The Pleiades: The Captive Angel & Mystery Harlot Constellation
By admin On December 5th, 2010.
Then Job answered and said…but how should man be just with God?…
Which alone spreads out the heavens…
Which makes Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
Which does great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number…
Can you bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades?
Or loose the bands of Orion?”
Job 9:2-10 & 38:31
This photo is the Pleiades Cluster. Does it appear to you like an angel? Well, if it does, then you are encouraged to keep reading.
The above two verses concerning the Pleiades are all the Bible has to say about the Pleiades, directly. But if you will read this article, you will discover that the Pleiades represents concepts which span much of the Bible!
And The Heavens will attempt to unravel this mysterious phenomenon in the night-sky, and will, hopefully, also interpret these two verses to show just what all this means, and how it might apply to our lives.
You see, this constellation tells the tale of two women! But how can it be, that nobody has ever seen the Pleiades as a constellation of a woman?
(There is one other person on the Internet who has his own rendition of this constellation. Click here to see)
This article will discuss this great paradox of these two women, found in the Pleiades, and what it means scripturally to us: we who comprise the global community of Christians.
Because this constellation (or should we say Constellations, plural), has very much to do with us: those of us who are living right now on the threshold of eternity.
And as you might expect, if you are at all familiar with this website, the Bible holds the key to understanding all this!
What is this mysterious “little” cluster of stars in the night-sky all about?
Notice in the sketch to the right, that the Pleiades is shaped like the furry tassel at the tip of a lion’s tail. Here is further proof that the Pleiades is the tip of the tail of this Dragon Constellation!
And why, in the sketch to the right, does the Goodly Horse Constellation appear to be gazing intently at this Pleiades-cluster, as if mesmerized…or perhaps as if it’s something to be feared…or even with jealousy, as if perhaps, it’s something to be retrieved?
There is a double-sided truth to this mysterious star-cluster. It is to be hated on the one hand! But it is to be loved on the other hand!
But you’ll have to read this article in order to comprehend this amazing paradox which God has placed in the heavens on Creation Week. So read on, and discover the double-sided meaning to this. And though this may be a rather complex subject, presenting seemingly new concepts, don’t be discouraged.
Because the more that the Reader familiarizes his or her self with the various articles on this website, the more clarity will be gained regarding these signs found in this most seductive and alluring of all constellations: this constellation known as The Pleiades!
But also notice in the photo of the Pleiades to the left, that this cluster of stars also appears as if somebody put a handful of pearls on a table. Or perhaps a handful of sparkling diamonds!
And so, just as the Pleiades is like a cluster of pearls, so too is this article. This is because we will present a cluster of seemingly different, even unrelated ideas. But when all is presented, then will they be strung together to present a most beautiful and precious truth!
White_pearl_necklace – cropped and colored image – Wikipedia – Share-alike lic.
“And there appeared a great wonder (sign) in heaven; a woman…And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered…And there appeared another wonder (sign) in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads…And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,” Revelation 12:1-3, 7
The above passage from Revelation, Chapter 12 speaks of two signs in Heaven. And notice that one sign is of the Woman, and another of the Dragon. But beside these two signs, it also speaks here of Michael, who fought against the dragon. (“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon;”)
Now in the sketch to the right, are pictured these same three characters from Revelation 12 (plus the Horse & Rider Constellation).
And so it seems, that God has likewise inscribed three constellations which appear to align with Revelation, Ch. 12: one of a woman, one of a soldier, and one of a dragon (This 4th constellation, The Goodly Horse in Battle Constellation is from other Revelation chapters).
Now notice that there is a very small cluster of stars above the Dragon’s mouth. And if you look more carefully, you might begin to see that this cluster of stars, known as the Pleiades, is actually the tip of the Dragon’s tail. The Bible spoke of the Pleiades, in the book of Job…
“Can you bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades? Or loose the bands of Orion?” Job 38:31
Now this sketch is also of the Revelation 12 Dragon by itself, but without the other three constellations. And with very careful examination, it becomes apparent that the Pleiades is actually the tip of the Dragon’s tail. The body and tail of the Dragon is wrapped around in an oval shape.
