Babylon…O Destroying Mountain

By admin On October 10th, 2011


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Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)





This is a continuation of the “Valley of Decision” Constellation Group. If you wish, you may click here for that article.








“And after these things I saw another angel…And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying…


‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen… 


For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.’ 


And I heard another voice from heaven, saying…


‘Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” 


Engraving of Babylon by G. Dore,, U.S. Public Domain.










Dear Reader: Does this present world-system seem a bit confusing? After all, Scripture tells us that “the whole world lieth in wickedness.” 1st John 5:19. And yet there seems to be many good things…many good people.


And if the Bible tells us that those “unbelieving” people of this world are children of Satan’s kingdom…why then are they so well-behaved, at times?


And why is there so much in the world for the Christian to do…places to go…people to see? Why is the world so friendly to us? It’s not like the “Dark Ages” when Christians were persecuted, or tortured, or banished, or imprisoned, or killed.


Wilde’s Great Globe courtesy Wikipedia U.S. public domain…link here.









., the Enemy of Our Souls has developed a somewhat new strategy in these modern times. “The god of this world” has developed a world-system designed to be a counterfeit of God’s kingdom. (see 2nd Corinthians 4:4)


Satan would love for us to remain corrupted by his counterfeit lifestyles and worldly philosophies that seem to captivate the people of this entire world. And the god of this world would love nothing more than to keep God’s people so busy, busy with the many, many cares and pleasures of this world… “and so that day come upon you unawares.” (Luke 21:34, 35)


So please read this article! It’s so important to understand the concepts which Scripture presents, as to the necessity of becoming changed into the image of Christ and purified in heart. So please study, and see if these ideas harmonize with Christ, and His Word.


New York Times Square – terabass – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share-alike License







Valley of Decision Constellation Group


These three mountains, can be seen coming up as early as mid-summer, in the eastern horizon, in the pre-dawn hours. But actually, the three mountains, minus the Dragon, can be seen in the pre-dawn hours in the May, in the east. The mountain to the left (north) is commonly called Cassiopeia. The middle mountain is made of some stars from the Pegasus Constellation. The slope from this mountain is part of the Pisces Constellation. The third mountain to the right (south) is made of stars from both the Pegasus and Aquarius Constellations. The Highway to Hell Constellation, which goes from the third mountain (The Destroying Mountain) straight down to the Dragon in this sketch, is made of stars from the Pisces Constellation. The dragon will begin to be seen about July, coming up in the eastern horizon, in the pre-dawn hours.


But please read this page and the Valley of Decision page in order to really appreciate this constellation group.



Valley of Decision & O Destroying Mtn. Constellations


They appear in early-summer in the eastern skies in pre-dawn hours. These are made of Cassiopeia (mount on left), and various stars from the Andromeda Constellation (valley) Pegasus (Mount of Cursing (middle mount) & Destroying Mount (right)), and Pisces (Broad Way to Hell). The galaxy which appears to be climbing the Mountain of Blessing is the Andromeda Galaxy


The above star-chart shows this amazing constellation group as it appears in June through fall, just prior to the winter constellation group.








“Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out Mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.” Jeremiah 51:25   


In Jeremiah 51:25, Babylon is referred to as the Destroying Mountain. It is the name of this counterfeit mountain. It is Satan’s kingdom, made up of all Satan’s followers, both humans as well as evil angels. Satan’s kingdom also includes this fallen world, with all its governments and ideologies. It is that great city… Mighty Babylon! The world! Satan’s prison-house.


Listen to Revelation… “and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:3, 4.


So this passage reveals that not just the Satan-worshippers, or the New-Age, but the entire world worships the Dragon, which is actually Satan. 








Valley of Decision Constellation.

Part 1, “The Valley of Decision Constellation” article established the basic concept of the Valley of Decision. But now it is time to explore this counterfeit mountain; a third mountain constellation. Scripture tells us that Satan offers us an alternative lifestyle, if you will.


Oh yes, such a simple choice that God offers (“Life” or “Death”) is just far too easy for the Dragon (Satan) to accept.  Satan’s main deception in this world is to create counterfeit look-alike alternatives; attractive choices; interesting pursuits. Satan really knows how to complicate and confuse the simplicity of the Gospel!







