Daily Devotional, Year 4 – June 24 – (Flee to the Mountains, Part 27 “Escape From Planet Earth!”)
By admin On March 30th, 2021.
Daily Devotional, Year 4 – June 24
Flee to the Mountains,
Part 27
“Escape From Planet Earth!”
To read Part 1, click here…May 30th (Flee To The Mountain!)“
It seems as though, over the past decades, a number of novels/movies have had an uncanny accuracy in predicting a soon-coming dystopian hell-scape. Such books as “Animal Farm”, “1984”, “Soylent Green”, “Brave New World”, all portrayed a futuristic nightmare in which oppressive global totalitarianism finally reigned supreme.
1984 Big-Brother is watching you – Wikimedia – Copy-Left license
1984 – Yakov Guminer – Arithmetic of a counter-plan poster_(1931)
And even in Hollywood, some movies have seemed to accurately predict a future in which society devolved in a totalitarian hellscape. Two such movies, “Escape From New York”, and “Escape From L.A.”, both painted a portrait of cities given over to wanton greed, violence, lust, and lawlessness.
Oh yes, these movies were extremely exaggerated in their portrayal of the future, and yet not too far off in predicting the lawless “Concrete Jungle” into which many cities are even now sinking!
Even a laboratory-created virus became part of the plot in one of those movies.
And 30/40 years after these movies, we now see many cities overrun with poverty, homelessness, murder, drugs, sex-slavery, sodomy, racism, theft, gambling, gang-violence, which are at an all-time high.
Escape from NY poster – to see Fair-Use Rationale, click here – Wikipedia
“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”
Matthew 24:12
But all these man-created literary and film productions only mirror what the Bible had already long-ago accurately foretold concerning these end-times.
Yes, even long ago, the Bible had likewise painted a bleak portrait of this very day in which we now find ourselves!
Listen…“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” This verse alone has accurately predicted the future hellscape of these last days which we’re already beginning to see: a lawless and loveless planet! Matthew 24:12
Escape from NY poster – to see Fair-Use Rationale, click here – Wikipedia
“justice standeth afar off“
This next verse gives further insight into what is in store for society in these last days…
“And judgment is turned away backward,
and justice stands afar off:
for truth is fallen in the street,
and equity cannot enter.”
Here we see a portrait of lawlessness, from being down in the streets and even going up into the courtrooms of society! Isaiah 59:14
Minneapolis Riots – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license
But why is all this happening?
Could all this be the beginning of God’s final judgments upon this disobedient planet?
Question Mark – Wikimedia – Public Domain
Listen to this next prophecy…
“This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, said to me (Jeremiah):
‘Take from My hand this cup filled with the wine of My wrath
and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.
When they drink it, they will stagger and go mad
because of the sword I will send among them.’
So I took the cup from the Lord’s hand
and made all nations…to drink…
Jeremiah 25:15-17, 26
So, here is foretold of the Day in which the Lord will cause “ALL NATIONS ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH” to drink of the wine of His wrath which causes the world to go mad (many versions say “insane”)!
“…and the cities of the nations fell:”
Revelation 16:19
Well, these two movies were both about escaping from a futuristic hell-scape. But the fact is, the problem goes far beyond merely escaping from those two major cities!
This is because the growing insanity we’re beginning to witness is a pandemic madness which knows no boundaries, nor any borderline!
It is a worldwide phenomenon and is even now being piped into our living-rooms, via television, radio, Internet, cellphones, etc….
TV – highquality – Wikimedia – Creative Commons License
TV – The Image of the Beast – www.theheavensdeclare.net – Not for commercial uses
“and all the world wondered after the beast (Satan’s antichrist world-system). And they worshipped the dragon (Satan)…”
Revelation 13:3, 4 (parenthetical comments by web-editor)
And this insanity has even become the dominant worldview which our societies demand we bow down to in tacit submission!
And of course, the Bible also foretold that this totalitarian worldview would be forced upon the world’s inhabitants as a last test of loyalty: loyalty to Heaven, or loyalty to this antichrist hellscape world…
“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice,
If any man worship the beast and his image,
and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand…
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation”
Revelation 14:9, 10
Here we see that God’s cup “of the wine of His wrath” is the very same cup which Jeremiah foretold of…the cup which causes the entire world to go mad! And it is plain to see that the world is now beginning to be drunken with that insanity-producing wine-cup!
Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
ABOVE PICTURE: Mark of the beast – pub. dom. – Wikipedia
“Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed”
Genesis 19:17
And so, we really need to escape. But where can we run to? And where can we hide from all this pandemic insanity?
Listen to Jeremiah 51:6…
“Flee out of the midst of Babylon,
and deliver every man his soul:
be not cut off in her iniquity;
for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance;
He will render unto her a recompence.”
Yes, this above verse is speaking of this Babylon world: a world of sin and confusion! And we must flee and “deliver every man his soul” (and deliver every woman and child their souls also)!
Picture – Lot Escapes – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.
“Dear Lord, Give me understanding of this frightful hour now upon us, and the understanding of these prophecies…
Family Prayer Before Meal – Wikimedia – US-Govt. – Public-Domain
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…January 7th (TIME TO GET OUT OF DODGE!) or you may also read…June 6 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 19: “Like Hind’s Feet…to Walk Upon Mine High Places”), or you may also read…June 20 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 59: “Come Out of Her Public Schools, My People!”)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
Revelation 12 Woman: “From Fleeing To Flying!”
“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven;
a woman…travailing in birth…
And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red dragon…
And the woman fled into the wilderness…
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle,
that she might fly into the wilderness…
from the face of the serpent.
And the serpent cast out of his mouth
water as a flood after the woman,”
Revelation 12:1-3, 6, 14
If you look to the north, the constellation commonly known as Ursa Major actually looks like a headless woman who is with child.
And yet, as summer turns to fall, and fall turns to winter, this constellation slowly rotates until it is upside-down, now appearing as a running woman with upraised arms.
But as winter progresses, this running woman slowly begins to lean forward until she appears to be flying: flying westward.
Star-chart – Ursa Major – Wikipedia – Share-alike License
Star-chart – Ursa Major – Wikipedia – Share-alike License
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…“Woman of Revelation 12 (Flees to the Wilderness)“
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
June 25 (What’s An Aristaphagist? Part 4 “How To Cure Fibromyalgia”)
ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this sampler of the audio book about the practical aspects of everyday living, such as diet and child rearing…
Chapter 4 – “The Touch of Faith”
ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this recording #225, a small 30-minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s 90-minute nightly talk shows. This particular program aired in the last few years of his 50-year radio ministry, and includes caller’s questions regarding his teachings on “the end of the church age”…
ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons