Moon into Blood Trilogy: 3rd Face: The Sadducee Seeker

By admin On July 21st, 2011



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This is a continuation of “Moon Into Blood” Pt. 1 (click here)  &  “Moon Into Blood” Pt. 2 (click here)






“It (God’s Covenant) shall be established…


for ever as the Moon…


and as a faithful witness


in heaven. Selah.”


Psalm 89:37.


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Sadducee Seeker – Before Eclipse – Wikimedia – Imported from 500px – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license















. 3rd face of the Moon is a bit more difficult to locate, because it is mostly upside down. But this photo and this sketch (below right) are how this face would appear if it was turned right side up. (In the southern hemisphere, however, this is how the full Moon actually appears.)


The 3rd face is the most difficult to see in the northern hemisphere, but once you do, it then becomes easy. This face is like a furry creature of the field. Maybe a rabbit. Maybe a squirrel. Perhaps a chipmunk. Probably a mouse. All “seekers”; all foragers and scavengers.

.3rd Face in

And while this picture shows this little “beast of the field” right side up, this 3rd face is always pretty much in an upside-down position.


The other two faces appear right-side-up, and are easier to locate. This photo and this sketch are both turned around to help you see this 3rd face easily. This enhanced sketch to the above right is merely to help you to see this face more easily. (As already stated, this 3rd face appears right side up in the southern hemisphere.)


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Sadducee Seeker – Before Eclipse – Wikimedia – Imported from 500px – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license








But this sketch here to the right is how this 3rd face actually appears when the Full Moon is in the east, at the beginning of night, in the northern hemisphere. But all you can readily see is this 1st face. 


What you must do to see the 3rd face is to tilt your head to the right, 90 degrees.


Do you see it? (You may find it easier if you just turn your screen on its left side, if you are using a laptop. But please don’t do anything to put your computer in jeopardy!)


The easiest time of the month to actually see this face is when the Full Moon is in the east, just after dark. It then can be seen by tilting your head 90 degrees to the right.  But as night progresses, the Moon rotates clockwise, until this face is completely upside down, as the Moon works its way to the west.








For those living in the Southern Hemisphere, while they have all three faces of the Moon, the 3rd face, the 3rd Face in Moon-scavenger-www.signsofheaven.orgSeeker Face is the upright face when the Moon is Full. This somewhat changes the story for those southerners. But the basic concept is still the same: one face of the Night Watchman, another of the Predator-Pharisee, and the third of the Seeker-Sadducee. But this is how the full Moon appears to all those who are down under.








“So I went in (into God’s temple), and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed upon the wall round about.” Ezekiel 8:10


The above verse is speaking of all sorts of unclean creatures, big and small, sinfully portrayed on the temple wall. And these creatures were being worshipped by God’s people, as this verse indicates.


The photo below is a replica of the Ishtar Gate to ancient Babylon, which also had unclean beasts portrayed upon its wall. So, was God, in the above passage saying to us, that His Temple had become like Babylon?


Photo of Squirrel – Wikipedia – Public Domain








And of all the ferocious beasts that exist in this world, why would God choose such a furry little critter to represent the Mark of the Beast? And why would the Lord inscribe this face in the Moon’s surface? Obviously, He does nothing indiscriminately! So what then can be the purpose for this 3rd face?



Well, one thing is for sure! Unbelief is a quality that exists in the hearts of Men. 


And, well, maybe this little beast of the field can give some biblical information about the subject of faithlessness. And maybe after an exploration of this furry forest creature, it will be discovered that this little varmint was exactly the correct beast for God to inscribe on the Moon’s surface!


And by reading onward, this all may begin to make much more sense! And it may even start to gnaw away at our own self-righteousness, as we begin to realize that Sadducee-ism exists in our very own heart!


Ishtar Gate at Berlin Museum by Rictor Norton & Wikipedia share-alike lic. 3.0








“The same day came the Sadducees to Him (Jesus), which say that there is no resurrection” Matthew 22:23


And so, this article will attempt to show that this little 3rd Face in Moon-scavenger-www.signsofheaven.orgcreature represents the Sadducee. And this article will try to illustrate that he also represents the faithlessness which exists in the human heart. In our human heart!