Matthew 11:23 & Luke 12:30


“The LORD said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot.” Jeremiah 3:6

Valley of Decision Constellation Group


And so,  just south (to the right) of these two mountains, there is a third mountain. But it is a counterfeit to the real Mount Zion. He makes the world believe that there’s an alternative to the Gospel; a choice ‘C’, so to speak. In other words, Satan has cleverly designed society to make it seem that it’s not necessary to choose between Christ or Satan. One needs only to choose this alternative mountain. That is, this present world offers so many lifestyles which seem rather harmless…even good! The Great Deceiver would like us to believe that we can be an independent agent…the captain of our own ship, the master of our own destiny! 


But this is just Satan’s deception! Jesus says“He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathers not with Me scatters abroad.” Matthew 12:30.


There won’t be any fence sitters on Judgment Day. There will be only two camps. The Lord’s Camp, and the Devil’s camp. 


Just as it is written… “And they shall be Mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day…Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not.” Malachi 3:17, 18








“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:36, 37


The above passage presents, not only a  a huge concept, but also a strong warning!


But the question to be answered is this: “Just why would a person even want to trade his or her soul?” Simple. The things of the world can appear very attractive! Especially when there’s a Devil to entice and magnify the pleasures of sin! And in every person’s life, it seems like there’s some alternative which the Devil supplies.


For some people, Satan entices with perhaps a look-alike gospel-of-Mammon”, as an alternative to following the lowly self-sacrificing Jesus of the Bible. This is a prosperity-driven religion mingled with earthly things or fleshy inducements…and maybe even some Bible and good works thrown in too, just to make that false-gospel look real! Many have coined this as a “Prosperity Gospel”. Some call it an “Itching Ears Gospel”.


New-york-times-square-terabass – cropped image – wikipedia – share-alike-license.jpg









For others, Satan supplies an atheistic life of humanitarian-good-works as an alternative. Or maybe a life of pleasure-seeking…or career choices…or hobbiessports…or travel…or a good health gospel…or music…or TV…or whatever lifestyle the Devil knows will entice a man, woman, or child to trade his or her soul for…


Listen again… “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26.


Yes, this third mountain has many different alternative lifestyles, which seem attractive and appear as common sense choices in place of such a self-denying Christ-like life that the Bible offers.










“Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:” Isaiah 5:18 

Valley of Decision Constellation Group


Look at the slope of this third mountain, and notice that it goes straight down to the Dragon Constellation. This slope belongs to the constellation commonly called Pisces. Doesn’t it almost look like the Dragon is towing this Mountain? It almost looks like the Dragon is transporting this false mountain from the south…from Hell. And he has pulled it northward…next to these other two mountains. This would almost seem like a comical idea…if it weren’t for the destruction and death and woe caused by Satan for many-a-millennium.


Just listen to this verse… “Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:” Isaiah 5:18.


So God, it seems, has created this constellation group to present this fearful concept! 








But there is a second meaning to this long line of stars from this Destroying Mountain down to the Dragon Constellation? A “double-entendre” of sorts.


It would remind one of a highway. But what kind of highway? Need there be any further explanation? They say that a picture paints a thousand words. Well this picture that God has placed in the night sky paints a very poignant portrait indeed!


This represents that, “broad way which leads to destruction”.








Do you notice the round wheel-like configuration on the “Broad Highway To Hell” Constellation. What’s that all about?!


Listen to what Jesus says about a millstone… “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones (new Christians) which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”  Matthew 18:6.

800px-Grindstone_dalgarven wikipedia public dom.


So why did Jesus use a millstone in this condemnation?


Listen to this next verse… “But the Philistines took him (Samson), and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and HE DID GRIND in the prison-house.” Judges 16:21. 


It seems that Samson was to put to grind grain on a millstone in the enemy’s prison, as part of his punishment.  


Grindstone – dalgarven – wikipedia – public dom.









Of course, the Bible uses a millstone to symbolize labor: either laboring for the Gospel, the bread of Life. But also laboring for the world. And of course, Samson was laboring for the Philistines, who symbolized the world.

800px-Francken,_Hieronymus_the_Younger_-_Parable_of_the_Wise_and_Foolish_Virgins_-_c__1616 wikipedia pub. dom.


