Daily Devotional, Year 4: August 24 (How To Breeze Through the Coming Crisis! Part 9: “Three Rules for Constant Victory!”)
By admin On April 13th, 2021.
Daily Devotional, Year 4: August 24
How To Breeze Through the Coming Crisis!
Part 9:
“Three Rules for Constant Victory!”
To read Part 1, click here… “May 7 (Psalm 1: How To Breeze Through The Coming Crisis)”
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on Thee;
because he trusteth in Thee.”
Isaiah 26:3
There is an old saying which goes…“Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop”. The Internet credits Chaucer in the 12th Century for this saying.
But an equally appropriate idiom goes…“An idle MIND is a Devil’s workshop”.
Both of these old sayings are actually pretty good stuff as far as coming from the world!
Hands Toasting Drinks – Cheers! Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
But though we may be idle, you can be assured that the Devil’s hands and mind are not idle! All it takes is a quick glance around to see the very visible wake of woe, misery, sin, and destruction by these unseen spirit-beings!
No, no! Don’t imagine for a moment that he and his vast armies of unseen evil-angels are sitting idly by each day! No, rather, the Devil and his fallen angels are extremely busy, 24/7/365, working in the shadows, their woe and deceptive destruction upon this unbelieving world!
Yes, Christians need to fully understand that we are at war with both the visible and invisible armies of Lucifer, now given the office of “Satan”, or “The Devil”. That is, this entire unsaved world, including the unseen realm are at war against Heaven and against Christians!
But we’ve been walking on what John Bunyan’s book, “Pilgrim’s Progress”, described as “enchanted ground”.
And for the most part, God’s people have been breathing in the narcotic-like mist which rises up daily in this, Lucifer’s very deceptive kingdom of selfish pleasures and pursuits: The World!
Brooklyn Museum – The Wise Virgins – James Tissot – Wikimedia – public domain
“If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee”
Revelation 3:3
So, just what is the problem with us? Why is it so easy for we Christians to fall back into spiritual slumber, even into the spiritual drunkenness of Babylon’s red wine?
Well, this perplexing dilemma can be answered by those two worldly sayings! “Idle hands” and an “idle mind” are, indeed, the Devil’s workshop!
Yes, we give the enemy much power over our lives when we are unwatchfully engaging in vain pleasures and world-loving, ambitious pursuits!
“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil”
Ephesians 5:16
And so, the big question is…“How do we keep our hands and our mind busy, so as to not give Satan room in our lives?”
Do we simply work harder at our jobs, night and day?
Or do we begin preaching every day on a busy street-corner, handing out religious tracts?
Well, those duties might help. But there are much more important ways to keep our hands and mind fully engaged!
Question Mark – Wikimedia – Public Domain
Now, this website repeatedly urges its readers to become 100% devoted to the Lord Jesus, as Scripture repeatedly commands…“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” Deuteronomy 6:5
But how are we to do that? How, in this very demanding society, can we possibly love the Lord so intensely!?
USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain
One great truth we must keep in mind is the unseen spiritual battle raging all around us! Yes, we are indeed at war, whether we realize it or not!
And this 9th installment of “How to Breeze Through the Coming Crisis” will encapsulate what every true Believer must do to breeze through this present and ever-increasing crisis.
Oh yes, the Time of Trouble is just beginning. But be assured that things will grow continually more troublous!
Global Warning – Judgment – Christ Coming by Julian Osley – Wikimedia – Share Alike License
There are three necessary components to achieving and maintaining a constant daily victory in the Lord.
1: Contemplating Christ and His Word
2: Praying Without Ceasing
3: Applying the Word Practically in all Daily Duties
First and foremost of all duties is the continuous contemplation of God’s infallible Word, which is called, the Bible. Not only are we to study daily, but we are to do as Psalm 1 admonishes…“But his delight is the Law of the Lord; and in His Law doth he meditate, day and night!”
Now obviously, to keep one’s thoughts upon God’s Word will certainly occupy and fully engage the mind!
But even though the Psalmist counsels us to meditate upon the Law of God, such a high bar of excellence must also include such things as contemplating the beauty and wisdom found throughout nature.
Yes, our love for our Creator/Redeemer can only grow as we behold the marvels of His Creation!
Or maybe to just appreciate the joys and cares of family life.
Or even just enjoying watching various animals perform their many cute little antics, which they so often do!
These too should be among the various things we meditate upon daily.
