February 1, Year 4: (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 34: “The Hour Of The Hypocrite!”)

By admin On March 20th, 2021



Daily Devotional, Year 4: February 1






The Devil Made Me Do It!


Part 34:

“The Hour of the Hypocrite!”

To read part 1, click here…October 13th (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 1)






“Ye are of your father the devil,

and the lusts of your father ye will do.

He was a murderer from the beginning,

and abode not in the truth,

because there is no truth in him.

When he speaketh a lie,

he speaketh of his own:

for he is a liar,

and the father of it. 

John 8:44









Back in the 1970’s, a certain saying was popularized…“The Devil made me do it! The Devil made me do it!”


And this was merely mocking Christians, who were seemingly obsessed with pointing the accusing finger at the Devil.


Then they could all laugh and mock the notion that Satan is a very active and powerful force controlling the peoples of this world, by sarcastically chanting…“The Devil made me do it! The Devil made me do it!


Flip Wilson – Wikipedia – Public Domain







2nd Corinthians 4:4


But the horrifying fact is, the Devil does indeed cause the vast percentage of the world’s inhabitants to do a great amount of things!


After all, the above signature verse reveals a truth that practically nobody realizes or accepts! It is perhaps the most egregious truth in all of the Bible!


And this above verse from Ephesians reveals that Satan is indeed… “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”


And let’s face it! To admit that the entire world’s inhabitants are filled with this evil spirit is more than anybody is willing to accept, much less admit!


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain







PANDEMIC CRAZINESS!http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NOMG01ThankGodForSatan.jpg


Perhaps, the greatest proof that an actual, literal Devil (Satan) exists, is the pandemic insanity which is currently causing the craziest world-wide movements.


From the abject lies, hypocrisy and deceit coming from our politicians, to the cover-ups and deceit regarding the pandemic economic shutdowns, to the cancel-culture in which everything, from basic human biology, to even our very language is being canceled, lied about, and manipulated, all in attempt to destroy the very foundations of the western nations. These are just a few of the countless crazy occurrences now happening!


It seems to many people, that the world is going crazy!


And just look at all the hypocrisy and dishonesty in this nation and around the world! We’ve never seen such a display of hypocrisy, lying and deception as we are now witnessing!


It almost seems as if the news media and government lie even when they don’t have to, simply because lying has become so habitual for them! And the public has come to expect such dishonesty, no longer even raising an eyebrow!


March – Protest – Thank God For Satan – cropped photo – Wikimedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or later version







But the question to be answered in today’s devotional is, “Why is there so much lying and hypocrisy going on in this nation?”


Question Marks – At a loss – svg – Wikimedia Commons – Share-Alike License







TRAIL OF DESTRUCTIONhttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paradise_Lost_3.jpg


No, we cannot normally see Satan nor his evil angels. But we can indeed see the trail of destruction that follows in their wake.


And the current waves of evil which are now overtaking the world are clear evidence that a literal personality known as Lucifer, or Satan, or the Devil, is truly responsible for the tidal waves of evil now sweeping across the nations.


Gustave Dore – Paradise Lost illustration – Lucifer becomes Satan – Wikimedia – US Public Domain









The point is, much of this current pandemic societal metamorphosis is so insane, that only such madness could happen by the finger of “the god of this world”, the Devil! (see 2nd Corinthians 4:4).


In other words, mere humans could never collectively cause such a grand-scale transformation of morality and ideology by their own power!


No, this has to be the efforts of that unseen Antichrist spirit who “now worketh in (the hearts) of the “children of disobedience”! (Ephesians 2:2 Parenthetical comment by website Editor)


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








Oh yes, the Bible reveals concerning the human race…“also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.” Ecclesiastes 9:3


As this above verse reveals, madness exists in the hearts of humanity.


Burning Man – 2013 -Chapel – cropped and altered photo – Wikimedia – Creative Commons License








And yet, we must realize that it is only because the spirit of Antichrist is now working in the children of men, as is written…“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” Ephesians 2:2


Yes, it is that satanic Antichrist spirit who now works in the hearts of mankind on an individual basis. And where the spirit of Satan is, there exists madness.


And this same madness is what causes these current-day paradigm shifts which seemingly make no earthly sense!


ABOVE PICTURE: Battle for the heart – www.signsofheaven.org








Well, this is merely one example of how “the god of this world” is causing such unthinkable paradigm shifts, that would have been laughed off as “impossible”, just a few short years ago!


Well, no one is laughing now!


ABOVE PICTURE: The Pied Piper of Television – www.signsofheaven.org – commercial use by permission only








But is there any Good News to be gleaned in this seemingly hopeless world?