In the Bible, the sea was symbolic of the world … the unconverted world. And just as Samson was put to grinding a millstone as his punishment, so too, those who continually leave the safety of the Lord, to dabble in pet sins are eventually (if they continue on in sin) put into Satan’s prison-house…the world.


Listen again…it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”  Matthew 18:6.


If the sea represents this fallen, hellish world, it becomes evident that Jesus was speaking metaphorically, saying that that person, who causes others to stumble, would be better to be cast out of the Church, and back into the world (i.e., the sea).


There they must be used by Satan in the world, as his captives. They become secular. They become worldly-minded. Satan puts them to hard labor, seeking after the cares and the useless lusts and attractions of the world, just like the Prodigal Son (see Luke 15:11-32). They lose their spirituality, just as surely as Samson lost his hair.


Painting of The “Ten Virgins” courtesy Wikipedia U.S. Public Domain.








“Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2nd Timothy 3:4, 5


The Jews became angry with Jesus, when He told them that they were prisoners.


Listen… “We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man…Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin.” John 8:33, 34.


The same misunderstanding exists today! People today do not understand that they are likewise prisoners of sin and Satan. And even though there are no literal bars of steel holding them in a prison-cell, they are every bit captives, held fast in “chains of darkness”.


Listen… “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” 2nd Timothy 2:24-26.


Just as this passage points out, the whole world is being held captive in Satan’s prison-house.








And no, it’s not just those that are slaves to drug or alcohol addiction who are Satan’s prisoners. There are many who are addicted to things which society doesn’t even consider addiction.


For instance, there are those, both in the world and in the Church, who are slaves to divers lusts, such as habitual TV watching. There are many who are servants of such lusts as habitual game-playing, or habitual sports-watching. But there are many who are addicted to their careers, or their hobbies, or sensual lusts, or music, or novel reading. There are many who are held fast in bondage to fits of anger, or pride, or blaspheming God’s name, or food addictions, or gossiping or money-making, or worshipping their children, or even habitual shopping or gardening or any countless other habitual addictions.


Anything, just anything, can become an idol in our heart!


ABOVE PICTURE: Unfunny Judgment Day Cartoon – a party tonight –








Now of course, there may be nothing wrong with having a hobby, gardening, or listening to music, or many other diversions. Certainly shopping is necessary, and gardening can even be a Christian witness. But the problem comes in, when any one thing begins to absorb the thoughts of the Christian, they then are quite possibly becoming idol-lusts.


In other words, when a career or a hobby or any combination of things begins to eclipse one’s spiritual life: Bible study, prayer or Bible meditation.


And as a result, Jesus has been pushed aside, for those worldly pursuits, whatever they may happen to be. A new god is now being worshipped and served in that person’s heart. Christians must not forget that we have a race to run and a battle to win! And we are on enchanted ground, as Pilgrim’s Progress states so aptly!


So what is the big point to be made here? That the people of the world are captives of sin and Satan. And this world has been, and still is Satan’s prison-house.

. God has given Christians the great privilege of Salvation. And in gratitude, the Christian should use his or her time to good account, in improving on the talents which God has given us. No, not worldly talents, like musical ability! No, but the talents of wisdom and knowledge and prayer, and Bible study, and any and every thing, which will aid us in transforming ourselves into the image of Christ.


Yes, the Christian has been chosen to devote the remainder of his or her life to glorify Him, by our changed life and purified heart!


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Prayer – USMC – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain









The Bible reveals another means which Satan employs to hold people in bondage. Listen… “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”  2nd Corinthians 4:3, 4.


Satan has put out our eyes, in a manner of speaking, just like he did to Samson. Even those who are caught up in false, world-loving gospels, are every bit walking in darkness, as are total unbelievers.


Gioacchino Assereto – The Philistines Gouging out Samson’s Eyes – Google Art Project wikimedia public domain







Judges 2:3


Many readers of the Old Testament are perplexed as to why there was so much killing…by God’s people! All the wars in the Old Testament were a metaphorical picture of conquering sin, self, and Satan. It wasn’t that God enjoyed killing all those heathens! If only God’s people would have gotten the message that God was trying to get across to them. But they didn’t.




The Old Testament wars in the Promised Land were metaphors about the human heart. The Promised Land was a picture of the human heart, and how we must drive out all the evil influences out of our heart, if we are to purify our hearts. Listen to this… “When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.” Deuteronomy 18:9.


