Golden Hours of the Day
By admin On February 8th, 2022Isn’t it nice to enjoy that wonderful hour of the morning when the sun first arises, saturating the whole world with a golden hue!? And what about on a warm summer evening, as all nature basks in the same golden hue just prior to the sun going down?
Photographers know what you’re speaking of when you refer to these “golden hours of the day”.
Yes, just after sunrise and right before sundown, the sun begins to appear golden, which even gives a person’s silhouette a golden glow. And photographers take advantage of this narrow window of time to hopefully take very flattering photos of their subjects. Yes, these golden moments of the day are the most beautiful!
But as with everything in nature, this phenomenon offers spiritual insight, as we look out upon this world.
At the dawn of Creation, mankind was created to glorify God. Everything God created was good and beautiful. And all nature rejoiced in what their Creator had made!
But as we all know, mankind rebelled against Heaven, and we have been suffering ever since!
And yet…and yet, we have seen much supposed goodness during the last few decades. Haven’t you noticed how much humanitarianism is going on these days? The television is bombarded with messages concerning some aspect of social justice! Why, it’s amazing how much generosity and kindness seems to be occurring these days! Yes, mankind has gone through the past few decades, which seemingly offered much promise, of mankind achieving some semblance of brotherly kindness. Myriads of social programs have sprung up like proverbial mushrooms throughout the land!
And it seemed, for a while, that many nations were striving to come together in the name of “social equity and justice”.
And what about television? Yes, with the advent of television, radio, Internet and the printed page, the world was now being presented as a pretty nice place with much beauty and brotherly kindness. And even some of the darker aspects of the world could be glossed over with a bright artificial “makeover”. And fresh-faced hosts greeted us each morning with light and witty and hopeful conversation, even amidst their horrible daily news reports!
And children were shuttled off to their respective learning centers where they would receive their daily dose of the ABC’s plus other, less-than-wholesome, subjects.
One could perhaps say that these past decades have been the golden hour of Man’s existence! There seemed to be a lot of hope! Society became state-of-the-art in many respects!
But tragically, just as the golden hour of the day is brief and fleeting, so also, this seeming golden hour of mankind is quickly passing as the golden light appears to be fading and the dark night rapidly approaches.
Yes, we are now seeing things beginning to deteriorate. The nations are becoming increasingly angry. The general populace is becoming intolerant of one-another. And the entire world seems to be edging towards totalitarian indifference. The “peace and love” crowd have become an angry mob. The free speech advocates of the 1960’s have now joined the cancel culture. Law and order seems to be giving sway to lawless chaos!
Now amidst this gloomy report, is there any Good News? Well, yes! Even though this world seems to be on a downward spiral, doesn’t have to be the experience of those who desire to escape from this awful and hopeless situation. No, just the opposite! Listen…”Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 13:43
Yes, the sun may be going down upon this ever-darkening world. But those who renounce this hopeless world will, instead, “shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3