Today’s Devotional – November 23 (Mercury, the 2nd Commandment & Images)

By admin On March 26th, 2024



Today’s Devotional, Year 4 – November 23





Mercury, the 2nd Commandment & Images

The following devotion is an excerpt from this website’s article, “Mercury & The Image Of The Beast”









“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,

or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,

or that is in the earth beneath,

or that is in the water under the earth:”

Exodus 20:4






The number ‘two’ seems to be the number that speaks of “reflection”. (Just like this giant globe photo to the right.)

.423px-Mirror_globe by Arpingstone for Wikipedia Public Domain

As this mirror globe reflects the images of the people around it, so too, we each reflect an image to the world around us (whether we like it or not).


When you look in the mirror, there becomes two images; 1. You, and 2. The reflection of you… in the mirror…


Mercury in color – Prockter – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain

Mirror globe picture – courtesy of Wikipedia & Arpingstone – public domain








“Can two walk together except they be in agreement?” Amos 3:3.


To “be in agreement”, as this verse says, with another person, seems to speak of one person reflecting the opinions of another.


They are an “image” one of another, as far as their viewpoints.


As the Moon reflects the light of the Sun, the Moon shines just like the Sun (not as brightly though).


And as Mercury (the second solar-system body) reflects the light of the Sun, it too becomes a light as well.


Full moon over 96th St – by ed yourdon – Wikimedia – Share-alike License







.423px-Mirror_globe by Arpingstone for Wikipedia Public Domain

But as this mirror globe in the photo presents an image of these people, we humans also reflect an image to the world.


And our image is a product of our life-experiences; we are a ‘mirror’ of the people and things which have influenced us.


(Mirror globe picture courtesy of Wikipedia & Arpingstone – Public Domain







. COMPANION… Mercury is the Sun’s ‘little companion’, so to Solar_sys2 NASA public domainspeak. Oh yes, it’s a “little” companion.

 As Mercury is a constant companion to the Sun, so we need to be a constant companion to the “Sun of Righteousness”, Jesus. Malachi 4:1


Mercury in color – Prockter – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain

Solar system – cropped photo – NASA – Public Domain









The Bible says that “companionship” speaks a lot about who we are.


Have you ever heard the expression, “Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are”?


The Bible asks the very same question, but in a somewhat different way… “Can two walk together, except they are in agreement?” Amos 3:3.


But this next verse seems to be an answer to the previous verse. Just listen… “…we…beholding…the Lord…are changed into the same image.” 2nd Corinthians 3:18.


This verse confirms that associating with Jesus we become in agreement with Jesus.







But this principal of “who we walk with”, also works in the negative sense…

“Be not deceived:

evil communications corrupt good manners.”

1st Corinthians 15:33.


By associating with bad influences, we imperceptibly begin to take on those evil attributes.


“Be not deceived” this last verse states.

Every time Scripture issues the warning, we need to realize that Satan will try to deceive us on that very point.










As most everyone in the Christian community understands, the Bible uses not only Jesus, but mere mortals, such as Paul, to be role-models for Christians to admire and emulate.

But Lucifer, now called Satan, fully understands this, and has given us his own role-models, for us to conform to.


And now, with television, radio, the printed page, and high-tech devices, like never before this Master-Destroyer now projects his own selfish image to the world!


And as a result, they eventually begin to emulate those images in their own personal daily lives!


James Bond – by SteveBancroft – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 4.0 – cropped photo

Poster – Gone With the Wind – US Public Dom – Wikipedia

Super Bowl XLIII Thunderbirds Flyover Feb 1 2009 – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Elvis Presley – Wikipedia – Public Domain







.“(Jesus) Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person…” Hebrews 1:3


And speaking of images, the above verse states that Jesus, being the eternal Son of God, was the express image of God.


But these things concerning the Godhead are far higher than any human can understand.


And yet, one thing is for sure: Jesus was, is in constant communion with the Godhead, of whom He is an integral part. Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit are One.


Now this concept brings home to each and every Believer the very same concept: “whose companion am I? Who do I admire? Who do I look up to?”


Here is the first object lesson.


Just as Jesus is one with the Godhead, so must we be one with Jesus.


Mercury in color – Prockter – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain

mirror – Wikimedia – public domain

Mabel Normand with round mirror – Wikimedia – US public domain









And back to Planet Mercury, revolves around, the Christian must revolve around Jesus, the ‘Sun of Righteousness’.


And so how does this relate to the Second Commandment?


Just listen to this next passage…

“But we all, with open face

beholding as in a glass (mirror) the glory of the Lord,

are changed into the same image from glory to glory,

even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

2nd Corinthians 3:18


But this verse speaks of the wonderful image that God has in mind for His children to attain to: to be changed into the image of Jesus!

Isn’t this what it’s all about?

This is one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture!


Cross of Jesus Christ – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.






“Dear Lord, Help me to be careful about my daily associations. Help me to surround myself with godly influences…

USMC prayer before study Wikimedia Public-Domain






To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Mercury & The Image Of The Beast”

or you can also read… “Mark of the Beast & Seal of God”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license























Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)






As discussed elsewhere in this website, the Sun seems to correspond to the First Commandment.

Likewise, Mercury, which is the second heavenly sphere in our solar system, seems to correspond very nicely to the Second Commandment.

Both the second heavenly sphere (Mercury) and the Second Commandment (no images) are closest to the ‘Sun’.

That is to say, just as planet Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, so is the Second Commandment right next to the First Commandment (God compares himself to the Sun many times in Scripture).


Jesus says to us today…

“I am the light of the world:

he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness,

but shall have the light of life.

John 8:12


For a more in-depth look at this argument about the Sun comparing to God, just click this link… “Discovering Bible Signs In Our Solar System”, or this link… Signs in the Sun .


Mercury in color – Prockter – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain

Mercury orbit solar system -wikipedia – share-alike license






To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Mercury & The Image Of The Beast”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license








November 24 (6th Head of the Beast “Ye shall be as gods” Mankind as God)








CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 5-MINUTE DEVOTIONAL – – Maranatha!: “Seven Last Plagues Begin to Fall”– By Ellen G. White


Meteors – Falling Stars – asteroids – Leonids-browse nasa Abe & Hajime Yano







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