So here’s a reference to how God feels about the heathen nations which surround His people. And this was the reason why the children of Israel were to drive out those nations from the Promised Land: so that God’s people would not learn the ways of the unbelievers.


judges7-Gideon & The 300- -public domain






HOLY WAR, by John Bunyan


Just read John Bunyan’s Holy War. It picks up on this metaphorical idea that the Promised Land was actually a picture of the human heart. And this concept of the Promised Land being a picture of our heart did not escape the notice of that great theologian, Matthew Henry either. Just listen to Henry’s comments on Revelation Ch. 6… “He conquers His enemies in His people; their sins are their enemies and His enemies; when Christ comes with power into their soul He begins to conquer these enemies, and He goes on conquering, in the progressive work of sanctification, till He has gained us a complete victory.” (Matthew Henry on Revelation Ch. 6)


MatthewHenry Wikipedia Public Domain.

John_Bunyan wikipedia public domain









“I saw another Angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with His glory….And He cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen…And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:1, 2, 4!_Kunstnerfest_p%C3%A5_Skagen_1888.jpg


To use a worldly saying, God’s people today seem to be “every bit as clueless” as were those Old Testament Jews. To use another, “we still don’t get it!” God wants us to separate from every unnecessary evil influence. And He also wants us to pray for deliverance from the kinds of evil influences which that we must daily put up with, as well. But we simply must begin wherever we are, to improve on each of our opportunities. Yes, we have to make a living. Yes, we have family obligations. But there are perhaps a thousand ways in which we can shun needless exposure to sin and sinners. No, we can’t come out of the world; but we CAN come a good way out, if we so-choose!


Yes, God’s Old Testament people finally began to shun exposure to heathens, but for the entirely wrong reason. They did it out of pride. But we are to separate because we don’t trust our weak consciences, nor our easily deceived hearts.


Listen… “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? Etc., etc…..Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you,  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. ” 2nd Corinthians 6:14, 17, 18.


This passage is very well-known, but very seldom followed. And notice that this passage is a pre-requisite to having God being a Father to us! And there are perhaps many Christians who are constantly floundering in the flesh, who need look no further as to just why their spirituality is so thin and anemic: simply because they have never heeded this passage!


PS Krøyer – Hip hip hurra! Kunstnerfest på Skagen 1888 wikimedia public domain

Braet_von_Überfeldt_woman_with_bible_1866 wikipedia  US public domain









In Psalm 73, the Psalmist complains to God how nicely the unbelievers are doing. Listen… “For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.” Psalm 73:3-5.


This Psalm has spoken to every generation since its writing. Satan has always found great success in turning people’s hearts away from God, by making them jealous at how well unbelievers do in the world. God’s people go through many tribulations, as God chastens them in hopes of purifying them into the likeness of Christ.




Parable_of_the_Wise_and_Foolish_Virgins_-_c__1616-wikipedia-pub_-dom_This painting shows the “Five Wise Virgins” waiting patiently in prayer, in Bible study and in tribulation. These Five Wise Virgins know very well just what is tribulation and what is God’s chastening process. Listen as this Psalm 73 continues… “For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.” Psalm 73:14.


So Satan makes sure that unbelievers, to a certain extent, are his best advertisements. And then Satan comes to God’s chastened people, and points them to his secular people, showing Believers how well they might be doing, if only they would leave the family of God, and join his secular ranks.

Just look at this photo! Don’t these people look like they’re having a great time, chating, drinking coffee in a Paris France cafe? 


And so Satan has created the innumerable pleasures and delights, in this fallen world (his 3rd mountain of Babylon) to be exciting, and fresh, and intriguing, and even enlightening!


Painting of The “Ten Virgins” courtesy Wikipedia U.S. Public Domain.

Café de Flore coffee house – wikipedia – public domain








And so, the church-goer sometimes becomes more and more discouraged with Christianity. They might begin to notice all the hypocrisy within the church. He or she might even get discouraged with God: “Why is God such a big meany in the sky? Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?” And so, that discouraged church-goer begins to withdraw from the fellowship of Christ. Perhaps that discouraged one winds up in a liberal church which allows just about any behavior. Or maybe just becomes secular.




