Daily Devotional, Year 4 – March 30 (Taking Back This Nation For God, Part 18: “Why Did We Become ‘The Divided States of America’?”)
By admin On May 2nd, 2021.
Daily Devotional, Year 4 – March 30
Taking Back This Nation For God!
Part 18:
“Why Did We Become ‘The Divided States of America’?”
To read Part 1, click here…“March 28th (Taking Back This Nation For God!)”
“And if a kingdom be divided against itself,
that kingdom cannot stand”
Mark 3:24
Those who long ago sailed to this fledging nation, exhausted from the centuries of religious/civil tyranny in Europe, began what they thought was to be a Christian nation!
Yes, America was the beginning of a great experiment in freedom of political/religious speech as well as liberty of conscience!
And God mercifully gave this nation an incredible constitution: a wonderful gift given by the Almighty, because of cruel tyranny He allowed by the harsh hand of Satan, throughout the various European nations during the centuries of The Dark Ages.
And the forefathers of this new nation eventually named it, “The United States of America”.
Pilgrims & Thanksgiving – Brascome – Wikipedia – Public Domain
“And I…saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy”
Revelation 13:1
Of course, Satan didn’t get killed back there in Europe. Nor was his tyrannical Beast-system killed. It merely received “a deadly wound”, and yet, was eventually healed.
But Satan had a new challenge presented to him. How could he infiltrate and eventually destroy this new Christian nation?
Well, that was really no problem! You see, Satan well knew that he would eventually turn this nation into the 2nd Beast of Revelation 13: The False Prophet.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.”
Revelation 13:11
Yes, while the first beast caused famine, scarcity, persecution and death, this second beast would seemingly be just the opposite! Abundance, opulence, innovative genius, various entertainments, idleness, and the other decadent things which vast wealth brings!
But while God’s people were hoping to find a place of refuge from the wickedness they left behind, Satan was already bringing his own people across the waters: secularists, and pseudo-Christians.
And it didn’t take long before he had already stirred up trouble in this young nation: slavery, wars with native Americans, and religious persecution had soon become the order of the day.
But the God-given constitution finally prevailed, ending religious persecution. And after a long struggle, the Constitution again prevailed, ending slavery. And the following decades saw the eventual demise of racism.
Oh no, not that this world could ever be perfect! No, but eventually both Native Americans and Black Americans gradually rose in stature, even becoming leaders in their communities, and some even world leaders!
This was truly a remarkable accomplishment, thanks be to our Constitution!
Legree – Wikipedia – Public Domain
President Barack Obama – Wikipedia – US Govt. Public Domain
Ben Nighthorse Campbell Senator – Wikipedia – Public Domain
But still, Satan was not going to give up! And because the Bible prophesied that this False Prophet had “two horns as a lamb”, Satan knew he must give this deceiving beast two horns of power like the Lamb of God: Compassion & Morality.
Yes, just as Jesus is the very essence of mercy & truth, righteousness & peace, Satan would give this False Prophet those very qualities…yet without the true power of God.
“And he (the 2nd Beast) causeth all…that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark…of the beast…”
Revelation 13:16, 17 [condensed]
And so, as we now sadly witness this nation become deeply divided, we begin to understand why. This False Prophet was prophesied to begin persecution once again. And just like the first Beast of Revelation, this second Beast would eventually choke off the true and unvarnished Gospel from being preached. And those who refused to conform their characters into the image of Satan’s present-day antichrist world-system would likewise suffer persecution, even death!
So, what we are now seeing is a False Prophet Beast with two horns, The DIVIDED States of America!
Now, at this point, someone would asked the obvious question: “If these two political powers are both horns on the same beast, why in the world are they so hateful against one-another!?”
Question Mark – Wikimedia – Public Domain
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation…”
Luke 11:17
Well, do mercy and justice go together in the natural world? Absolutely not! But even further, as the justice/morality side of society witnesses all the current-day abominations being introduced by the so-called “party of compassion”, it causes even deeper division between these two groups!
Clenched human fist – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.”
So, why did Jesus seem to possess perfect peace while being the very essence of compassion and justice?
Listen…“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” Psalm 85:10
Here is seen what the universe had never before seen! Totally harmony between these two violently opposing qualities.
How could justice be satisfied with mercy? IMPOSSIBLE! The law demands justice! Justice must be fulfilled!
Thus, there can never be peace between justice and mercy, according to the Law! Justice must be satisfied!
Jesus – www.thebiblerevival.org – Public Domain
“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
John 1:29
And so, Jesus came upon the world stage, as the Sacrificial Lamb of God! And His death of that cruel Roman Cross, satisfied both justice and mercy! This is where mercy and truth met together! This is where righteousness and peace kissed each other!
At the Cross, where “God gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life!” (see John 3:16)
So, what’s the problem with this False Prophet Beast?
