Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 29 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 21: “It’s A Titanic World!”)

By admin On February 16th, 2021



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – September 29





Apocalypse NOW!


Part 21:

“It’s A Titanic World!”

To read the first part of this topic, go here…AUGUST 3 (Apocalypse Now! Part 1: Silencing the Gospel!)






“And because iniquity shall abound,

the love of many shall wax cold.”

Matthew 24:12






One of the most shocking events in modern history was the http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St%C3%B6wer_Titanic_(colourized).jpgsinking of the mighty ship, The Titanic!


Several movies have been made about that great tragedy, plus numerous books.


It was such an unthinkable catastrophe, still commonly spoken of, even to this very day!


Titanic – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St%C3%B6wer_Titanic_(colourized).jpgAnd what made it even more bizarre was, just prior to its fateful maiden voyage in 1915, many claimed that the Titanic was, “The unsinkable ship!” 


It is even reported that one crewmember boldly exclaimed, “God Himself couldn’t sink that ship!”


But on the next day after the ship had struck the iceberg and sank, one newspaper headline curiously read, “Metaphor sinks!”


Titanic – Wikimedia – US Public Domain









And indeed, the Titanic was and is a fitting metaphor for this Titanic world!


Yes, through the centuries, as this work-a-day world has been going busily about its day-by-day routine, the great multitudes have long held the notion that “tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.” Isaiah 56:2


This world seemed unsinkable!


Titanic – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








But it is now in our day that humanity is getting nervous!


Because ever since that fateful day in 1915, the world has been steadily inching closer and closer to the precipice of destruction!


Two world wars, the invention of nuclear bombs, incurable disease, the nearly pandemic embracing of Sodom’s sin, and other previously unheard of calamities are making a whole lot of people very nervous.


Castle Romeo nuclear bomb – Wikipedia – Public-Domain








But there is another uncanny similarity between the Titanic ship and this Titanic World which only further confirms the metaphoric nature of these two titans!


And what similarity could that possibly be?


Yes, the Titanic was brought down by an iceberg.


The very Iceberg that possibly struck Titanic – US Govt. photo – Wikipedia – Public Domain








Now what possible connection could that iceberg have to this world’s demise?


Listen…“Hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, 

Which I have reserved against the time of trouble,

against the day of battle and war?”

Job 38:22, 23


Oh no, this above verse is not speaking of an iceberg.


But it is indeed speaking of God’s judgment of ice upon this world in the last days!


Holman Bible – Plague of hail – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








Listen again, as God speaks about hail in the Book of Revelation…

“And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven,

every stone about the weight of a talent:

and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail;

for the plague thereof was exceeding great.”

Revelation 16:21


This is the very last plague to fall upon the earth in the last days!


Hail Stone – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain







Matthew 13:13


But what must be understood is this: the Bible is a book of metaphors.


And to rightly interpret the thousands of metaphors in the Bible requires much study, “comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” 1st Corinthians 2:13

The Bible is a spiritual book, often using the physical objects of nature to illustrate spiritual truths!


Holy Bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Lic.








The hail spoken of the Bible is to be understood metaphorically!


Listen…“Judgment also will I lay to the line,

and righteousness to the plummet:

and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies”

Isaiah 28:17


Obviously literal hail cannot “sweep away the refuge of lies”, as it prophesies in Isaiah!


And just as water is often used in Scripture as a metaphor of “grace”, so too, hail has its own spiritual meaning!


Plague of Hail – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 4.0 License






“For he (Man) flatters himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful”

Psalm 36:2


Listen to another prophecy which Jesus made, concerning these days…

“And because iniquity shall abound,

the love of many shall wax cold. 

But he that shall endure unto the end,

the same shall be saved.”

Matthew 24:12, 13


Is this prophecy finding any fulfillment today?


Are we seeing iniquity abounding?


Are we seeing humanity’s so-called “love”, waxing cold?


Protests – Anti Christian sign in Federal Plaza Chicago – cropped image – Wikimedia Commons








Just look around!


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Antifa_@_Trump_in_Phoenix_8-22-17.jpgRead the newspapers! Watch the television! Everywhere we look, it seems that humanity is getting more and more intolerant of each other!


Just look at the political world!


There is so much hatred in today’s politics, that the various news agencies twist the facts (or omit facts altogether) in the daily news stories just to make their political foes appear even more evil than they really are!


Political protests are happening on a daily basis with hate-filled chants shouted by angry throngs, ready to beat anyone who might get in their way!


And some political leaders are even calling for the death of their enemies!


