Daily Devotional, Year 4 – December 12 (Fainting Goats & Us: PART 2 “Who is the World’s Strongest Human?”)
By admin On June 23rd, 2024.
Daily Devotional, Year 4 – December 12
Fainting Goats & Us
“Who is the World’s Strongest Human?”
To read part 1, click here…January 14th (Fainting Goats & Us! Part 1)
“f thou faint in the day of adversity,
thy strength is small.”
Proverbs 24:10
Just who is the strongest person in the world?
Well, in times past, many would give such a title to Samson.
His physical strength was superhuman!
But does Samson qualify as the strongest human to ever live?
Some might even say Goliath. Definitely a strong man!
In this decadent society, we are greatly saddened to see the populace growing increasingly weaker in moral, spiritual, and even in physical strength!
Yes, this decadent, opulent society has provided so many labor-saving inventions, which has caused many younger folks to become somewhat helpless in many respects.
So much so, they often tagged as “snowflakes”!
We’re so used to having everything handed to us, pre-made, pre-packaged that we have greatly become a society of moral/physical/spiritual weaklings!
“Where does milk come from, little Johnny? From the grocery store, of course!”
But back to our initial question. So, just who might we consider to be the strongest human in the world?
Well, actually, God only knows for sure, since there are 6 or 7 billion people living to choose from!
But there are two individuals living at the time of this article, who just might be worthy candidates for this title.
And yet, both of these persons couldn’t last 1-second in an arm-wrestling match! But both of them have super-human strength!
The fact is, both of them are without use of both arms and legs.
As a matter of fact, one of them has no arms and only one leg!
In spite of their lack of physical strength, both of them are perhaps two of the strongest people on earth.
One of them lost her use of both arms and legs in a catastrophic accident when she was just a teenager.
The other was born without arms and just one partial leg.
Both of them are much older now.
And yet, God has raised up these two to become paragons of super-human strength, morally, and spiritually.
Unlike Samson, who was strong physically, but lacked moral/spiritual strength, these two Christians have overcome their tremendous handicaps.
And God has purposely raised them up to be role-models and inspirations for all Christians who likewise suffer numerous problems, setbacks, handicaps, disadvantages.
Listening to these two faith-filled Christian evangelists greatly encourages us to go forward on our sojourn through this cold, dark and sad world!
Whatever they may lack in physical strength, God has blessed them spiritually in faith, love, empathy-for-others, and courage!
Oh yes, God, has, no doubt, raised up many other “Spiritual Samsons”, who may be unsung heroes to this world.
But just like these two modern-day Samsons, are likewise inspirations and witnesses of God’s faith, love, forgiveness, and spiritual strength to those around them: in their own homes, neighborhoods, and/or in their communities!
And let’s face it, we live in a world where many people may exhibit physical strength, stamina, talents, and courage.
But just like the Apostle, Peter, these same strong ones might willingly take sword-in-hand, risk their own life, labor tirelessly!
And yet, separated from God’s Holy Spirit, would cower under the slightest adversity as did Peter when confronted by a young girl…
“a damsel came unto him (Peter),
saying, you also were with Jesus of Galilee.
But he denied before them all, saying…
I do not know the man (Jesus)!”
Matthew 26:69, 70.
Yes, this world is full of spiritual weaklings…faithless cowards…unable to control their own spirit in the face of the slightest temptation or spiritual trial.
Plagued by unwholesome thoughts, slaves of appetite and divers lusts, they are like walls broken down.
Oh yes, that very strong man, Lucifer, now given title, “Satan” can give the world a seemingly endless strength and ability to perform many earthly tasks.
But the Devil can never give a mortal soul true spiritual strength, true godly courage, true self-control.
Only God can!
The very Good News is that today is still the day of Salvation!
And though we may be weak in the eyes of the world, we can become spiritual Samsons in the eyes of God and His Holy Angels!
“Dear Lord, Help me to repent of my backsliding and ease-loving ways before it’s too late!
Give me the wisdom that accompanies a new heart: a heart that desires to follow Thee, whithersoever Thou goest.
Help me to pray unceasingly for my family.
Prayer – USMC – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…March 8 (In Every Thing Give Thanks!?! Part 8: “Cancer, a Faith-building Experience?”),
or you can also read…May 3rd (True Bullet-Proof Faith!)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
“Did you give…wings and feathers unto the ostrich?….What time she lifts up herself on high, she scorns the horse and his rider.” Job 39:17, 18
Here in the above condensed passage is revealed a tremendous Bible prophecy!
Here the ostrich (being a symbol of the Church-Apostate) is going to lift up herself and scorn the horse and his rider.
Well, if we look in the winter-night skies, we might possibly have our eyes opened to see a most incredible constellation group, known as the “Horse and His Rider” Constellation Group.
And so, this above passage speaks of the time of the end (which we are just now in).
And sad to say, there will be many in the Church who will scorn this last message, just as the wisdom-deprived ostrich scorns the Horse and His Rider, who symbolize God’s Church in battle, being ridden by the Spirit of Christ!
Such a sad ending for the Church-Apostate, to scorn the Holy Spirit: the same Spirit that they so often exulted in praise, with their lips!
This constellation group is made up of a number of smaller constellations: the horse’s head, made from the Perseus Constellation.
The tail and rear end is partly of the Cassiopeia Constellation.
The hind-leg is made partly of stars from the Andromeda Constellation.
The Rider is made primarily from the Camelopardalis Constellation.
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “The Holy-Ghost-Rider Constellation”
or you can also read… “Goodly Horse in Battle Constellation”
January 15th . . . . THE GOOD SHEPHERD FINDS US
Brooklyn Museum – The Good Shepherd – James Tissot – Wikpedia – US Public Domain
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 3-MINUTE – – The Faith I Live By: “The Last Solemn Warning”– By Ellen G. White