The problem is, there is no real 3rd alternative lifestyle. It does not exist. We are either in Christ’s sheepfold, or we are the Devil’s son or daughter. But the Devil has deceived many into believing that they are somehow neutral, neither for nor against Christ.


But Jesus plainly states… “He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” Matthew 12:30.


To live a secular life is merely becoming a servant of sin and Satan. Even going to church on the weekend is of no value, unless it is accompanied by a “new heart” experience: a total devotion to the Lord. And tragically, there are not very many church-attendees who have found that “total devotion”.


Girl – Depression by Danielzanetti for Wikimedia – cropped image – C.C. Share-alike License 3.0







Broad Highway to Hell Constellation


This is the picture that this “Broad Highway to Hell” Constellation presents. Notice that it is made of five stars. This no doubt speaks of those “five foolish virgins” in that infamous parable of the “Ten Virgins”…


“Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish…” Matthew 25:1, 2.


So this “Broad Highway To Hell” Constellation combines this parable of the millstone concept with the Five Foolish Virgins. That is because the millstone in this constellation has five stars, representing the Five Foolish Virgins. The sketch to the below right presents the concept of these verses and how they relate to each other. These are the Five Foolish Virgins (The 5th is behind the globe in this sketch. The mountain outside the arched-door represents this Destroying Mountain of Babylon, with various lost souls sliding down into Satan’s prison-house).


Because they dabbled in sin, they had made their refuge in the Destroying Mountain (Spiritual Babylon), instead of hiding themselves in Christ. And so, by leaving God’s refuge they were eventually taken captive in Babylon (The world, as represented by the globe in the picture, in which Satan is sitting atop of).


Now like Samson, they were put to hard labor, grinding at the millstone of the world. As you can see, there are others who are trying to climb up the Destroying Mountain. But the Destroying Mountain is too steep, and they are also falling into the dungeon of Hell.


No, not the Hell that’s beyond the grave. This is the portion of Hell that the angels who sinned were cast into… Tartaroo as the Greek puts it…spiritual darkness, right here in this world. Listen to what Jesus says in the Wedding Supper Parable


“Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 22:13.


To read more on the nature of Hell, please go to… “Planet Of “Rest”- (Part 4-The Doctrine Of “Eternal Torment”)”








Why were the guests to the supper cast into outer darkness?  Because they were so busy in the world, that they had no time to come to the supper! They were just too busy!


So it is today. Christians are so busy in the world: careers, amusements, TV, sports, sight-seeing, social events, committees, banqueting, etc… And then something happens…ever so imperceptibly! Jesus is crowded out of our lives. Like a thi383px-Samson_in_the_Treadmill wikipedia public domainef in the night, all of our true spiritual riches are taken…without our notice. And we are left with a formalistic religiosity. Oh yes, we may still attend church. But something’s missing. The sweetness of Christ is missing. We begin to become critical of others. We gnash on our teeth at others. 


We gossip. We slander. We tell naughty jokes. We maybe start having a little wine with dinner. We begin to attend secular events. Our prayer time and Bible studies get short, weak, and formal. We realize that something’s wrong. But we’re just too busy in the world, to stop and really take account of the situation. The fact is, we’ve been cast into spiritual outer darkness where we engage in, “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 22:13.


Samson in the Treadmill – Wikipedia – Public Domain








“Also when I cry and shout, He shuts out my prayer. He has enclosed my ways with hewn stone, He has made my paths crooked.” Lamentations 3:8, 9

But when we lie in bed at night, we sometimes softly cry within ourselves because of our hollow, empty religion. We long for those joy-filled times of peace we once enjoyed! We wish we had our fervent love for Jesus back again! We miss those sweet hours of prayer! We miss those incredible Bible studies! We realize that we no longer meditate day and night on the Scriptures!


Vincent van Gogh-Old Man in Sorrow (On the Threshold of Eternity) wikipedia US public domain.jpg

Weeping Woman – Van Gogh – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








But morning returns, and it’s back to grinding at Satan’s millstone. Our careers, our TV shows, our countless diversions! And it’s back to gnashing on our teeth! “That rude grocery clerk!” “Those stupid Congressmen!”  “You don’t love me like you use to!”,  etc.. And so it goes. Nights of longing for the Lord! Days of gnashing about life’s injustices, big and little. A seemingly endless round of, “weeping and gnashing on our teeth”! Day after day. Year after year. Satan becomes our ruthless Task-Master. He chastises us, “with scorpions”, so to speak. The Bible speaks of the, “sting of death”. 1st Corinthians 15:56.