Yes, the above verse really says it all! The “Sadducees…say there is no resurrection”. And obviously, the Sadducees didn’t believe in living the Resurrected Life either. They still maintained a worldly outlook on life.


You see, the Sadducees were those in the Jewish culture who were the “Deists” of that day. Perhaps many of them believed that God existed, but merely thought of God as though He just sits somewhere way out in space, looking down at this Earth through some gigantic telescope! They didn’t believe that God has much to do with this world, but to simply monitor the comings-and-goings of Mankind.


Perhaps that is why this 3rd face is always upside down as if he’s staring up into space. He’s probably looking for God; looking for a god far out there in space somewhere, who has very little to do with this world.











Matthew 6:10


But the true God of the Bible has very much to do with the goings on in this world!

.Elisha & Chariots of Fire

Listen… “…and He [God] does according to His will in the army of Heaven, and among the inhabitants of the Earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, ‘What doest Thou’?” Daniel 4:35


This above passage, plus many others in Scripture, presents a God who is extremely active in the world, and orchestrates, “all things after the counsel of His own will:” Ephesians 1:11


Elisha & Chariots of Fire








The Seeker-Sadducee’s very favorite Bible verse is, no doubt, this one, “God helps those who help” and his very favorite Bible prayer is probably, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”


Of course, neither one of these statements actually comes from the Bible! And furthermore, just the opposite is true! This little creature does not grasp the Bible concept that Paul presented to the Philippians… “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.


Sadly, he doesn’t believe this verse. And so he goes on through life, feeling rather helpless. What he needs is faith: saving faith in God’s Word! 


Yes, this Sadducee goes through life with a spirit of unbelief! Thomas, for instance, was an otherwise well-behaved disciple of Jesus. But his faithlessness was a great detriment to his spiritual growth. Nevertheless, the faithlessness that exists in a Sadducee is far greater than that of Thomas! And Thomas ultimately repented of his faithlessness.


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Sadducee Seeker – Before Eclipse – Wikimedia – Imported from 500px – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license









“For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are t enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.” Philippians 3:18, 19 


This photo here (above left), shows this face more correctly. It would require turning one’s computer screen upside down to see this 3rd face. When looking at the Moon, the 3rd face is mostly upside-down, appearing as if he is looking up into space. But he’s not! He’s actually always looking down at the earth. He’s a forager! Always seeking! Always nibbling! His total focus in life is obtaining the things of earth! He has very little concern for heavenly things. Oh, he “talks a good game”, as the saying goes.!_Kunstnerfest_p%C3%A5_Skagen_1888.jpg


Oh yes, you can engage this forager in a heavenly conversation, for a short while. But he’ll soon be scurrying off to engage in more seeking.


This little furry creature is mostly concerned about the world, and his wants and needs. Oh yes, he believes that he’s saved. And he’s very confident of his Salvation! His friendliness, or his morality, or his wealth, or his church attendance, or tithe-paying, or his many other nice qualities gives this little Sadducee scamper a great assurance of his rightful place in Heaven! He’s just far too good a person, for God to ever think of rejecting him!


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Sadducee Seeker – Before Eclipse – Wikimedia – Imported from 500px – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

PS Krøyer – Hip hip hurra! Kunstnerfest på Skagen 1888 – Wikimedia – public domain









Unlike the 2nd-face Beast (Man/Dog/Wolf/fox) who was driven by pride and a judgmental ey, this 3rd-face Beast is motivated by an eye for the things of the world. Oh yes, he talks of faith. He has a collection of stock Bible verses, enough to get him through most situations. And he does usually appear to be looking up into Heaven, or staring off into space. But he’s just pretending to be looking for Jesus to come! But in reality, his heart is 100% on the things of this present world!


Eastern Grey Squirrel – black – GNU Free Documentation License, – Wikipedia











Hebrews 3:19… 


You see, this little unclean beast is steeped in “unbelief”! He doesn’t believe that God’s Rest is good enough! He he needs more. He thinks he needs the things of the world to be fulfilled.  


You might 3rd Face in Moon-scavenger-www.signsofheaven.orgrecognize this creature in the Old Testament. He was the one who was always complaining and murmuring against Moses in the wilderness. He was the one who longed for the “fleshpots of Egypt”. He was the one who wanted to turn back to Egypt because he didn’t believe God could supply the water and food he desired.


