Daily Devotional, Year 4 – July 27 (Apocalypse Now! Part 28: “Do All Things Really Continue as They Were from the Beginning? (A Look at 2nd Peter 3:4)”)
By admin On June 2nd, 2023.
Daily Devotional, Year 4 – July 27
Apocalypse Now!
Part 28:
“Do All Things truly ‘Continue as They Were from the Beginning’?”
(Examining 2nd Peter 3:3, 4)
To read Part 1, click here… “AUGUST 3 (Apocalypse Now! Part 1: Silencing the Gospel!)“
“Knowing this first,
that there shall come in the last days scoffers,
walking after their own lusts,
And saying, Where is the promise of His coming?
for since the fathers fell asleep,
all things continue as they were
from the beginning of the Creation”
2nd Peter 3:3, 4
There are many in society today, who look at the horrific events happening right now, and simply dismiss them, by saying, “Oh well, these kinds of things have always been happening all the way down throughout history. Nothing new under the sun.”
Atheist Bus Campaign creator Ariane Sherine and Richard Dawkins at its launch in London.
“O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?”
Matthew 16:3
And yet, what these scoffers are not aware or perhaps are ignoring altogether, is this:
There are certain things now occurring which have never been witnessed on a worldwide scale, prior to this generation.
And these things are definite signs that we are indeed in the last hours prior to the grand finale of great tribulation which Christians have endured throughout the persecution of the Church.
ABOVE PICTURE: Unfunny Judgment Day Cartoon – a party tonight – signsofheaven.org
Although there has always been sodomy throughout history, yet never before has there been a world-wide embrace of the sin of Sodom! And this reminds us of Luke 17:29, 30…
“But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom
it rained fire and brimstone from heaven,
and destroyed them all.
Even thus shall it be in the day
when the Son of man is revealed.”
Picture – Lot Escapes – Public Domain.
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
2nd Timothy 3:13
“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold”
Matthew 24:12
Since the advent of radio, television, and Internet, a rapid decline in morality has been taking place on a world-wide scale.
These two verses each prophesied of the future, even these very last days prior to Christ’s Return.
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”
Revelation 13:17
Never before has mankind had the ability to control who can buy or sell. And this above prophecy concerning “buying and selling” was penned two thousand years ago, giving it a much greater impetus!
The Internet seems to be the perfect apocalyptic weapon for the forces of evil against the human race!
In other words, this now gives the Devil and his willing accomplices the ability censure and control what can be said, or not be said, or who it can be said to.
But Internet can even discriminate between each and every individual, by use of “bots” and “algorithms” which search the world-wide-web for “violators of acceptable speech and approved ideas”!
Child and Computer – TV – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Share-alike License
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come”
Matthew 24:14
This above verse foretold of a day in which the Bible would be a “witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come”. And by means of radio, television and Internet, that worldwide witness is now possible!
Television in Pyongyang – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”
Daniel 12:4
This above verse prophesied of this very day in which instant communication and rapid-travel would be a product of an increase in knowledge.
Oh yes, this above verse may have other implications, but it sure seems to be fulfilled in this very day in which knowledge is instantly accessible, and many people are running “to and fro”, both literally, physically, but also intellectually, via “smart devices”!
Computer hacking – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
“And there shall be signs in the sun,
and in the moon, and in the stars…
then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh.”
Luke 21:25, 26
Never before has Luke 21:25 been fulfilled until this very day in which the signs written “in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars”.
ABOVE PICTURE: The armor of God – theheavensdeclare.net -use by permission only
Listen to Revelation, Chapter 14, concerning the last-days messages of the three angels to the world…
“And the third angel followed them (the first two angels),
saying with a loud voice…
“If any man worship the beast and his image,
and receive his mark in his forehead,
or in his hand,
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation;
and he (whoever receives The Mark)
shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
in the presence of the holy angels,
and in the presence of the Lamb…”
Revelation 14:9, 10
3 – Three Angels Message – Wikipedia via www.pri.org – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted,
and shall kill you:
and ye shall be hated of all nations for My name’s sake.”
Matthew 12:9
This above verse is concerning the end-times just prior to Christ’s Return.
And right now, for the very first time, the hatred of Christians (and Jews) has spread through the majority of the nations, including the very nations which once lovingly and enthusiastically embraced the Christian Reformation.
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
that the image of the beast should both speak,
and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
And he causes all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Revelation 13:13-15
Since the building of the Tower of Babel, mankind’s dream of a one-world government has never been within the grasp of humanity as it is today!
And of course, the Bible foretold of this day, concerning the totalitarian control which causes the entire world to receive the mark and image of the antichrist world-system.
General Assembly of the United Nations – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
by G. Dore’ – The Confusion Of Tongues in Babylon – from www.creationism.org-public domain
Never before have we seen such pandemic hate! And with the advent of Internet and cell-phones, this hatred has even been magnified!