So if you find the Dragon’s mouth, and the Pleiades being the tip of the Dragon’s tail, it becomes noticeable that the Dragon has a body and legs much like a crocodile or alligator. As a matter of fact, the main body of this dragon is two-dimensional, unlike most constellations that pagan cultures saw. But to see the body of the Dragon, you really need to be away from city lights.
So first find the mouth and tail-tassel of this dragon, before you attempt to locate the body.
THE DRAGON of REVELATION 12 CONSTELLATION . This star-chart from Wikipedia shows this constellation group as they appear above the eastern horizon. The Revelation 12 Dragon Constellation can be located by finding Orion in winter months. The Dragon is to Orion’s left, and the Dragon’s mouth is right next to Orion’s shield. This Dragon’s mouth is the V-like constellation The Hyades Cluster, which is also known as the head of Taurus the Bull. The Dragon’s tail is Pleiades and the lower shaft of his tail is partly of Aries and Pisces.
Then with aid of a dark & starry night, you may begin to connect the mouth and the tail with a very long body in an oval shape. The front and back legs are somewhat defined with stars. The front legs are made partially of Taurus. The back legs and rear fin are made of the Cetus Constellation. But the long oval-shaped body has relatively few stars, but can been seen, howbeit with a dark, starry night. The four stars of the front fins are made partially of Taurus.
This Dragon Constellation appears in the eastern horizon about mid-summer in the pre-dawn hours, spewing his flood-waters northward toward the Woman of Revelation 12 ,Woman in Travail (not pictured here). The Wave of Water is primarily composed of the Constellation Auriga. There are two more less bright stars which are closest to the Dragon’s mouth. These two dimmer stars near to the Dragon’s mouth, are also part of this Wave of Water .
It is not the purpose, nor the desire of to give any validity or recognition to the Zodiac or any pagan deities. But unfortunately, the common names of many constellations (such as Scorpio or Sagittarius, etc.), must be given, solely for the purpose of locating them on star-charts.
“And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” Revelation 12: 4
This above verse is commonly accepted as meaning that the Dragon (Lucifer) deceived one-third of the angels…and this deceived multitude has been cast down to this present fallen world.
However, just listen to this very similar verse from Daniel… “And it (a little horn of the he-goat) waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.” Daniel 8:10.
Now this passage is very interesting. The he-goat here is speaking of the ancient nation of Grecia. So how could a mere earthly kingdom cast down the host of Heaven? Simple! It’s speaking of God’s people as being cast down, and not just about angels.
Paradise Lost – Wikipedia – US public domain
Now this is beginning to sound complicated. But the important thing to remember is that this little horn became great and cast down some of the host of Heaven…exactly as Revelation 12 says that the dragon has done.
Listen again regarding the dragon… “And his tail (the dragon’s tail) drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth“. Rev. 12.
So both the dragon and this he-goat cast down stars from heaven down to the earth. So if this little horn is Grecia, then this he-goat’s horn seemingly must be speaking of an earthly power, as well. Then, as already stated, this doesn’t seem to be speaking about merely angels. Rather, this likewise appears to be speaking of God’s people being cast down.
Now listen to Daniel again… “And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.” Daniel 11:35.
Well now this verse is definitely speaking of humans. This is abundantly clear since it says here, that those who fall will be purged and made white. This must be speaking of humans.
So having said all this, the big point to all this comparison of Daniel with Revelation 12, is just this: Revelation 12, when speaking of the Dragon casting down a third of the stars of heaven, may just be a double-entendre. That is, while most will concede that this Revelation 12 passage is speaking of angels being cast down to Earth, this Revelation 12 passage may also be speaking of God’s people as well, being cast down too.
Listen again to Daniel 11:35… “And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.” Daniel 11:35.
So from this Daniel 11:35 passage, it becomes clear that God does indeed cast down His people, to try them, and to purge them, and to make them white in the blood of the lamb.
