Lady Justice – Not-so-blindfolded – Wikimedia & www.openclipart.com – Public Domain








2nd Chronicles 7:14


But many are asking, “Is there any hope for this cancer-ridden nation?”


Well, theoretically, should there be a mass repentance, then perhaps God just might turn and allow this nation to continue on for a few more years.


But the chances of that happening are extremely slim.


People praying – by Sergei Frolov – Wikipedia – Share-alike license






http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Genesis19-17.jpg“In that day men will cast away to the moles and bats their idols of silver and gold…They will flee to caverns in the rocks…away from the terror of the LORD…when He rises to shake the earth”

Isaiah 2:20, 21


But one thing is for certain! If God’s Elect will, “cast away to the moles and bats their idols of silver and gold” and run to the safety of those ragged rocks of refuge, found within the pages of God’s much-neglected Bible, then perhaps they might find safe-haven from this imminent storm now looming large over the horizon!


Picture – Lot Escapes – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.







“By the Word of His lips have I kept me from the paths of the Destroyer”


And don’t imagine for one moment that we will be raptured out of all this pandemonium which Satan has prepared for us!


We have been caught in his giant trap! And the only path to safety is through living “by every Word which proceeds from the mouth of God!”(Matthew 4:4) 


Yes, it is the “exceeding great and precious promises”, found throughout Scripture which will guide us step-by-step through the fiery furnace now prepared! (2nd Peter 1:4)


Listen…“By the Word of His lips have I kept me from the paths of the Destroyer. Hold up my goings forth that my footsteps slip not!” Psalm 17:4, 5


And truth-be-told, this is exactly why God is allowing this coming time of trouble: (1.) to purify His people so that they learn to trust in His Word, and (2.) to allow that Word to guide their every footstep, even through the firestorm of Great Tribulation, just now beginning!


ABOVE PICTURE: Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry







“For in the time of trouble

He shall hide me in His pavilion:

in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me;

He shall set me up upon a Rock.

And now shall mine head be lifted up

above mine enemies round about me:

therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy;

I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.

Psalm 27:5, 6








http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fork_in_the_road_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1355424.jpgTO READ PART 21, CLICK HERE…

“June 5 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 21: “Turn Not To The Right Hand, Nor To The Left!”)”

Fork in the road by Jonathan Billinger wikimedia share-alike license





https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rezando.jpgTODAY’S PRAYER…

“Dear Lord, Help me to escape this awful and fearful judgment which seems to be falling on this society. Let me hide myself in Thy secret pavilion until the indignation be overpast… 

Woman Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license








To explore deeper into this subject, please read May 12 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 10: “Mass Insanity, Or Devilish Design (or Both)?”)or you can also read this article…NOVEMBER 4 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 4: The God of This World Made Us Do It!)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license









.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!


















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)










Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation


In Revelation, the Dragon of Revelation 12 is described as having seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns. However, the Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation  up in the night sky does not. But God has faithfully created this wave of water, in such a way, as to illustrate this same concept of the seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns. Because this wave of water is basically comprised of ten stars.


The main body of the wave has seven stars (#’s 1 thru 7, in the sketch), and the tip of the crest of the wave has the other three stars, (#’s 8, 9, 10).


So in this wave, we see the same 7/10 numbering found in the Revelation description of the heads/horns/crowns of the Dragon.


And this gives us a great clue, as to where in the Bible we should look, to find out the riddle as to just what or who do these 7 heads, 10 crowns, and 7 horns represent. Because, the Bible speaks very much about floods and waters as being associated with Satan (the Dragon).


Listen again… “When the waves of death compassed me…THE FLOODS OF UNGODLY MEN made me afraid. The sorrows of Hell compassed me about;” 2nd Samuel 22:5.








And so, without going into a lengthy discussion, let’s just say that of all the 7 heads of Antichrist, the head which most closely aligns with atheism would logically be the 6th head. And why the 6th head? The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13 warns that the Antichrist Beast has a number of 666. And it describes this number as being the “number of a man”. The number “6” in Scripture has to do with “Man”. It is a number which reminds of the 6th Day of Creation; the day that Man was created. Man was created on the 6th day. And so, Mankind is very much connected with the number “6” 


And since atheism is the religion which holds Mankind as the supreme ruler of Earth, then the number “6”, being the number of Man, seems to correspond to the 6th head of Antichrist, very well. 


Now these ideas may not be “written in stone”, as the saying goes. And nothing hinges upon, nor falls apart, with or without these theories. But sufficed to say, there is strong evidence that these concepts have biblical support. 


And so, this 6th star in the Revelation 12 Dragon’s wave of water, would correspond to the 6th head of the Antichrist Beast. And as already said, “waves” in Scripture, represent the many false ideologies which Satan has flooded the world with, throughout time. So that is why this Signs Of Heaven website believes that atheism was the 6th head of Antichrist.


But if the reader wishes to explore these things in more depth, please go to “Floodwaters of Satan-Introduction”.










To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Floodwaters of the False Prophet: Socialism/Humanitarianism








August 5 (5th Head of the Beast: The Man of Sin?)

ABOVE ENGRAVING: Whore – Babylon – Burgkmair – 1523 AD – this old engraving shows that the Church once realized that the Babylon Mother of Harlots was actually the apostate churches – Wikimedia – US Public Domain










THE GREAT CONTROVERSY BY ELLEN G. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Luther95theses.jpgWHITE


ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this 44 chapter audio book, a brief history of the Church, from the Cross of Christ forward to the Return of Christ.


Chapter 23 – What Is The Sanctuary



Martin Luther – 95 Theses – Wikipedia – US Public Domain









ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth)are invited to listen to this small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s nearly 50 year-long series of 90 minute nightly talk shows…This is Open Forum Show #74



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons lic.



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