Is there any way of escape from this pandemic madness which is now sweeping through our land like a giant tsunami?


Yes, there is a, “place of refuge, and…a covert from (this approaching) storm!” Isaiah 4:6


ABOVE PICTURE: Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry








As a matter of fact, the Bible counsels us to…“Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity…” Isaiah 26:20, 21


Here is revealed a hiding place from the approaching storm.


ABOVE PICTURE: Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry








However, many will say…“But where are these chambers? Because I don’t have any chambers, do I?”


Well, the chambers spoken of here are also spoken in Psalms 27:5, 6 and also in Psalms 32:7…“For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me…Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.” Selah.


Here we have some wonderful promises, for all those who are willing to forsake this present world, and live the rest of our life in grateful, loving service to Christ!


Johann Heinrich Füssli – Woman Sitting, Curled up Google Art Project – US public domain






And just what does that service consist of?


Question Marks – At a loss – svg – Wikimedia Commons – Share-Alike License







James 4:8http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:USMC-06831.jpg


Listen to 1st John 2:28 & 3:3…“And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming…And every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He is pure.”


Here is the secret hiding place where we may abide in the coming tempest.


The purification of our heart!


USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain







Psalm 32:7


To cooperate with God’s chastening process, that we may become transformed into His likeness!


To hide His great and precious promises in our heart.


To faithfully endure the purifying trials which God lovingly allows to come into our lives.


To contemplate His Word and engage in unceasing prayers, throughout our day.


To shun every ungodly influence and time-wasting pursuit which Satan uses to corrupt us and divert us.


To allow our light of purity and warm, agape love to shine brightly before the onlooking world!


These are the duties which all those seeking to hide themselves in God’s secret pavilion, will perform each day.


However pressing his duties STM2-c James Lee Frazer always finds time to read a few chapters from his Bible each day. I – NARA – 520675 – Wikimedia – Public Domain








July 9 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 35: “Why Do the People Vote for Destruction?”)

Minneapolis Riots – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license








“Dear Lord, Help me to be wise as a serpent regarding this very deceptive world. Let me not be ignorant of Satan’s devices, nor of his power over this world…

Morning Prayers – Ebenezer Newman – Downard – 1860 – Wikipedia – Public Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… November 23 (The Two Spirits In The World) or you can also read this shorter article…March 13th (Planet Earth: Devil’s Island!)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






.Soldiers of the Cross - Armor-Up!


















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)











Wikipedia star-charts winter constellation in West


The Revelation 12 Dragon Constellation can be located by finding Orion in winter months. The Dragon is to Orion’s left, and the Dragon’s mouth is right next to Orion’s shield. This Dragon’s mouth is the V-like constellation The Hyades Cluster, which is also known as the head of Taurus the Bull. The Dragon’s tail-tip is Pleiades and the lower shaft of his tail is partly of Aries and Pisces. Then with aid of a dark and starry night, you may begin to connect the mouth and the tail with a very long body in an oval shape. The front and back legs are made of a few stars: the front legs partially of stars from Taurus . The back legs and rear fin are made of 6 stars from the Cetus Constellation.




The long oval-shaped body has relatively few stars, but can been seen, howbeit with a dark, starry night. The four stars of the front fins are made partially of Taurus .








Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation


This Dragon constellation appears in the eastern horizon about mid-summer in the pre-dawn hours, spewing his flood-waters northward toward the Revelation 12 Woman in Travail (not pictured in this chart).


The Wave of Water is primarily composed of the Constellation Auriga. There are two dimmer stars (#’s 1 & 2) which are closest to the Dragon’s mouth. These two dimmer stars are also part of this Wave of Water, but are not part of the Auriga Constellation.



It is not the purpose, nor the desire of www.theheavensdeclare.net to give any validity or recognition to the Zodiac or any pagan deities. But unfortunately, the common names of many constellations (such as Scorpio or Sagittarius, etc.), must be given, solely for the purpose of locating them on star-charts.







To explore deeper into this subject, please read… The Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







February 2 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 9: “How To Stop the Growing Lawlessness in the Land”)

Pray for Our Nation sign – Wikimedia – Share-alike-lic.








THE GREAT CONTROVERSY BY ELLEN G. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Luther95theses.jpgWHITE


ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this 44 chapter audio book, a brief history of the Church, from the Cross of Christ forward to the Return of Christ.


Chapter 30 – Enmity Between Man And Satan



Martin Luther – 95 Theses – Wikipedia – US Public Domain









ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s nearly 50 year long series of 90 minute nightly talk shows…This is Open Forum Show #82



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons lic.



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