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Blue Moon – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.







So this faithless little varmint continually seeks after those things in the world, because he’s convinced that God’s promises fail to provide for total peace and fulfillment, and all his physical and social needs. He doesn’t understand that verse, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not lack any thing” Psalm 23:1 (even though this is his favorite Psalm!). No, his wants are plenty! And he seeks them day and night!


He pretends to be looking for the return of his Lord and Savior, but he’s really thinking about meat a485px-JumpingRabbit wikipedia public domainnd drink! Thinking about his cares and pleasures! Too much concern about how he can enjoy life! Too much attention paid on how to get and how to keep all of life’s attainments…. “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?” Ecclesiastes  3:21. Yes, like all the beasts of the Earth, his thoughts also go downward to the Earth!


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Sadducee Seeker – Before Eclipse – Wikimedia – Imported from 500px – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license









But the Bible commands… “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wher3rd Face in Moon-scavenger-www.signsofheaven.orgewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matthew 6:31-34.



Oh yes, this Seeker-Sadducee will say amen whenever this verse is quoted. But he really doesn’t believe it. Not really!


This little creature rarely experiences the joy and peace that comes from Bible study, from prayer, from meditation upon God’s Word…and from such precious promises like the above passage proclaims (“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”).


Oh it’s true, this little critter will be seen on committees, helping out. But these humanitarian efforts are only furthering this critter’s self-interest. Because such “good works” only keep the delusion going, that he’s on the road to Heaven. But he’s not!


Common_Squirrel – Wikimedia – share-alike license










“He giveth to the beast His food.” Psalms 147:9


Oh yes, he goes to church once a week. But as soon as his “Sabbath Rest” is over…it’s back 3rd Face in Moon-scavenger-www.signsofheaven.orgto his foraging! And he might even do his morning devotionals on the weekdays. But once he shuts his Bible, that’s the last time of the day he thinks about it! And of course, such good works are somewhat tedious to this earthly-minded critter.

.800px-Marmot-edit1 wikipedia GNU License

It’s because this furry little beast does not understand such Bible verses as… “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law (Word) does he meditate DAY AND NIGHT.” Psalm 1:2, 3.


If you told this varmint that God wants him to meditate DAY AND NIGHT on God’s Word…he would pause for a moment…look at you…tilt his head at you sideways, as if puzzled at your curious statement…and then turn and quickly scurry off…to resume his seeking after more earthly nourishment. He had absolutely no idea what you just tried to tell him!


Marmot – Wikipedia – GNU License








Genesis 25:27


“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law (Word) does he meditate DAY AND NIGHT.” Psalm 1:2, 3


Such verses as this one above, about meditating night & day on God’s Word, are foolishness to this beast of the field. He only wants 3rd Face in Moon-scavenger-www.signsofheaven.orgto get back into the field to resume his hunting. He would gladly trade his birthright for a bowl of food, as did Esau… “who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.” Hebrews 12:16. 


You see, Genesis Ch. 25 tells the story of two twin brothers, Jacob and Esau. And though they were twins, they were very, very, different in character. “Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents.” Genesis 25:27. While Jacob was interested in spiritual things, Esau only sought after the things of the world. Esau had no heart for spiritual things!


Well, to make a long story short, Esau traded his spiritual inheritance to his brother Jacob: the blessing from his God-fearing father, Isaac, for a bowl of Jacob’s stew!



800px-Marmot-edit1 wikipedia GNU License

So this story is a picture of this Sadducee, who, like Esau, cares little for spiritual things! But there are those like Jacob who highly value those spiritual riches!


Esau & Jacob – James Tissot – Wikipedia – US public domain

Marmot – Wikipedia – GNU License








800px-Marmot-edit1 wikipedia GNU License

This furry little Esau has no heart for spiritual things.


Listen… “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned.” 1st Corinthians 2:14


As this above verse reveals, this natural (carnal) hearted beast cannot see the “hidden manna” in Scripture, because it is locked up in allegories and proverbs. And so, in order to prevent others from receiving the hidden manna, some of these carnally-minded Sadducee-Seekers got together and invented a totally unbiblical hermeneutic (rule of interpretation), which states that Scripture must be interpreted literally, as far as possible. In other words, this unbiblical rule of interpretation prevents Bible students from trying to see the spiritual meaning of the many parabolic stories and testimonies of the Bible!