Antifa @ Protest Trump in Phoenix – 8-22-17 – Wikipedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2








Several men ruthlessly murdered their own mothers on Mother’s Day this year!


One of those men actually carried his mother’s severed head into an Oregon grocery store, on Mother’s Day, also stabbing one of the employees!






VIOLENCE NOW FILMED FOR THE INTERNET!http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ISIL_Execution_of_man_September_2014.jpg


Beheadings and other violent deeds are now shown on the Internet, on a regular basis!


ISIL – Execution of man – September 2014 – Wikimedia – Public Domain









Listen to this next prophecy concerning the Day of Judgment…“And the nations were angry, and Thy (God’s) wrath is come…” Revelation 11:18


This isn’t speaking of some distant time in the future! It’s happening right now!


The nations are indeed angry! Rogue religions are now forcing their beliefs upon the formerly Christian Reformation nations!


This Titanic world seems to have struck an iceberg of icy cold hatred!


Millions of protestors in Tahrir Square – Wikimedia Commons – Share-alike License










One preacher made the comment, “These climate activists who are trying to ‘save the world’, are comparable to trying re-arrange deck-chairs on the Titanic!”


Yes, in the very hour in which this world teeters on the brink of Judgment Day, we see a good proportion of unsaved humanity engaging in all types of environmental activism! And all this environment mania, is merely the product of evil angels working through the unsaved to divert humanity into various other futile areas of concern. 


Detour Sign – Wikimedia – Public Domain






Well, this little devotional doesn’t have time to expand on this description of the icy indifference and growing hatred which are abounding on a daily basis.


March – Protest – Thank God For Satan – cropped image – Wikimedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or later version








In spite of the growing hatred and intolerance now seen just about everywhere, is there any Good News in this sad and tragic world?


Yes, even though this world has been struck by the iceberg of man’s intolerant hatred for others, there is a way of escape! 


Sadly, only one-third of the Titanic’s passengers were saved.


But the lifeboat that God has provided is big enough to rescue any and every last man, woman, and child on this sinking planet.


Yes, unlike the insufficient lifeboats of the Titanic back in 1915, nobody should think that God’s lifeboat is too small for all to come aboard to be saved!


That’s very Good News!


So come aboard and be saved and live forever!


 ABOVE PICTURE: Heaven’s Ship, The Arcturus: The Gospel Ship bound for Castor and Pollux, The Narrow Way – www.signsofheaven.org





http://www.muskegonartmuseum.org/collections-gallery/galleryTO READ PART 22, GO HERE…

September 30 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 22: “The Morning Cometh, And Also The Night!”)

ABOVE PICTURE: Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry







“Dear Lord, Help me to be fully awake and fully aware of how near is the final day… 

However pressing his duties STM2-c James Lee Frazer always finds time to read a few chapters from his Bible each day. I – NARA – 520675 – Wikimedia – Public Domain







To explore deeper into this subject, please read…  January 7th (TIME TO GET OUT OF DODGE!), or you can also read this shorter article… June 29 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 17: “Love…Shall Wax Cold!”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!



















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)









“Multitudes, multitudes in the ‘Valley of Decision’…


for the day of the Lord is near in the ‘Valley of Decision’.”


Valley of Decision w/names

“The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining… 


“The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem…


“And the heavens and the earth shall shake…


“But the LORD will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel.


Joel 3:14-16






Valley of Decision & O Destroying Mtn. Constellations


THE VALLEY OF DECISION CONSTELLATION GROUP. They appear in mid-summer in the eastern skies in pre-dawn hours. These are made of Cassiopeia (mount on left), and various stars from the Andromeda Constellation (valley) Pegasus (Mount of Cursing (middle mount) & Destroying Mount (right)), and Pisces (Broad Way to Hell). The galaxy which appears to be climbing the Mountain of Blessing is the Andromeda Galaxy


The above Wikipedia star-chart shows this amazing constellation group as it appears from June to fall, just prior to the winter constellation group. Actually, these Valley of Decision Constellations appear in early summer in the pre-dawn hours. (Editor of this website has sketched in this constellation group onto this above Wikipedia star-chart.) 







To explore deeper into this subject, please read… The ‘Valley of Decision’ Constellation








September 30 (Apocalypse NOW! Part 22: “The Morning Cometh, And Also The Night!”)

ABOVE PICTURE: Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry









The Open Forum Talk Show with Harold Camping 


CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 90-MINUTE TALK SHOW – – The Open Forum Harold Camping September 4, 2002 (youtube.com)

Harold-Camping – courtesy Family Radio





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