Daily Devotional – January 1 (Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads!, Part 3)

By admin On January 9th, 2021


Daily Devotional – January 1







Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads!


Part 3

To read part 1, click here…Today’s Devotional – July 4th (Look Up & Lift Up Your Heads! Part 1)

Starry Night at La Silla – cropped/altered image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license









Jesus spoke to His disciples about the various signs of the end, and of His Second Coming. 


And among the various signs, Luke 21:25 speaks of these…

“And there shall be signs in the sun,

and in the moon, and in the stars;

and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;

the sea and the waves roaring;

Men’s hearts failing them for fear,

and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:

for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”

Luke 21:25-27 


ABOVE STAR-CHART – Summer Constellations with Two Turtledoves (Sagittarius) & Flower of the Field (aka: Scorpio) & The 12-Star Crown (aka: Corona Borealis) & The Cross-Scepter (aka: Ophiochus & Serpens) & Revelation 12 Woman (Ursa Major) & Arcturus Star – www.theheavensdeclare.net








http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Starry_Night_at_La_Silla.jpgNow this website has the privilege of revealing these signs.


And so of course, the Reader is encouraged to begin to deeply explore this website to the point that he or she is so familiar with everything written, that they can then go outside and merely look up, and God will reveal all these heavenly messengers as they sparkle and shine in the heavens!


But this Part 3 will hopefully encourage both of us to look up, and lift up our heads, just as verse 28 of Luke commands…  “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”


Starry Night at La Silla – cropped/altered image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license








You see, what most of us do not fully realize is that this little verse holds the key to Christian victory!


Yes, it is fully time for Luke 21:28 to be implemented in the Christian’s life! Thus, it’s now high time to look up, and lift up our heads, and never ever look back down! This is the key to Christian victory!


So, the question you’re probably asking is this… “How in the world am I supposed to never look back down to earth, when I have so many worldly obligations?”









Yes, that’s the big question… “How am I supposed to never look back down to earth, when I have so many duties pressing upon me daily?”


Well, the answer is quite simple! If I am truly looking upward by the power of the Holy Spirit, then even though I am down at the office, or at recreation with my family, Heaven is before my eyes! Oh no, I don’t physically see Heaven! But in my mind’s eye, Jesus and Heaven are the spiritual backdrop and the foundation to all that my physical eyes behold!


Of course, this is a supernatural experience! And this is a growing experience. But it will happen if I really desire it to happen!


Family – Children’s Playground – Wikimedia – Share-alike License 








Now, there are some practical things I can do to create an environment conducive to this supernatural experience.


Yes, as far as possible, I can immerse myself in holy things! Listening to celestial choirs, sacred hymns, and Davidic psalms, carrying a pocket Bible and reading it whenever I get a spare moment, staying in an attitude of quiet unceasing prayer and Bible contemplation, ceasing from television and every other mundane or ungodly association, praying for a less complicated life…


Yes, these are among the many practical good works that the serious seeker must do, to hope for God’s blessing!


USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – public domain









Now of course, if I am single, and free of debt, then there will be little in the way of obstacles to prevent me from inculcating these practical lifestyle changes into my everyday life.


But if I have family obligations, then I am pretty much like Daniel the servant, in the courts of Babylon! In other words, I have a great amount of http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_Prayer_for_those_at_Sea_by_Frederick_Daniel_Hardy.jpgworldly obligations!


And yet, like Daniel, I can still balance those worldly obligations with my spiritual obligations!


And like Daniel, I can still focus my mind’s eye Heavenward, even though I am living in the midst of Babylon! 


Poynter’s Daniel’s Prayer 1865 public domain

A Prayer for those at Sea – by Frederick Daniel Hardy – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Starry_Night_at_La_Silla.jpg“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse”

2nd Timothy 3:13 


And, truth-be-told, as the horrible state of affairs in the world continues to grow worse and worse, it’s getting harder and harder to look down at this poor sick planet.


And so, God’s people need to look up and live!


For our redemption draweth nigh!


Starry Night at La Silla – cropped and altered image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license









But the point to this devotional is this: I need to look up and never ever allow myself to look back down!


I need to keep my mind’s eye ever looking Heavenward! And yes, my family may become angry that I no longer watch TV at night with them. But, with much prayer for great wisdom, I may be able to substitute other things in place of those ungodly influences. And who knows, my family may just decide to eventually join me in those other pursuits, instead of watching TV themselves…


For instance, if I decide to become an expert in the Signs Of Heaven, making it my hobby: my family may, likewise, eventually become interested in this pursuit!


But even if I have to “go it alone” in my spiritual pursuits, I must remember, that countless other pilgrims have carried this particular Cross long before me!


And God will give me grace and strength to endure such a spiritual separation!


ABOVE PICTURE: Winter – Revelation 12 Woman with Eagle Wings







http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ABC_-_Good_Morning_America.jpgTO READ PART 4, CLICK HERE…

Daily Devotional, Year 3 – June 26 (Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads, Part 4: “Nightly News!”)

TV – ABC-Good Morning America – Wikipedia – Share-alike License







TODAY’S PRAYER…https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rezando.jpg

“Dear Lord, Help me to focus the eyes of my understanding only upon Jesus…

Woman Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license










To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “MARCH 6 (How To Have Heaven Now!)”, or you can also read… JANUARY 9 (The Time of Trouble! Part 1: Armageddon In The Sky!)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!



















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)








A few weeks ago (May, 2014), as I was walking, one night, along a nearby Canal, I noticed a group of stars in a slight oval position right next to the Beautiful 12-star Crown.

Wikipedia Star-Chart - Corona Borealis

And these stars were maybe even a little brighter than the Crown. Now because they were even distanced from each other and in such a definite oval pattern, I became somewhat bothered. After all, in my human thinking, I didn’t like that crown to have such tough competition, from this unrecognized group of stars.


But a few days later, it came to me that those stars represented the Five Wise Virgins from Matthew 25. And that slight oval pattern represented their gathering around the Glorious Crown, giving the Crown the attention it deserved. In other words, it is only true worshippers of God who highly esteem the crown of victory which awaits those who persevere with Jesus to the very end!

Serpent on Jesus Heel


Then as I kept considering this new phenomenon, I began to realize that these Five Wise Virgins were gathered at the feet of the Sign of the Son of Man Constellation, just as Mary Magdalene sat at Jesus feet to hear His Word! And so this realization gave further credence to these stars representing the Five Wise Virgins.


But after a few more nights of watching this, I then realized that these five stars might even be the five toes of Sign of the Son of Man Constellation! And so, this meant that the crown represented the heel of that Son of Man, as He hung on the Cross.


Wikipedia Star-Chart – Corona Borealis

Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven Constellation






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Question_book_magnify2.svgREAD MORE…


To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Discovering Bible Constellations Pt. 3: Happily Ever After”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license








January 2nd – How Do I See These Signs of Heaven?

Starry Night at La Silla – cropped and altered image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license










http://christianimagesource.com/prophet_jeremiah_g341-prophet_jeremiah__image_2_p2281.html20+ MINUTE AUDIO JEREMIAH STUDY







ABOVE PAINTING: The Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.org – Public Domain

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