“If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people; If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2nd Chronicles 7:13, 14.
Here is one of the most famous of all Bible passages. With the ever-increasing moral decay in this society, people are more and more looking to this passage as a promise of God, that He will bless those who repent, and finally bring on them, an abundance of rain (mercy).
But let’s return to the subject of purification through tribulation. And this above passage speaks to this issue. God brings tribulation upon His people so that we might repent, and turn to Him with all our heart.
So it appears that God has allowed Satan to cast down God’s people to try them, and to purge them. And ultimately it is God’s intention to purify these fallen ones, and make them white.
Listen to this verse from Revelation… “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Rev. 7:14.
Pray for Our Nation sign IMG 3291 – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share alike lic.
“These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Rev. 7:14.
So the above verse from Revelation shows God’s purpose for allowing us to go through this great tribulation. This passage gives us the bigger picture. The “Great Tribulation” spoken of here is the experience that God’s people need in order to be cleansed, and wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb.
Listen… “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:3, 4.
So this goes contrary to popular theology, which taught that the Great Tribulation was simply a time of God’s wrath. This error by so many in Christian circles was the very same error that Job’s three friends made, when they attributed the cause of Job’s suffering, as being merely the wrath of God. But God allowed the Devil to bring trouble on Job, that Job might be spiritually cleansed. But Job’s three friends could not fully see that, until the very end, when the fourth man, Elihu (and God), scolded them (Job Ch. 32).
But the big point to all this is, there is absolutely no purpose whatsoever, for God to put the world through great tribulation to merely punish for no reason. But here it is stated that God’s people are being purified in the blood of the Lamb because of this tribulation (“These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Revelation 7:14.).
Do you see what this passage is saying? This coming tribulation is a time when God will purify a people for Himself.
Job and his friends – Wikimedia – Public Domain
“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Revelation 3:10
Popular theology assigned this above verse to the Rapture of God’s people out of this world, just prior to this coming Great Tribulation. But while it is true that there will be some whom God keeps from the “hour of temptation”, it nowhere says anything about rapturing them out of the world! It merely says that they will be kept from the hour of temptation.
It must be remembered here that God was speaking to the Church of Philadelphia, which existed back around 100 AD. Did God literally Rapture them out of the world, or did He merely keep them from the hour of temptation which came upon the whole world?
And so, it must be concluded that God kept them hidden in another manner?
You see, God’s people have always had to suffer great tribulation: either the individual Christian by personal experience, or the Church afflicted by the armies of Satan.
For instance, the Christians in Europe, during the Dark Ages, were more or less persecuted by the apostate churches of Europe, who enlisted the support of the civil governments of Europe to apply physical violence against those who loved the Bible, and even against the Bible itself!
Now, to be sure, there is coming one last climactic finale to this world. And while it’s true that some may be spared this great testing of the world, there may be another manner in which God spares His people from all this.
Book burning – Santo_Domingo_y_los_albigenses-detalle – Wikipedia – Public Domain
Avvakum (burned 1682) – by artist, Myasoyedov 1897 – Wikiimedia – Pub Dom.
One way, of course is through death. Listen… “The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.” Isaiah 57:1.
So as this verse reveals, God in His foreknowledge, will take people away in death, so to spare them from much greater evil, lurking just beyond the horizon!
Munch Det Syke Barn – 1896 – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
But there is another way in which God keeps His people from the evil to come. Listen… “Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.” Isaiah 26:20, 21.
Notice that this passage doesn’t say that God’s people are permanently removed from the Earth. It merely says that they are to hide themselves, “for a little moment, until the indignation be over-past.”
This passage definitely concerns Judgment Day, and yet it says nothing about the Church being removed from the Earth! It says to hide in their chambers. As a matter of fact, there is nothing in the Bible that says that the Church will be removed from the earth 7 years prior to Christ’s Return.
Hide Thyself – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry
Now one big argument which “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” theorists use, as “proof-positive” that there must be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, is that the Bible says… “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” Matthew 24:42.