But those who have been given eyes to see, receive the Holy Ghost’s interpretation of all the many allegorical types and symbols which are so often found in the various stories of the Bible!


Listen… “Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” 1st Corinthians 2:13


Marmot – Wikipedia – GNU License

Holy Bible – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Lic.








In Psalm 73, the Psalmist complains to God how nicely the UN-believers are doing!!_Kunstnerfest_p%C3%A5_Skagen_1888.jpg


Listen… “For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.” Psalm 73:3-5.


This Psalm has spoken to every generation of Believers since its writing. Satan has always found great success in turning people’s hearts away from God, by making them jealous at how well unbelievers do in the world.


PS Krøyer – Hip hip hurra! – Kunstnerfest på Skagen – 1888 – Wikimedia – Public Domain








ACTS 14:22



God’s people must go through many tribulations, as God chastens them in hopes of purifying them into the likeness of Christ.


This old painting to the left shows the “Five Wise Virgins” waiting patiently in prayer, in Bible study and in tribulation. These Five Wise Virgins know very well just what is tribulation and what is God’s chastening process.


Listen as this Psalm 73 continues… “For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.” Psalm 73:14. Yes, God chastens His children, as any good father would do!


Francken Hieronymus the Younger – Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins – c 1616 – Wikipedia – Public Domain









So Satan makes sure that unbelievers, to a certain extent, are his best advertisements. And then Satan comes to God’s chastened people, and points them to the people of the world, showing Believers how well they might be doing, if only they would leave the family of God, and join Satan’s secular ranks!


Just look at this photo to the right! Don’t these people look like they’re having a great time, having coffee at a beautiful café, in an exotic city!?!


And so Satan has created this world (his “Destroying Mountain” of Babylon) to be exciting, and fresh, and intriguing, and even enlightening!


(For more on this subject, just click here… “The False Prophet & His “Vanity Fair” Today”)


And so this furry little Church-goer becomes more and more discouraged with Christianity! This forest-creature begins to notice all the hypocrisy within the church! And in the process of time he becomes more and more discouraged with God: “Why is God such a big meanie in the sky? Why doesn’t God answer my prayers? Why does God create Humanity, only to destroy them?”


And so this discouraged, faithless, furry creature begins to withdraw from the fellowship of Christ. Or perhaps he finds a liberal church which allows just about any kind of behavior. Or maybe he just becomes secular.


Café de Flore-coffee-house – Wikipedia – public-domain







destroying mountain-fixed-2011-10-05


The problem is, there is no true 3rd alternative lifestyle. You are either in Christ’s sheepfold, or you are the Devil’s son or daughter. But the Devil has deceived you into believing that you are neutral, neither for nor against Christ.


But Jesus plainly states… “He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.” Matt. 12:30.


As this and other similar verses make clear, there is no neutral ground in this world: you are either used by God, or you are being used by Satan!


Now, this concept of Satan’s alternate kingdom is being presented by the Valley of Decision Constellation group. For more on this subject, just click here… “The ‘Valley of Decision’ Constellation” or you can also read… “Babylon…O Destroying Mountain” which tells about Satan’s “alternative mountain” (his so-called alternate lifestyles).







3rd Face in


And so, this little forager is much like Esau. He cares little for spiritual things! And because his desire is for the things of Earth, he despises all those “religious fanatics down at church who always have their ‘noses in the Bible.'”



So to defend his own negligence concerning his spiritual life (or lack thereof), he will often be heard quoting his favorite non-biblical proverb, concerning those “Bible-thumpers”… “He’s so heavenly-minded”, says this furry critter, “that he’s no earthly good!”


But little does this furry Esau consider, that the reverse is true of him! You could say about this little Esau… He’s so EARTHLY-MINDED he’s no heavenly good’! Yes, this little Sadducee is so earthly-minded that he’s no heavenly good!  


Esau & Jacob – James Tissot – Wikipedia – US public domain








As already discussed, this verse from Ecclesiastes really applies to these last two beast-like faces in the Moon…“Who knows the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?” Ecclesiastes  3:21 (these two faces shown in sketches below left and below right).