But that’s not all! In addition to these two ways to contemplate God’s Word, the Lord also counsel us to…“Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed and be still. Selah.” Psalm 4:4
Yes, to simply lie in bed and contemplate one’s daily experiences in relation to the life of Jesus, is also an important part of contemplating God’s Word!
Maybe just to think about how we might do better tomorrow.
Butterfly – Wikimedia – Jim Bendon – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Family – Children’s Playground – Wikimedia – Share-alike License
Rembrandt – Sick Woman Lying in Bed – Probably Saskia – Wikipedia – Public Domain
The second component to keeping the hands and mind from being idle, is to be engaging in ceaseless prayer.
But how in the world is ceaseless prayer even possible!?
Well, Paul’s writings encourage us to be “continuing instant in prayer” Romans 12:14
In other words, ceaseless prayer includes being instant in prayer as we go through our daily tasks. Being quick to pray should be an ongoing activity throughout our day and night! Maybe just to pray under our breath for wisdom and guidance during our job performance!
But also, as we behold humanity each day, our heart should silently yearn for their needs, both physical needs as well as their spiritual needs! This too is a form of communion with God, realizing that it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that such thoughts and yearnings of the heart are even made possible!
Woman Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
Building Inspection – Wikimedia – Public Domain
And last, but certainly not least, is the practical application of God’s Law, the Bible, as we go about our day. For example, as we engage in our labor, there will be thoughts which come to us about how best to glorify our Lord in what we do, in what we say, in what we think, and where we go.
For example, as we engage in recreation with our children, we silently behold them, lovingly and prayerfully, through the eyes of Jesus…
Or as we sit with them around the dinner table, we engage them in light-hearted and wholesome, uplifting conversation…
Or perhaps, to talk with them about the various aspects of nature…
Or sing with them at “Family Worship Hour”!
Such practical applications of the Word as these little admonishments are actually the product of the Holy Spirit’s prodding. This too is communion with God!
Family eating meal – Wikipedia – Public Domain
Father & Son – Wikimedia – Public Domain
Ah cricket – Family singing – Wikipedia Public Domain (cropped image)
And whether at work, or at recreation with our family, or at rest, these three duties will help us achieve, not only victory over the Devil, the world, and the flesh, but also to gain perfect peace which Isaiah 26:3 promises…“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon Thee; because he trusteth in Thee!”
Yes, perfect peace in the likeness of Jesus is our goal, which will absolutely help us to breeze through the coming tempest-winds, which are already beginning to blow!
July 2 (How To Breeze Through the Coming Crisis! Part 10: “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy”)
Jesus – Woman why weepest thou – Jesus – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
“Dear Lord, Help me to breeze through the coming time of trouble. Help me to rest confident that God is in complete control…
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “How To Be Hidden in the Day of Wrath”, or you can also read this shorter article…February 1st (In Every Thing Give Thanks!?!)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
Here in this sketch is when these constellations are in the eastern sky in early winter. Satan spews out his false worldly ideologies, which many of these ideologies have a form of godliness. On the other hand, the Strait Gate (Narrow Gate) is composed of the two brightest stars of the Orion The Reaper’s sickle. God’s Word, the Bible is that sickle. The true Strait Gate is God’s Word, the Bible. As a sickle harvests the wheat, so God’s Word will gather precious souls to Him.
NARROW GATE AND WIDE GATE CONSTELLATIONS WITH REVELATION 12 WOMAN: This is how these three constellations appear when just above the eastern horizon. The woman, however appears more in her upright “Fleeing” position than this sketch shows. It is somewhat of an optical illusion because of the “canopy effect” of the night sky. So it is impossible to sketch this on a flat surface. Nevertheless, this sketch shows this woman appearing to be drawn toward these two warriors; the Reaper, of course is Orion . The Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation is not a commonly recognized constellation. His mouth is made of The Hyades Cluster of Taurus, and the tip of his tail is The Pleiades Cluster. The two bright stars on Orion The Reaper’s sickle is the Narrow Gate. And the two bright stars of the Dragon’s wave of water is the Wide Gate. When in the eastern sky it is not so clear as to which Gate she will enter. Woman is commonly known as Ursa Major (or the Great Bear or The Big Dipper)
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Castor and Pollux & The Mystery Ship of Scripture”
August 25 (3-Fingered Judgment Day, Part 14: “A ‘Careful What You Wish For’ Story” )
ABOVE PICTURE: Dream Maker of Babylon – Signs Of Heaven.org