By admin On March 2nd, 2021
Have you ever been reading a novel, and imagining yourself walking into that very story?
A horror story, perhaps?
Well, I haven’t either!
But maybe that’s not quite correct. Because I guess, every time we read a book or watch a movie, we vicariously live out the experiences of the main character, to a greater or lesser degree.
But now everything had changed! It was like I had supernaturally walked through some schism-in-the-universe, or perhaps an invisible doorway, and into another dimension; into some horrific devilish story of the spiritual realm! (Kind-of like something you might have viewed on that old 1960’s TV show, The Twilight Zone)
But all this wasn’t just a horror-novel from the bookstore! Nor was it a “Twilight Zone” episode!
This was for real!
And now…….I was about to be thrust into a bizarre chess-game…hosted by the spirits: a game about Good VS. Evil.
So, let me tell you just what happened, to the best of my recollection…
The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893
During this hospital stay, the U.S. was involved in the Iranian hostage crisis. And little did I know that this hostage crisis was to become the theme and centerpiece of what lay ahead for me!
And as I watched the TV, I noticed that it too, was sending out personal messages. No, these weren’t direct messages. Just innuendos. It wasn’t like the announcers knew they were giving out messages. Because they were speaking of something entirely different; entirely mundane. But as I listened to them, I heard personal messages in their words; interpreting them “between the lines”, as the old saying goes. But at the time this was happening, I couldn’t tell if these announcers knew or not, what they were telling me!
Looking back, I can’t honestly say that these TV announcers were actually saying anything out of the ordinary, as far as they were concerned. But the spirits somehow knew what the TV announcers were going to say…in advance! And as I recall, the spirits seemed to bring me to the TV, at exactly the right moment, to hear just the “right things”, they wanted me to hear!
But it’s also possible that at certain times, the spirits were actually there at the TV stations, manipulating the announcers and what they were saying. I don’t know which was true, but I suspect that both are true to a lesser or greater extent!
It began to appear that much was being controlled by these spirit beings. What a terrifying thought! Wish I had known this following verse…
“…the GOD OF THIS WORLD has blinded the minds of them which believe not, if by chance the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2nd Corinthians 4:4.
So, just who is this “god of this world”, who blinds the world’s inhabitants?
Studio Télévision – cropped image – wikimedia – share-alike license
Listen again…“the GOD OF THIS WORLD has blinded the minds of them which believe not, if by chance the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2nd Corinthians 4:4
The above verse calls Satan, “the god of this world”! Wow! How could Satan be “the god of this world”? 2nd Corinthians 4:4
Of course, this truth has almost zero acceptance among the people of the world, and not even by many Christians, and certainly not by me! No, prior to all this, you could never have convinced me either, that there existed an unseen spirit realm!
At least, you couldn’t have convinced me…until the day I was thrust into all this!
And I also wish that I had known this next following verse which is just as terrifying…
“Wherein in time past all of you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, THE SPIRIT THAT NOW WORKS IN WORKS in the children of disobedience…” Ephesians 2:2
How could Satan be the “the spirit that NOW works in the children of disobedience”!? This means that Satan and his angels are NOW working in almost the entire human race!!! These two above verses (2nd Corinthians 4:4 & Ephesians 2:2), are very powerful, when you really think about them! And don’t they speak directly to what has just been discussed?
I always liked to think I was the “captain of my own ship”. It’s repugnant to think that evil spirit of Antichrist is working within me! And out in the world, there are so many people who seem to be so well-behaved, and so well-balanced! But hey…this can be easily explained by such verses as this next one…
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” 2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15
So, from the above verse it becomes apparent that Satan can be a very “nice” devil if he wishes to be. And so can his followers. The Bible says that the people of the world have, “a form of godliness” (2nd Timothy 3:5). Of course, the reason this is so difficult to accept is because society likes to portray the Devil as an overtly, all-evil entity. He’s always associated with witches, and murders, and the most heinous and hideous types of cruelty. He is seldom portrayed as “lovable” and “kind” or even “holy”. So, Satan really does a masterful job of masquerading himself under a cloak and mask of false goodness! And so do his “workers of iniquity” (which includes his fellow evil angels plus the entirety of unsaved mankind)! (see Luke 13:27)
Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain
ABOVE PICTURE: Satan, The False Prophet who offers a world-loving gospel –
Devil-goat – wikipedia – public domain
Okay, okay, let’s get back to the story!