.,_London_-_Nov_2006_edit.jpgThe first face in the Moon (The Night-Watchman, sketch to the right), of course, has his eyes fixed on the Sun of Righteousness which rises in the east. This was discussed in Part 1 of “Moon into Blood Trilogy”. Of this first face, it may be said that his spirit “goeth upward”. But the other two faces in the Moon (beast-like faces) have a spirit that goes downward… Paul once again, says it correctly, with this next verse…


 Eastern Grey Squirrel in St James’s Park, London_-_Nov_2006_- Wikipedia – share-alike license









 “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame,3rd Face in who mind earthly things. For our conversation is in Heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ…”  Philippians 3:18-20.


So this verse and the previous verse above, from Ecclesiastes 3:21 (“downward & upward”), both parallel each other. The enemies of the Cross have their affections on the things of the Earth. They are “earthly-minded”, as Paul puts it.


But Paul also says that the true worshippers have their conversation (lifestyle) in Heaven. What a contrast Paul makes between the earthly-minded, and the heavenly-minded!








But this 3rd face in the Moon not only looks like a forager, but also looks like a scavenger. Let’sPCWmice1 explore this concept for a moment.


As for the mouse, there is a very interesting passage relating the mouse in regards to Judgment Day. Listen to the following passage…


“For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many. They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one [tree] in the midst, eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, AND THE MOUSE, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 66:16.


Now why would God pick out this little creature, the mouse, to speak of the destruction of the wicked in the Last Day? Such odd language! 


UNCLEAN BEASTS… A mouse in the Bible was considered an “unclean” thing. Unclean creatures  were compared to the unsaved in the New Testament. When Peter had his vision of unclean animals, and was commanded to eat them, this symbolized the sharing of the Gospel with all the unsaved Gentiles of the world.

.3rd Face in

Listen to Peter as he confesses that Mankind is no longer considered “unclean”…  “but God has showed me that I should not call any man common or UNCLEAN.” Acts 10:28 Even though Mankind is lost in sin and unbelief, yet as potential candidates for Salvation, all Mankind are no longer considered “unclean”, in respect to evangelizing. That is, we all are just as eligible for Salvation as are the Jews. We are all on equal ground with the Lord. 


Mouse – Wikipedia 








You see, the day this Moon creature first came into the Church, like others, he too began the ongoing process of separating 3rd Face in Moon-scavenger-www.signsofheaven.orghimself from sin; as we know, this is the “purification process” ( “And every man that hath this hope in Him (Christ’s return), purifies himself, even as He (Christ) is pure.” 1st John 3:3). 


And for a while he went along with this purification. He joyfully attended weekly Bible studies and prayer meetings. But by and by this little creature became disenchanted with all that “giving things up”! He began to miss his old habits and hobbies; he even missed his old buddies too! And so he gradually turned back. He even found some passages which allowed him to have a glass or two of wine with dinner. And once again, he dusted off his trusty old TV; “but I’m only gonna watch just the good shows and movies”, he told his family. And gradually, this little varmint slowly backtracked, until he eventually fell back into his old lifestyle, to a great degree!








SECULAR FRIENDSHIPS!_Kunstnerfest_p%C3%A5_Skagen_1888.jpg


And lo and behold, he ran into his old buddies around town. Unfortunately this lunar creature just doesn’t comprehend the following passage… “For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor UNCLEAN PERSON, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” Ephesians 5:5.


So this is one of those paradoxical concepts in the Bible that can be confusing. In respect to candidacy for Salvation, we are all “clean”. But in respect to being in church, but still having an unconverted world-seeking heart, such a person would then be considered to be “unclean”. “God is no respecter of persons” Acts 10:34. Just because he goes to church doesn’t magically make him clean in the eyes of God. “God is no respecter of persons”.


PS Krøyer – Hip hip hurra! Kunstnerfest på Skagen 1888 – Wikimedia – public domain







WHO CONVERTS WHO?!_Kunstnerfest_p%C3%A5_Skagen_1888.jpg


Yes, this little Sadducee found his old buddies once again. But this varmint excused himself, saying that he’s just being a good witness to those unbelievers. But actually, he just enjoys engaging in all that camaraderie and ungodly conversation. Yes, in reality, he just missed all the joking and laughing and even cussing a little, with the good ol’ boys! 