Listen to this prophecy about mankind’s multiplying hatred and The Day of Judgment…
“And the nations were angry,
and Thy (God’s) wrath is come,
and the time of the dead,
that they should be judged”
Revelation 11:18
George Floyd protests – Portland Oregon – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
“Their horses also are swifter than the leopards…”
Habakkuk 1:8
But as of late, something has drastically changed.
There is now occurring a sinister paradigm shift throughout the world.
And it seems as if the world is no longer content to maintain this deceptive “friendship” with God’s people.
As a matter of fact, the changes now occurring are beginning to speed up with leopard-like rapidity to the point that people are scratching their heads and saying, “What in the world is going on here!? Why is this planet getting so crazy-evil…and so swiftly!?”
This above verse from Habakkuk 1:8 is finding its fulfillment via the instant communication-devices now in the hands of the world’s multitudes!
Posing with the gay drag queens – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
People engaging with their phones on the Seoul Metro – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
Proverbs 27:6
Yes, “the god of this world” gave the western nations of gigantic makeover, transforming a world of scarcity and famine into a veritable cornucopian super-society! (2nd Corinthians 4:4)
And his present-day Antichrist-world-system has become, to a great extent, a theme-parklike, in which his loyal citizenry can pursue their fleshly pleasures and their proud, ambitious dreams like never before possible!
And Christians have been all but swept away by this flood of Sodom-like opulence, pursuing many of the same pleasures and dreams which the unsaved masses go after.
Castle of Disney – Wikipedia – Public Dom
“…the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
Proverbs 27:6
Yes, it seems that Satan is now on the march! He and his vast army of unseen evil angels are goading the world’s inhabitants to turn against all that is good and godly, it seems.
Oh yes, the world has its own form of pretentious goodness, often referred to as, “Political Correctness”.
But even here, these politically protected entities are even being manipulated to oppress the freedoms which Christians have long enjoyed for many decades.
Antifa @ Protest Trump in Phoenix – 8-22-17 – Wikipedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
Well, as the prophet Habakkuk forewarned, it is now time for Christians to “RUN!” And many similar Bible warnings likewise tell us to “flee to the mountains” in these last moments of time.
And so, knowing that “all things work together for good to those that love God” (Romans 8:28), let’s not ignore this incredible societal wake-up call, and begin to use any remaining time to good account, as we “cram for our finals”, so to speak!
No, there is no more time to dilly-dally in the world as we have been doing for much too long!
As the Bible tells us…
“Flee out of the midst of Babylon,
and deliver every man his soul:
be not cut off in her iniquity;
for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance;
He will render unto her a recompense.”
Jeremiah 51:6
Picture – Lot Escapes – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.
USMC – prayer-before-study – Wikimedia – Public-domain
“And there shall be signs in the sun,
and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
the sea and the waves roaring;
Men’s hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things
which are coming on the earth:
for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud
with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh”
Luke 21:28
Starry Night at La Silla – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license
“Dear Lord, Help me to fully understand the hour we are now in, and to prepare myself to stand in this coming battle…
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…April 2 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 10: “Television, Swifter Than Leopards!”), or you can also read this shorter article…January 7th (TIME TO GET OUT OF DODGE!)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
.![picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!](http://theheavensdeclare.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/soldiers-of-the-cross-armor-up-191x300.jpg)
This phenomenon begins in late October, in the pre-dawn hours. It then begins a little earlier each night, and lasts for several months, until they both appear to lie down once again.
This Wikipedia star-chart to the left, has this Orion Constellation sketched in. You must locate Orion, when it is mid-sky, between east and west. You’ll be facing southward most likely, unless you are far south. Try to imagine it as a Cross on a steep hill. The 3-star belt of Orion becomes the crest of the hill. The 3 very faint stars that make up Orion’s head become the very top of the Cross.
Next, locate the 7 Stars Constellation. This 7 Stars Constellation is seen by facing northward. It stands upright a little later in the night. Eventually, Orion will lay down and no longer be seen as an uplifted Cross! Beginning in November, the 7 Stars (AKA Big
Dipper) can be seen as a Cross a little bit later in evening.
When you are comfortable in locating Orion & The 7 Stars Constellations, then show a friend. This can be a great witnessing tool!
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… ‘7 Stars’ Imitate ‘The Cross of Orion’
July 28 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet . Part 16: “The Words of the Wicked”)
Giant Cuttlefish – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 21-MINUTE CHAPTER – – Last Day Events Ellen G White Audio book Chapter 2 Signs of Christ’s Soon Return (youtube.com)
9/11 World Trade Center attack – New York – by UpsateNYer & Wikipedia – Share-Alike Lic.