I felt compelled to go over to the pool table, and shoot some pool. At one point, I immediately noticed that it was like my entire body was now being controlled by the spirit being. As I took aim, I felt my shooting become very smooth and under the control of these beings. I was really doing some excellent shooting!
No wobbly movements, like I normally would back in my beer-tavern days (which were about a week earlier!).
I sensed that the spirit wanted me to go through this exercise in order to help me to learn “trust”. That is, there seemed to be a “good” spirit helping me to prepare for some contest. And this pool-shooting was some sort of preparation for that contest. I knew that this “good” spirit wanted me to learn to sort-of, keep-in-step with him. To prepare me for this contest. Or test. Or whatever name one might use to describe what I was going to go through. (“Insanity”, you say?)
Whatever the reason for all this was, I felt my body, to a great extent, under the control of the spirit. When I walked, it was slow and deliberate. As if the spirit controlled my every body movement. It was almost like I was floating around, or being carried around. A rather pleasant experience, I must admit!
checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia – share-alike license. Click here for link.
After a few days, it seemed that some weird contest was emerging! A bizarre chess game or something similar! It became frightening, because I was impressed that the stakes were high!
The spirits, both good and evil, were in charge of this contest, or so I was led to believe.
checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia – share-alike license. Click here for link.
And as I’ve already said, the U.S. and Iran were involved in the current hostage crisis. This became the theme of the game I was thrust into. I had to go through certain tests; actually a series of tests. But I didn’t know what the tests were until I had either passed or failed the tests. Let me explain…
1. The young boy who resembled me (“Mini-Me”), became my representative.
2. A very disturbed and sad young lady represented the entire ward of “mentally ill” patients. We’ll call her “Lady-Blue”
3. Three patients (a man, woman, and maybe their daughter) were staying in the same sleeping quarters, who symbolized my family; my family in a larger sense, i.e., the people of Oregon. Let’s call them the “Oregon Family”.
4. And an old gentleman, with a prominent nose, and somewhat resembled the Shah, represented the real Shah of Iran.
5. The TV was on most of the day showing pictures of the Ayatollah Khomeini, sitting on his prayer rug. And the TV was likewise showing the American hostages. So, these TV images, the Ayatollah, symbolized Satan, taking over Iran, and the hostages of course, represented America. The television news shows were calling this incident, “America Held Hostage”. . .
خمینی_در_نماز wikipedia public domain Ayatollah Khomeini
The Shah of Iran, a prince who lost his throne, was replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeini, a dark figure who took the Shah’s place.
I was made aware that, should I lose this contest, the result would be that the Ayatollah would remain in power, and the entire world would be plunged into a nuclear war. But should I win, not losing the “representatives”, then the Shah (the real Shah) would return to his throne, thus preventing any nuclear war. And of course, the hostages would be redeemed and free to return home to the USA. And the world would be saved.
Shah of Iran – wikipedia – public domain
خمینی_در_نماز wikipedia public domain Ayatollah Khomeini
After some days, the Iranians let some of the hostages go, leaving only 52 hostages. The spirit impressed upon my mind, that these 52 hostages represented the 50 states of the USA, plus our two neighboring territories. At some point, I began to feel that I was also a hostage; the 53rd HOSTAGE! (Now please don’t laugh!)
I suspected these spirits were the actual controlling authorities in this whole hostage crisis. The thought came to me that I should call someone to share this information. “I’ll call the White House!” So, I went around the corner from the nurse’s station, where was a pay phone on the wall, inside a small alcove. I called information for the number. I then dialed the number given by information (No coins were required for these calls, as I recall).
“Hello, This is the White House switchboard. Who can I connect you with?”
I answered, “I need to speak with the President.”
The operator answered, “Just a moment, please.”
“Hello, this is the office of the President. What is the nature of this call?”
“I have information about the hostage crisis.”
“Exactly what kind of information, sir?”
“There is another hostage that you don’t know about. I’m being held hostage.”
“Exactly where is your location?”
“Well, uh, I’m in Merle West Hospital, in Klamath Falls, Oregon.”
“Where did you say you are?”
“Merle West Medical Center.”
To be honest, I can’t remember exactly how this conversation ended. But I do remember feeling really stupid at this point. Yeah, at this point, the conversation ended with the White House. It dawned on me just how crazy I sounded, and abruptly hung up in embarrassment!