Perhaps you could say, this antichrist beast has, “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away!” 2nd Timothy 3:5 This antichrist imposter cannot do what Jesus did to satisfy both mercy and justice!
Yes, Satan can counterfeit, but never perfectly! God makes sure Satan’s counterfeits are flawed in some ways, so that His Elect will not be swept away by those imposters!
“But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.”
Isaiah 57:20, 21
And so, as Christians behold these two groups fighting one-another, this should be a giant tip-off that something’s drastically wrong! They are not behaving in a Christlike manner!
Their brand of compassion is flawed.
Their brand of justice and morality is likewise flawed!
They’ve never “met together”!
And they’re certainly not willing to “kiss each other”!
The Puppetmaster of Politics – Property of www.theheavensdeclare.net – exclusive copyrighted
Proverbs 25:25
Well just how this battle between these two lamblike horns will turn out, only God knows!
We’ll have to wait and see just which horn will prevail? Or maybe they’ll join forces to persecute God’s people!
But for those who are tired of this out-of-control world, “…an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness…” Isaiah 35:8
Yes, for those who wish to escape this soon-to-be-doomed world, there is a highway which leads gently upward. And the Lamb of God is calling for each and every weary soul to become Heaven-bound pilgrims, sojourning out of this pandemic madness! The heavenly Promised Land is awaiting!
And it is a good Land, a land of peace & harmony & brotherly love, and, “a land flowing with milk and honey”, in which we will truly be forever happy, and forever young!
ABOVE PICTURE: The True Upward Pathway www.signsofheaven.org
November 10 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 19: “The Divided States & My Divided Heart?”)
Prayer for USA – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
“Dear Lord, Help me to escape this awful and fearful judgment which seems to be falling on this society. Let me hide myself in Thy secret pavilion until the indignation be overpast…
Marine Praying – Wikimedia – USMC Public Domain
To explore deeper into this subject, please read May 12 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 10: “Mass Insanity, Or Devilish Design (or Both)?”)… or you can also read this article…NOVEMBER 4 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 4: The God of This World Made Us Do It!)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
In Revelation, the Dragon of Revelation 12 is described as having seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns. However, the Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation up in the night sky does not. But God has faithfully created this wave of water, in such a way, as to illustrate this same concept of the seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns. Because this wave of water is basically comprised of ten stars.
The main body of the wave has seven stars (#’s 1 thru 7, in the sketch), and the tip of the crest of the wave has the other three stars, (#’s 8, 9, 10).
So in this wave, we see the same 7/10 numbering found in the Revelation description of the heads/horns/crowns of the Dragon.
And this gives us a great clue, as to where in the Bible we should look, to find out the riddle as to just what or who do these 7 heads, 10 crowns, and 7 horns represent. Because, the Bible speaks very much about floods and waters as being associated with Satan (the Dragon).
Listen again… “When the waves of death compassed me…THE FLOODS OF UNGODLY MEN made me afraid. The sorrows of Hell compassed me about;” 2nd Samuel 22:5.
And so, without going into a lengthy discussion, let’s just say that of all the 7 heads of Antichrist, the head which most closely aligns with atheism would logically be the 6th head. And why the 6th head? The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13 warns that the Antichrist Beast has a number of 666. And it describes this number as being the “number of a man”. The number “6” in Scripture has to do with “Man”. It is a number which reminds of the 6th Day of Creation; the day that Man was created. Man was created on the 6th day. And so, Mankind is very much connected with the number “6”
And since atheism is the religion which holds Mankind as the supreme ruler of Earth, then the number “6”, being the number of Man, seems to correspond to the 6th head of Antichrist, very well.
Now these ideas may not be “written in stone”, as the saying goes. And nothing hinges upon, nor falls apart, with or without these theories. But sufficed to say, there is strong evidence that these concepts have biblical support.
And so, this 6th star in the Revelation 12 Dragon’s wave of water, would correspond to the 6th head of the Antichrist Beast. And as already said, “waves” in Scripture, represent the many false ideologies which Satan has flooded the world with, throughout time. So that is why this Signs Of Heaven website believes that atheism was the 6th head of Antichrist.
But if the reader wishes to explore these things in more depth, please go to “Floodwaters of Satan-Introduction”.
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Floodwaters of the False Prophet: Socialism/Humanitarianism
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
March 31 (The False Prophet, Part 33: “The 7th Head: Morality, Counterfeit of Christianity”)
This is a chapter of the audio book about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in His life and ministry.
Chapter 45 – The Foreshadowing of the Cross
ABOVE STAR-CHART – Sign of the Son of Man – www.theheavensdeclare.net – Not for commercial uses
This recording #139, is a small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s 90 minute nightly talk shows. This particular program aired in the last few years of his 50 year radio ministry, and includes caller’s questions regarding his teachings on “the end of the church age”…
ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – Wikimedia – Creative Commons
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