The American Dream

By admin On October 1st, 2024

“The American Dream”


This website appears to speak negatively about “The American Dream”. As a matter of fact, this website lumps “The American Dream” together with the so-called “Prosperity Gospels”. “The American Dream” and “The Entrepreneurial Spirit” are spoken of as the conservative form of the “Health & Wealth” gospels which are so prevalent in today’s Christendom.


But the fact is, nobody actually knows exactly what the American Dream is. It has never been precisely defined. To some, it is to attain financial independence. To others, it is to achieve peace, prosperity, and health. For many, it is to be able to own a car, a home, and to have a happy family.


So, what could be wrong with such a dream?


Well, actually, probably nothing is wrong with such a dream.


And for the unsaved people of the world, such a dream might be a very good thing! Especially considering that this fallen world will be the closest to Heaven that the unsaved world will ever experience! And so, for all who decide to not follow Jesus as one of His Disciples, one might encourage to merely, “let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die”. 1st Corinthians 15:32

But for those who have responded to the call, “And He (Jesus) said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23


Now, does such an all-consuming devotion to Christ forebear owning one’s own home…or having a family…or taking vacations…or enjoying family get-togethers…or making a sustainable income…or operating one’s own business?


Absolutely not!


1Co 7:31  “And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away”. So, in this verse is the proper balance a Believer is to maintain.


And so, the true Believer must always be mindful to maintain a proper balance between Heaven and earth.


In other words, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and through the experiential wisdom from walking in God’s Word, a Christian realizes how to have his or her priorities straight.


And the very first priority is to strive to Love God supremely, And the second priority is to strive to encourage family, friends, and neighbors on the heavenward sojourn out of this world.


And the closer we become changed into the likeness of Christ, the greater will be the victory we achieve in these to goals


And this, dear souls is the greatest dream one might ever achieve!

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