Iran hostages – wikipedia – public domain
White House – North Side – wikipedia – public domain
“Sinnerman, where ya gonna run RIDE to, all on that day?”…
At a different time, the thought then came to me that I should try to escape. I thought about standing by one of the two entrances until someone came in. Then I would just run out as fast as I could.
But then I considered that I probably wouldn’t get very far.
Then I tried to think of someone who might be willing to smuggle in a pistol. I did know one lady who might do something that daring. But then I quickly dismissed that idea.
Then I thought about making a banner which said something like, “Help! I’m being held hostage!” I could hang it out the big window in the front living area. But I quickly dismissed that idea too. LOL!
Jesse James Comic Picture – courtesy Wikipedia. Public Domain.
Just a comment about all this. There really wasn’t a thing I could do to get myself free from this situation I was now in.
But at the time this was happening, I didn’t know anything about the Bible. I didn’t realize how helpless I really was. But it didn’t take long for me to figure it out!
As a matter of fact, the call to the White House was about the last time I did anything to try to free myself from what I was going through. I soon realized I was as helpless as a bug in a spider-web…. “For man also knows not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them.” Proverbs 9:12. And oh boy! Was I ever ‘snared in an evil time’!! Just as this above verse proclaims!
The following Bible passage speaks about that day which was to come upon me. Had I known this verse, it would have warned me to not let eating and drinking and the cares and pleasures of life get in the way of my preparation to stand during the Judgment Day to come…
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations… the sea and the waves roaring;…And take heed… so that… your hearts won’t be overcharged with eating, and drinking, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. FOR AS A SNARE SHALL IT COME ON ALL THEM… of the whole earth. Watch… and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21: 25-36 (condensed for brevity & context)
Oh-h that I had these verses memorized, so that I might have prepared for what came upon me!
My Father came to visit me during this time. Of course, he had no idea of what was going on, except that I had some sort of breakdown. At some point, I was informed that the hospital staff were theorizing that I might have taken some LSD, perhaps.
Well, I guess in a way, you could actually say I was on LSD, depending on just what you think those letters, “L.S.D.” stand for.
But the fact is, the strongest drug I ever took was Mescaline, and that was about eight or so years earlier, while at college, and just several dozen times, but mostly just a very small dose.
However, one of those trips was a bad one, and during that bad trip, I asked Jesus into my life. So, after that bad trip, I never wanted to touch anything ever again! I did take Marijuana a handful of times after that. But all those drugs scared me! Even Marijuana!
No, the only L.S.D. I ever came in contact with, was that old serpent, Lucifer, Satan, the Devil!
Magic mushrooms – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
“What bad mescaline trip did you have?”, you ask?
Actually, what happened was, while in college (At Oregon State University), I went skiing at Mt. Bachelor in Bend Oregon. And while staying overnight at a couple of old high-school friends, I began to experience a weird sensation. Yeah, things got weirder as the very long night finally turned to morning! My friends went to sleep, but I was being plagued with dreadful thoughts, fearing that I was going insane! As the long hours went crawling by, the thought came to me, that I must surrender my life to Jesus as the only way of escape out of my present mental condition. And so, this decision brought me some degree of peace. In the morning, when getting ready to leave, I asked my friends what was in the wine the previous night. One of them said “It had mescaline in it”. I was really upset with them, but held my tongue.
Well, after this incident, my mental troubles continued on through the winter. I never told anyone what was going on in my mind, but at one point, I almost went to the campus psychiatrist, but decided not to. And I suppose the clinical description of my condition might be “extreme paranoia”. Life was extremely difficult during these months. But no one knew but me.
For instance, I distinctly recall walking across campus one evening, to a concert, I think with a new musical group named Jethro Tull. As I was almost there, I had a really dramatic experience in which I saw the world as a giant globe, spinning in the universe. And I became almost terrified as I questioned just “What is this life was on earth all about?” Was this planet just a meaningless existence? And if we were all merely a freak accident of nature, then “what purpose is there in life? What are we doing here?” This was the first time I can remember ever questioning mankind’s existence in the universe. And because my years of public schooling had transformed me into somewhat of an atheist, life’s meaninglessness was extremely difficult to deal with in my young and confused mind.
Well, after months of similar mental torments, winter finally turned to spring, and my problems cleared up all of a sudden. I met several nice young ladies, and life, once again became enjoyable.
Hair pulling stress – frustration – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License
Jethro Tull – cropped – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
Planet Earth – Wikimedia – Public Domain (altered image)
But now, in my current encounter with the unseen spiritual realm, I realized that those supposed mental troubles I had way back then at college, were probably also brought on by these spirit entities. I then began to wonder if ALL mental problems were actually caused by evil spirits.