“And the fifth angel sounded…and there came locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.  And it was commanded…that they (Men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads) should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion …” Revelation (9:1-4 condensed).


Notice the number “five” is used twice in this passage. This use of “five” fits right in with this ‘Broad Highway To Hell’ Constellation.


As far as scorpions goes, listen to the next verse… ” my father (King Solomon) also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.” 1st Kings  12:14.


These words were spoken by Solomon’s son! And he was now king of Judah, and was speaking to the citizens of Judah! The people of God! If we put the above two verses together (Revelation 9:1-4 & 1st Kings 12:14) we begin to understand what God is trying to tell us! Revelation is written for God’s people! It’s about us!









John Bunyan, in his allegorical tale, Pilgrim’s Progress, tells of  the Man In The Iron Cage. This man ignored the great mercy which God graciously bestowed upon him. Now he was left destitute of God’s Spirit! Now he was unable to repent! He was just too busy enjoying the World! He knew not that Judgment happens in this life, too! Now he sat in a cage of spiritual darkness.


His world-loving life is a living warning to all who behold him!


U.S. Public Domain of Man In Iron Cage, Wikipedia. Click for link.






Well, why not just listen to this YouTube excerpt from Bunyan’s audio book…












So to be cast into outer darkness is not speaking of the grave or beyond. It really has to do with spiritual darkness, and becoming in bondage to sin, selfishness, and Satan. Babylon is really just a “state of mind”. It is nothing more than just being worldly-minded. Where much of the punishment comes in, is when a child of God becomes a captive in spiritual Babylon, he or she becomes a slave to pet sins. The pet sins become the means whereby Satan torments Christians who long to die in Christ…but that particular death is beyond their reach. They are unchristlike in so many ways. They agonize with God…but the heavens seem like brass above them! They are in the same predicament as was Job. Job looked for God…but God just didn’t seem to be anywhere to be found! 








Listen to Revelation…“but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” Revelation 9:5, 6.


This passage is not for some future time. It is for now! It speaks of all of us who love our sins. It is speaking of a composite beast which torments God’s people for five months. This composite beast of Revelation 9 is merely a picture of the different ways in which God allows the Devil to chastise us for our own good.  Oh yes, Satan hopes to discourage us, just like he tried to discourage Job. But God holds us securely, just as He held Job. Samson’s time in the Philistine prison-house was likewise a picture of God’s people…and how we are punished for our love of sin. We long to die to self as Scripture commands…but we just can’t! Satan fills us with our sins… “The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways:” Proverbs 14:14. And so we cry out to God for deliverance. But deliverance doesn’t come.









Now, each person’s punishment may be different. Some are slaves to food and fleshly passions. Others may be slaves of pride, position, and anger. Still others to the lusts of the eyes and those material goods that are so abundant today. Many church-goers have a combination of all three of these sins. So God in His infinite mercy attempts to “rub our noses” so to speak, in our own dung; in our own sin. He gives us an abundance of this world’s goods…of this world’s proud ways…of this world’s fleshy lusts.


Listen to Malachi… “And now, O ye priests (Believers are called “priests” in the New Testament)… If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My Name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings… because ye do not lay it to heart. Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces…” Malachi 2:1-3 (Condensed)


If you wish to explore deeper into this subject you are invited to click here for the “Moon into Blood Trilogy”










“And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” Revelation 9:5, 6


Notice that it says here… And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.


Now for that period of five symbolic months, we yet-to-be-sealed saints are suffering under the cruel hand of Satan, for the destruction of our flesh! And we are truly miserable! And we would love to die! But the death that we really prefer, is to die-to-self with Jesus! But in order for that to happen, God must allow the Devil to destroy our love of this sinful world! And so, like Samson, we must continue to grind at the millstone of this dark world! Stewing in our own sin! Grinding at the world’s mill!