And so, they conclude that all one would have to do, is to begin counting three and one-half years from the appearance of the Anti-Christ, and anybody could figure the exact time of Christ’s return.
Therefore, they conclude, Christ could not return on the last day, because it would be easy to figure out exactly when that last day would be, by merely doing this simple math.
And so, they insist on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture as the only possible way for Christ to come by surprise. And they have named this conclusion “The Doctrine of the Imminent Return of Christ”. And indeed this is a doctrine: a Man-contrived doctrine!
You see, in answer to that, this website is giving much of the spiritual fulfillment of the Book of Revelation, in a way that the modern-day theologians and teachers are not even considering in the least bit! And so, by the interpretation that this website teaches, Christ can return without us knowing the exact day or hour, or even the month or year!
And of course, this website is merely teaching what Bible scholars through the ages have taught. It is only in the past few decades that modern-day teachers and theologians have glommed on to the Pre-Tribulation Raptured Theory!
ABOVE STAR-CHART – Sign of the Son of Man – – Not for commercial uses
Psalm 32:7
“Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.” Isaiah 26:20, 21.
To many who are heavily invested in the idea that they will miss out on the Great Tribulation, often try to bend such passages as this above passage, to fit their theory, that the Church will be literally taken out of this world and up to Heaven before this time of trouble begins. But this says that the Christian should hide “for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast”. This conveys the idea of going into a shelter till a storm passes over.
But listen to Psalms… “For in the time of trouble He (God) shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock.” Psalm 27:5.
As this Psalm reveals, God is our refuge, and He is our hiding place! God doesn’t need to remove a Christian from the face of the Earth, in order to keep him or her safe from the hour of trial and testing. There are so many other passages which reiterate this same concept.
Hide Thyself – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry
QUESTION: Did God keep the Children of Israel from the plagues being poured out upon the Egyptians, during the Exodus?
QUESTION: Did God need to Rapture them out of the world in order to do this?
ANSWER: No. The plagues fell all around the Children of Israel. But not one of those plagues fell upon the Children of Israel!
Tissot – The Plague of Locusts – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
Listen… “But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.” Psalm 37:39, 40.
It says here that God will be the strength of a Christian during the time of trouble. And so this definitely suggests that Christians will be kept by God’s strength, during the soon-coming Time of Trouble… “He is their strength in the time of trouble.” Ps. 37:39
Now, that begins to make sense of this tribulation! Listen to this revealing passage from Jeremiah… “But though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies. For He doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men. To crush under His feet all the prisoners of the earth,” Lamentations 3:32-34.
So here we see that God is merciful and does not willingly grieve the world. And as we keep reading, this passage continues to tell just why God afflicts people.
Listen… “Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins? Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD. Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.” Lamentations 3:39-41.
So now it becomes clear just why God pours out His wrath: to cause people to turn from sin, and back to God. What good purpose would it serve to merely torment people for no other reason than to inflict pain? God is not a monster or tyrant, as some erroneously suppose. “For He doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men. To crush under His feet all the prisoners of the earth,”
forty stripes – Wikipedia – US Public Domain.
Just look again, for a moment, at the story of Job. All Job’s troubles came upon him, not merely to punish Job, but to purify Job. Just listen to Job’s testimony regarding the troubles which God brought upon Job… “But He (God) knows the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 23:10.
You see, gold must be purified by fire, to remove the worthless dross. And so Job’s trials were likewise to purify Job, just as he proclaimed… “when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”
And so gold, when found in the Bible, always represents a spiritual concept. And in Job’s case, gold represented the final result of Job’s fiery trials; to purify Job even as gold is purified by fire. The Bible is a spiritual book, and those who attempt to understand the Bible only literally, sadly, will find themselves locked out from understanding many wonderful concepts and many beautiful gems of truth!
For deeper insight into this subject of God’s wrath, please go to, “Planet Of ‘Rest’- (Part 4-The Doctrine Of ‘Eternal Torment’)“
Job – Wikimedia – US Public Domain – US Public Domain Template
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