PS Krøyer – Hip hip hurra! Kunstnerfest på Skagen 1888  – Wikimedia – public domain









One problem is, this Moon-Beast attends a church in which the pastor encourages his flock to make secular friendships, in order to win souls. But what his pastor does not understand, is when we unnecessarily form with unbelievers, we violate God’s commandment…


Listen… “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?…Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” 2nd Cor. 6:14, 17, 18.


And so, this Sadducee Moon-Beast follows his pastor’s unbiblical advice, and breezes right past this warning from God, found in 2nd Corinthians; and he rejoins his old buddies down at the coffee shop. And guess what? Instead of converting them to Christ, he’s back to cussing, engrossed with worldly issues, politics; and all this mingled with jokes!


So just who evangelized who? This Moon-Beast got evangelized by his worldly friends! And as far as his pastor who urged him to do this, maybe he (his pastor) doesn’t mind so much, having a worldly-minded congregation full of these Moon-Beasts!


Lunch Break  – Wikimedia Commons – share-alike







. really, you can’t blame this little earth-clinger for returning back to the things of the Earth, which his heart secretly longed for! After all, self-denial is probably the worst thing a person can do, without God’s abiding Spirit! To live an austere life would only be misery when one is void of God’s Spirit!


On the other hand, to become like self-denying Jesus only becomes a joy when one is filled with the Spirit of Holiness! Then and only then, self-sacrifice becomes a joy! Then and only then, becoming one with Jesus becomes a delight and a dream-come-true!


This faithless one could never comprehend the following statement by Paul… “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,” Philippians 3:8.


Paul’s greatest desire was to become Christ-like in every way! And Paul wanted nothing from this world to drag him back down. But to this earth-hugging forager, Paul’s statement would be the kiss-of-death!


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Sadducee Seeker – Before Eclipse – Wikimedia – Imported from 500px – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Transfiguration – Bloch – Wikimedia Commons – US Public-Domain 








.3rd Face in

In 1st Samuel, Ch. 6, there is a very odd story about a time when the Ark of God came into the possession of the wicked Philistines. And as a result, there broke out a plague in that land of the Philistines. Scripture says in this story that this plague was an outbreak of hemorrhoids on the people, plus a pestilence of mice which devastated the land. And of course the mice were eating the grain in both fields and probably the grain stores also (as mice often do).


FIVE LORDS OF THE PHILISTINES… The five lords over the Philistines were counseled to make five golden images of hemorrhoids and five golden mice images, and send these images along with the Ark back into Israel, from where the Philistines had stolen the Ark in the first place. The five golden mice were according to the number of the five lords of the Philistines. This trespass offering of their unclean hemorrhoids and unclean mice was made to God in hopes that, “By some chance He (God) will lighten His hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.” 1st Samuel 6:5


Lightmatter lab mice By Aaron Logan – Wikipedia – share-alike license.





Now there is a definite parallel to this story of the “Five Lords of the Philistines” and the story of Cain’s unacceptable offering to God.










So the five lords of the Philistines sent back the Ark along with the unacceptable offering of five golden mice images and five golden hemorrhoid images.

800px-The_plague_of_ashdod_1630 wikipedia public domain


The five-plus-five gold UNCLEAN images given by the Philistine lords represented an unclean offering. Mice are unclean beasts. And hemorrhoids is a diseased condition. This would seem to represent False Brethren only wishing to offer God their unconverted lives. Totally unacceptable to a holy God!


Just as the offering of Cain, spoken of in Genesis, Chapter 4, was unacceptable to God, so also are the offerings of all those who will not submit to God’s purification process…


The plague of mice & hemorrhoids of Ashdod – 1630 – Wikipedia – public domain










This next passage really puts an exclamation mark on just what the Christian must be fully engaged in, on a daily basis… “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”  Romans 12:1, 2.


Such verses as this are applauded by this Esau, when in Church. But inwardly, he wants nothing to do with any such self-sacrificing concepts. Yes, this Esau Moon-Beast is like Cain. You see, Cain only offered to God, the things which the world produces, while his brother Abel offered a lamb, representing Christ-crucified. And that’s all that this Esau Moon-Beast can offer: the things of the Earth. Yes, this Esau Moon-Beast is so much more like Cain, than he would ever care to believe!


USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – public domain









So, the five golden mice and the five golden hemorrhoids represent the unclean offerings of this furry who remains unconverted, and yet professes to serve god.


On the other hand, God’s True Worshippers will accept trials and tribulation with the great hope of being eventually transformed into the image of Christ! But this furry little Esau in the Church, is in reality, still in the image of the beasts of the Earth! And just like those five golden mice representing those five uncircumcised Philistine lords, so too, this unconverted church-goer today is hoping that God will accept him as he is; still just a scampering-little-faithless-earth-clinging-Seeker!


rodent – Sinaistachelmaus – Wikimedia Commons – share-alike license







. these little forest beastlings come in contact with God’s Church, they begin the spiritual sojourn heaven-ward. But in a little while, trials and tribulation are sure to come! The True Worshipper of God will endure such trials. And the true worshippers will begin to chasten themselves before God, as a result of such trials.


Now just the opposite is true of this little Esau. When trials come the way of such False-Brethren-Esau’s, they eventually become offended. The chief desire of all such Earth-Huggers, is to have a nice time and retain earthly possessions. All such, mostly just wish to go to church for social or self-fulfillment purposes. To fill a void in their heart, by merely paying homage to God once a week.


These Seekers are like the five lords of the Philistines.“By some chance He (God) will lighten His hand from off you, and FROM OFF YOUR GODS, and from off your land.” 


They were willing to sell their souls for the gods of this world, along with its cares and pleasures, just as Esau sold his birthright for that pottage-stew. These five Philistine lords didn’t want the tribulation which comes with Christianity!


And of course, Esau’s pottage-stew symbolized earthly Beef Stew! Kurt Nordstrom & Wikipedia share-alike license“Mammon”. And Jesus spoke of Mammon.


Listen… “Ye cannot serve God and mammon (materialism).” Matthew 6:25.


And so these five lords returned the Ark, wanting nothing more to do with the Ark and all it stood for! So the story of Esau, and the story of these five Philistine lords found in 1st Samuel, Ch. 6, are very parallel stories. And the story of Cain, too! And the story of the Church-Apostate, as well! These all go together!



Rat siamese – Wikimedia Commons – share-alike license

New york times square – terabass – Wikipedia – share-alike license

Beef Stew! – Kurt Nordstrom & Wikipedia – share-alike license







., this story seems to be an all-too-familiar picture of the Apostate portion of God’s Church! The five lords of the Philistines also being a picture of the “Five Foolish Virgins” in Matthew Ch.25. The Five Foolish Virgins likewise represented those in the Church who have no oil in their vessels, meaning they have not the Holy Spirit in their lives. Oh, they have enough oil (grace) to attend church each weekend. But when it comes to the rest of the week, they quickly forget any lesson learned and resume their worldly lifestyle during the weekdays!


These five lords of the Philistines came into possession of the Ark, which only brought tribulation to the land of the Philistines. You see, these five pagan lords, have much in common with the Five Foolish Virgins. And taking possession of the Ark can translate into trying to have a relationship with the Lord. But they just didn’t want the tribulation which goes hand-in-hand with the Christian life!


Lightmatter lab mice – By Aaron Logan – Wikipedia – share-alike license








. this 3rd Moon-Beast began attending church, only to find that tribulation began to plague his life. But isn’t that what Jesus promised?


Listen… “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:2-4.


Yes, tribulation comes to every professing Christian. But this Sadducee is merely a “make-believer” in the Church, and will not put up with “such nonsense”! After all, he came to church to be blessed, not cursed! But what he doesn’t realize is, that tribulation is a blessing: a blessing in disguise! Yes, tribulation is an integral part of the purifying process, which God engages in, with each and every true worshipper! It is the chastening process, that every true child of God must willingly receive!


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Blue Moon – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Job rebuked by his friends – Wikimedia – US Public Domain







THIS ARTICLE IS CONTINUED BY CLICKING HERE… “Moon Into Blood Trilogy: The 3rd Face: Sadducee Seeker, Continued”


Moon – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Blue Moon – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.






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