And so, we all must go through this excruciatingly painful process of purification for five long spiritual months! But like the man at the Pool of Bethesda, our suffering may last for years!








There is coming a day, in which God will say “Enough”! There is an hour in which God will take away our filthy garments, saying, “Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him He said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.” Zechariah 3:4.


This story is concerning this present hour. For those who have been diligently seeking deliverance…deliverance will come! But for those who are indifferent and self-satisfied…such will remain in spiritual darkness!  


But the day is coming which, “shall burn as an oven.” Malachi 4:1. In that day,  “…shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.” Malachi 3:18 







.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!

And then, when the last message of mercy closes, the people of this world will take their respective sides.


FIRST SIDE: Those who have chosen to follow the lowly Jesus, will go forth on the side of their heavenly Commander…Prince Emmanuel.


SECOND SIDE: But those who have chosen the things of the world will fight along the side of evil angels in the army of their lord…Lucifer…the evil “god” of this present fallen world.







.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!

Then the people of this world will fight against the people of God. This is the spiritual battle of which Revelation titles Armageddon. It will be a battle greatly within the heart. The verses of the Bible will be the Sword of Truth in the hand of each child of God. Each Christian soldier will be wearing his or her Armor of God.


The armies of the world will likewise have their own brand of weaponry. Cutting jokes and sarcastic mockery, stinging accusations, will make their tongues as sharp as razors (Psalm 57:4). Economic and friendship sanctions will be their heavy artillery in which to annihilate God’s faithful ones (Revelation 13:17Luke 6:22).  Satan will transform wicked men into “Ministers of Righteousness” who will sound like the “voice of reason” to the unsanctified masses (2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15) .


These false teachers will loudly condemn God’s people as “fanatics” (Matthew 5:11 & John 8:48). Families will separate from the believing father, or mother, or child (Luke 12:51-53). Accusations will be cast down upon these trembling Believers (Matthew 5:11). And even Satan will work with “signs and lying wonders to deceive if possible even the very elect of God” (Matthew 24:24).











As the battles intensifies, God’s Elect will almost feel that their Lord has all but abandoned them (Psalm 22:1). The Christian will then pu forth super-human effort to hide his or her self in the safety of the “everlasting rocks and spiritual mountains” of God’s Word (1st Corinthians 10:4 & Psalm 31 & 61). Prayer will be made without ceasing by the facross over cityithful Remnant of God (1st Thessalonians 5:17, Psalms 141). The fires of tribulation will be heated seven times hotter, which will purify the saints, removing every spot and wrinkle from their hearts (Daniel 3:19 & Ephesians 5:27).


Jacob – Wikimedia-US – Public-Domain








Finally every last trace of “self” will fall away from the True Worshipers, just as the dross is removed from gold ore (Ephesians 5:27). And this is just what God has all along intended for this great battle to accomplish within His faithful Followers…the destruction of “self” (Galatians. 2:19, 20)!


The Believers will finally realize that, just as Jacob finally knew that it was the Angel of the Lord whom he wrestled all night with, so too it will be discovered by the weary Believers…that it was God with whom we wrestled, during this time of trouble… “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of JACOB’S TROUBLE; but he shall be saved out of it.” Jeremiah 30:7  But by this time, the likeness of Christ will now be shining forth from each and every Believer (Matthew 13:43).


Then and only then will the world really see the Church in all its glory…imitating their Lord (Ephesians 4:13). Then will the vomited-out, Lukewarm Church become the Church Victorious (Ezekiel 37:1-14). Then will the Cross of Christ be lifted up, by the Church for all the world to behold (Psalm 50:15). Then will the unbelieving world fall down and acknowledge that God loves His Church (Malachi 3:12).


Transfiguration – Bloch – cropped – Wikimedia Commons – US Public-Domain










Oh Dear Reader: If you or I haven’t already surrendered to Christ, do it now. This poor miserable world is such a lose-lose proposition! Just a few years of frolicking in the Sun in this sinful, selfish world, eventually will give way to sickness, sorrow, hopelessness and finally …death. Why be as a fading flower, which withers and dies? Why not come drink at the fountain of the Water of Life?


Come live forever!


Be filled with the love which only God can give! That same love which Jesus Christ had for a fallen, and stubborn, and rebellious world…an unthankful world, which only returned His love by spitting in His face and nailing Him to the Cross. We have only to lose our slavish bands which bind us to a life of desperate, selfish pleasure!






