Daily Devotional, Year 4 – July 13 (Wake-up Call, 911! Part 2: “Why All the Insanity!?”)

By admin On March 10th, 2023



Daily Devotional, Year 4 – July 13





Wake-up Call, 911!


Part 2:

“Why All the Insanity!?”

To read Part 1, click here…APRIL 20 (Wake-up Call, 911!)






What were you doing on the morning of the 911 attacks?



Well, one thing is for certain, when 911 occurred, the world was awakened out of our slumber! And most Americans remember their exact circumstances, when the news was announced regarding the fall of the Twin Towers. 


And the great irony to that event, was that it happened on 911, which is the universal emergency phone-call number in the United States!


Well, that event had its effects. And in the weeks, even months following, church attendance skyrocketed!


People were very nervous about the fate of the world. And rightfully so!


And didn’t that catastrophic event seem like a giant wake-up call?


9/11 World Trade Center attack – cropped image – New York – by UpsateNYer & Wikipedia – Share-Alike Lic.






“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…”

Isaiah 5:20


Yes indeed, 911 seemed like a giant wake-up call!


But since that fateful morning, there’s been a whole lot of things which also seem like giant wake-up calls!


Don’t you agree?

Ground Zero, by Bobb Vann – Wikimedia -This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.






“And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them. Then took I the cup at the LORD’S hand, and made all the nations to drink…”

Jeremiah 25:16, 17


Just look around! Just behold all the seeming mass-insanity!


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jazz_Jennings_2016.jpg*Boys declaring themselves girls!

*Girls declaring themselves boys!

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Unisex_pictogram.jpg*Grown men using “The Little Girls Room!”

*Criminals released back on the streets, unpunished and unrepentant!

*National borders illegally overrun by foreigners, many bringing in deadly drugs, enslaved-children; some ruthless gangsters, some hate-filled terrorists, etc., while the government turns a blind eye, even offering them financial inducements!


*The mass media becoming a modern-day Orwellian “Big Brother”, spying, lying, censoring, intimidating, pitting various people-groups against each-other!

*Courts and judges making unjust decisions, disregarding the rule of law!

*Government leaders spewing “convenient” lies without the slightest twinge of conscience while the mass media goliaths cover up for their lies and hypocrisy!

*Deadly drugs being legalized!

*Cities becoming a crime-ridden dystopian hellscape while mayors and governors unable or unwilling to uphold the laws which would quickly solve the problem!

*Schoolboys and girls being forced by administrators to shower and undress with one-another!

*Young children encouraged by societal leaders to have their healthy body-parts mutilated for some perverted desire, ensuring them a future of sadness, hopelessness, social problems, and medical issues, even suicide!


Well, this list of insanities and atrocities goes on, and on, and on: much too numerous to attempt to list here in this article!

Gay Parade – Jazz Jennings 2016 – Wikipedia – Creative Commons License

Unisex bathroom pictogram – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Antifa @ Protest Trump in Phoenix – 8-22-17 – Wikipedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

Mass Migration – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.






“…yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.”

Ecclesiastes 9:3


As this above verse reveals, the Lord promised to expose this antichrist world-system for what it truly is: a crazy, confused, and misguided planet!


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Posing_with_the_drag_queens_(6323437534).jpgAnd those who have renounced and rejected God’s Bible, have no anchor of truth to cling to!


And as a result, “the god of this world”, Lucifer, now given the title of “Satan”, casts them unmercifully down into the bottomless pit of unutterable wickedness, and insane madness!


And so, why should we be surprised to witness all the mayhem, confusion, and abject horror, which society is now displaying, as they “swirl round-and-down into Hell’s drain”, just prior to them disappearing altogether into the “bottomless pit” (Revelation Ch.’s 9, 11, 17, 20)!

Minneapolis Riots – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license

Posing with the gay drag queens – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license








Proverbs 25:25


Amidst all this negativity concerning the great Judgment Day now upon us, there is much Good News! This is because there has been a way of escape provided for and every man, woman, and child who desires to escape the tsunami of madness and destruction now overtaking the world!


And all those who renounce this, Lucifer’s fallen, antichrist world-system, and begin their trek up the Highway to Heaven, they will soon enter onto the soft, green grass of the Earth-made-new, in which

“…God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;

and there shall be no more death,

neither sorrow,

nor crying,

neither shall there be any more pain:

for the former things are passed away.”

Revelation 21:4


In that glorious “Promised Land…the land flowing with milk and honey” (Numbers 14:8, etc…), the true bells of liberty will resound through the ever-winding meadows, and echoing against the everlasting hills, in which the joyful sounds of innocent laughter and grateful praise for our Saviour will never cease! And there, we will be ever-learning, ever-loving, and forever young!

ABOVE PICTURE: The True Upward Pathway with Bible passages as steppingstones – Bible www.signsofheaven.org

Monet painting Pathway in Monets Garden at Giverny – Wikigallery – Public Domain








“Dear Lord, Help me to fully wake up to the grave peril which is rising up all around us…

Marine Praying – Wikimedia – USMC Public Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read…JULY 17 (Sodom Rising, Part 8: “Good Warning, Sodom!”), or you can also read…January 7th (Time To Get Out of Dodge?)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!
















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







star-chart ursa major summerr


This page is about the Big Dipper, also called the Great Bear constellation (Ursa Major ). However, the ancient pagan cultures did not see this constellation as God intended it to be seen. It is actually a headless woman in childbirth.  This is seen in springtime. It is seen in the northern skies. 


But as the seasons progress, this travailing woman flips upside down, now appearing as a woman with upraised arms like eagle wings who is running (eventually flying, as shown in sketch on right) into the wilderness (westward). The single star representing her birth-child (Christ) now becomes her head (“Christ is the head of the church.” Ephesians 5:23

star-chart ursa major



The 7 Stars (Big Dipper) is easy to see with its very bright 7 stars.


But the Revelation 12 Woman (Ursa Major) must be seen on a dark starry night, away from city lights. 


Ursa Major Star-Chart with woman drawn in by this website – Wikipedia – share-alike license








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Woman of Revelation 12 (Flees to the Wilderness)”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







July 14 (Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads, Part 7: “Over the Rainbow? Or Stay Down Here?”)

Judy Garland sings Somewhere Over The Rainbow – Wikipedia – US Public Domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ellen_G_White.jpghttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Book_of_Revelation_Chapter_9-1_%28Bible_Illustrations_by_Sweet_Media%29.jpgMaranatha!: “The Great Time Of Trouble”

— By Ellen G. White


CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 4+MINUTE TALK – – Maranatha!: “The Great Time Of Trouble”– By Ellen G. White (youtube.com)

Ellen G. White – Wikimedia – Public Domain

.Judgment Day – by sweet media – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license






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