And a similar incident happened in a bar in 1979, when a current girlfriend commented on my personality suddenly changing. Could all this phenomena be from these spirits? I knew it was…for sure! It had “Hell” written all over it! It was like stepping into a horror movie. But I knew this was for real!
DEMONS-wikipedia – US-public-domain
(Title of a Gordon Lightfoot song)
Anyway, as I just said in the section called “Dabbled In Drugs”, my dad came to visit me. And he was looking for something to do during this visit. He suggested that I read a book. He went over to a bookshelf. And a strange phenomenon happened.
As he would begin to pull out a certain book, I heard a voice or suggestion in my mind that the book he was choosing was not the right book. And after the voice spoke (in my mind), Dad would push the book back into place and run his fingers over the books, looking for another book. And when he found another book, he began to pull it out. But again a voice in my head said “no”. And again Dad would push that book back into place, also. This little exercise went on, maybe about 3 or 4 times, it seems, until the voice in my head and my Father finally both agreed on a book.
I think this little “spiritual wonder” is significant. It’s called “Clairvoyance”, people might say.
But I knew it was the spirit doing all this.
Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license
Bookshelf icon svg – wikimedia – Creative Commons license
As the days went by in Unit 3600, at a certain point in time, I was compelled to go on a fast, in order to be successful in this contest. And so I began refusing all food. The staff was not very concerned about this, since I was still drinking water.
But after a short time however, it began to get harder and harder to even get water. The reason for this is, I started to question the purity of my water supplies. This would render my fasting impure, causing me to lose the contest. But I was becoming desperate for water!
I would have gladly drank water, but whenever I put my mouth to my bathroom sink faucet, the fearful thought came to me that this is a dirty way of getting water, because of my germs. And the one drinking fountain became contaminated when I saw a boy spit on it as he was walking by. At least that’s how the spirit was compelling me to think. And these occurrences and other similar ones made it almost impossible to get water!
The fact is, the spirits were compelling me to get fanatical about the purity of this water.
I found a Styrofoam cup and kept it under my bed, so I could drink water from my bathroom sink. This worked for a short time until the housekeeper removed it. So then I simply put it on the ledge of my window.
The staff was now getting concerned about whether I was getting enough water. So they insisted that I save my urine each time I went. And they brought me styro-cups to save it. And each time they came in to see, they put the dirty cup on the ledge so I could use it again. And then when I went to get my cup, I became fearful that I was using the cup that had the urine in it.
You see, the spirits were forcing my mind to become very extreme and fanatical regarding the purity of my fasting. Without them controlling my thinking, I normally couldn’t have cared less about such insignificant details! After all, I’ve dumpster-dived on a few occasions since this experience…and relished every bite of my meal!! But now the spirits were exerting such a control over my thinking, that I became very extreme about being pure in my fasting!
Well, these kinds of things were making it harder and harder to get water, until I finally went without water for about 24 hours, as I recall. I was getting desperate. I hadn’t eaten for a number of days, and now I wasn’t even getting water!
Photo of cup by Glane23 for wikipedia share-alike license. Click here for link.
Finally after hours or days of going without water, it got to the point that I became so desperate for water. So finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom, and gulped down as much water as I possibly could, from the bathroom sink! I figured, if I acted fast, I could gulp enough water before the spirits could prevent me from drinking!
So after getting as much water as I could, I wiped my mouth in satisfaction, no doubt. But very soon after this, I became convicted that I failed my first test.
I thought I was just doing this to prepare for my test! I was informed that I showed a “lack of faith”. And had I waited on God, God would have supplied my water in due time. As I’m writing this, there is a verse of Scripture that speaks about water…
“The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness has surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? He that walks righteously… bread shall be given him; HIS WATERS SHALL BE SURE.” Isaiah 33:14-16.
Of course, I’m not saying that this test was from God. And this Bible passage maybe has no true application to my experience. But as far as I’m concerned, I was now in devouring fire, as this above passage speaks of.
But I blew it! I was frantic with terror! After all, the entire fate of the world rested on how I did in this contest! At least that’s what I was now being told by the spirits.
Please go to next Chapter…just click here…
Ch. 13: TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” PART 2
Did it ever occur to you that the television is greatly controlled by Satan? This expose on television is a real “eye opener”!