Elakala Waterfalls Swirling Pool Mossy Rocks – Wikimedia – Share-alike License








.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!

























“Lift up your eyes on high, and behold Who hath created these things; that brings out their host by number: He calls them all by names by the greatness of His might, for that He is strong in power; not one faileth.” Isaiah 40:26


ABOVE PICTURE – Starry Night at La Silla – cropped  and altered image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license






The above verse is a plea from God to look up at the Heavens and behold Who has created these


In this busy work-a-day world, there are many very interesting things which can occupy one’s time and energy: hobbies, and careers, and entertainments and,_near_Yonge.jpgworries, and habits, to name just a few.


But as the child of God devotes his or her life to God, there should be a jealous guarding of one’s own heart… “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23.


The Christian wants nothing to get in the way of running that Christian Race.


New York Times Square – terabass – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share-alike License

Shoppers in Toronto – cropped image – Wikimedia – share-alike license











But having said this, there is one hobby which every ‘Noble Berean’ may take up, which only compliments the pursuit of the heavenly Prize.


Yes, Signs Of Heaven becomes a wonderfully rewarding hobby which, unlike many less meaningful hobbies, pays off with rich, heavenly rewards. Everlasting rewards!


And unlike the person in this photo with equipment, all you need is fairly good vision, and a dark, starry night.


And once a person really gets to know these heavenly messengers, it will become very apparent that the message connected with these signs is truly a message to be heeded.


Thus will the Christian be able to share this message with others. And there are perhaps many nuances and hidden biblical truths to these signs which have yet to be discovered.


Astronomy Amateur – cropped image – Wikipedia – share-alike license







.summer w/woman & doves




“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:25


ABOVE CHART: Summer Constellations with Doves (Sagittarius) & Woman (Ursa Major)








.Orion Constellation

The very first step in finding these many constellations, should be to find the two main constellations: Orion, and the 7 Stars (aka, The Big Dipper).


These two constellations represent Christ (Orion), and His Chur7 stars as Crossch (7 Stars).


And just as these are the easiest constellations to find, so too, the first place to begin studying the Bible is the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).


These four books present Christ and His Church, when He walked the earth, just as Orion and the 7 Stars represent Christ and His Church, as seen up in the heavens.


Then, once you are comfortable finding these two constellations, you can begin to locate the next closest constellations, and so on.


ABOVE PICTURE: Orion the Soldier and the Revelation 12 Dragon (Hyades & Pleiades, etc.) – winter constellations – – not for commercial use

ABOVE PICTURE – 7 Stars Constellation as the Cross (aka Big Dipper) – winter – – not for commercial uses









Now if you’re fortunate enough to be able to go on nightly walks, and you live in an area where you can safely view the stars, here is another Heavenly Hobby which Signs Of Heaven endorses…


Why not combine star-watching with prayer, as you walk? What a great way to draw closer to God!


It cannot be over-stressed, just how wonderful it is to walk under the dark canopy of Heaven, while lifting up one’s heart to our Heavenly Father! There is a closeness to God that cannot be described with words!


(And even if you cannot safely do this, you can always do such prayer-walks in the daytime, in a safe place, such as a mall, which is every bit as effective, prayer-wise.


And for those who are in confinement, one can view these starry signs on the Internet, or simply listen to Scripture on audio.


Either way, all such may enjoy God’s richest blessings at this very time in which God is pouring out all Heaven’s treasures upon anyone willing to forsake all, and follow Jesus!)


Starry Night at La Silla – cropped and latered image – Wikipedia – share-alike license








Now of course, the Bible commands us to, “pray without ceasing“. The Christian is to constantly talk with our Heavenly Father throughout the day.


But the Bible also holds up the godly life of Daniel, who, when captive in Babylon, still set aside three times daily, in which he knelt for special prayer.


And furthermore the Bible also says… “Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice.” Psalm 55:17.


Even those who are bed-fast or in a prison cell can begin to imitate Daniel in this way. And if one is fortunate to be able to walk, then this thrice-daily prayer regimen can be combined with three walks daily and even nightly.


Marines at Prayer by Alex Raymond – Wikimedia – public domain


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