Daily Devotional, Year 3 – October 1 (The Two Women of Scripture, Part 2: “A Harlot’s Forehead”)

By admin On February 16th, 2021



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – October 1





The Two Women of Scripture,


Part 2:

“A Harlot’s Forehead”

To read Part 1, click here… November 24th (The Two Women of Scripture)






“Therefore the showers (of blessing)http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Burgkmair_whore_babylon_color.jpg

have been withholden,

and there hath been no latter rain;

and thou hadst a whore’s forehead,

thou refusedst to be ashamed.”

Jeremiah 3:3


ABOVE PICTURE: The harlot city, Babylon, the apostate church-world – Burgkmair – 1523 AD – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








This above verse presents a spiritual concept that clearly delineates the boundary line between the church-faithful and the church-apostate.


Yes, God’s Church is a divided house, because of these two groups.


And so, just a few minutes should be devoted to establishing this boundary line between the true and false brethren.


Francken Hieronymus the Younger – Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins – c 1616 – Wikipedia – Public Domain

ABOVE PICTURE: The harlot city, Babylon, the apostate church-world – Burgkmair – 1523 AD – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








Listen to this next verse from the Wise Man…

“Such is the way of an adulterous woman;

she eateth, and wipeth her mouth,

and saith, I have done no wickedness.” 

Proverbs 30:20


Here is the very same basic concept that was presented in the previous verse (concerning “a whore’s forehead.”)

In other words, the apostate portion of the Church has no remorse over their love for this present selfish world…“I have done no wickedness!”


Oh yes, they maintain a certain degree of morality and Christian decorum, and yet, have little or no desire to become crucified with Christ.


After all, to die-to-self with Christ would bring an end to all their worldly pursuits and earthy pleasures!


ABOVE PICTURE: The harlot city, Babylon, the apostate church-world – Burgkmair – 1523 AD – Wikimedia – US Public Domain







Matthew 6:24 & Luke 6:13


And let’s face it, there are many selfish pleasures and ambitious pursuits which the Christian world has deemed, “acceptable”.


And so, in most local congregations, these “acceptable” worldly desires are taken for granted as being “fair game” for the parishioners to pursue.


Such pursuits as social clubs, nicer cars, nicer homes, more motorized “toys”, television, secular radio, novels, hobbies, sports, wanderlust, prestigious careers and a host of similar worldly indulgences.


ABOVE PICTURE: Unfunny Judgment Day Cartoon – companys-coming – revised







James 3:15


And beside these individual pursuits, the churches and denominations have compromised today’s worship services…

…with stylish and sensual music…

…comedians in the pulpit…

…laughing and joking and common talk in the sanctuary…

…sensual dress…

…church-traditions (and false doctrines)…

…and other similar common behavior.


In other words, individually and collectively, this is the essence of the prosperity-driven gospel now embraced all through the churches and denominations.

And it is found in both liberal and conservative churches alike!


Audience hands – cropped & altered – Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain







Psalm 35:15


And of course, those few individuals in congregations who are calling for a return to holiness are mostly regarded as fanatics and oddballs.

And Satan has made sure that some of them are actually fanatics and oddballs, which only adds to the confusion!


Nevertheless, in contrast to the harlot churches, God’s true worshipers are very distraught over their own sins.


USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain








But listen to Ezekiel 7:16…

“But they that escape of them shall escape,

and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys,

all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity.”  


Here in Ezekiel 7:16 is a poetic, allegorical picture of God’s people as they separate themselves from the great apostasy which has left the churches and denominations desolate.


These faithful ones are fully aware of how unchristlike they are!

They fully understand how they too have lusted after the gods of this world, just like their fellow apostate parishioners have done.


But unlike the adulterous portion of the Church, these faithful ones fall to their knees (spiritually) and tearfully plead for the Lord’s great mercy and forgiveness.

They loathe themselves for their sins and beg for spiritual renewal and Christlike restoration!


Girl Praying – Wikimedia – Public Domain







Revelation 18:4


Well, this is just one more reason to come out of the harlot “City of Confusion”, Babylon (the apostate church-world).


And the Good News is, that God has provided abundant spiritual bread and waters of grace, just as is written…

“And there shall be upon every high mountain,

and upon every high hill,

rivers and streams of waters

in the day of the great slaughter,

when the towers fall. 

(Isaiah 30:25) 


And those who do finally escape to the “mountain of His holiness” will be filled with Christ’s righteousness that they have been hoping and praying for, for such a long, long time!


James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








“Dear Lord, Help me to become meek and honest-hearted, so that I readily acknowledge my sins…

The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer – Wikipedia – US Public Domain










To explore deeper into this subject, please read… August 16th (Mystery Babylon, The Harlot Church!)…

…or you can also read… October 22nd (Pleiades: Harlot & Angel)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!























“Then Job answered and saidhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bonnat02.jpg

but how should man be just with God?…

Which alone spreads out the heavens…

Which makes Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades,

and the chambers of the south. 

Which does great things past finding out;

yea, and wonders without number…

Can you bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades?

Or loose the bands of Orion?”

 Job 9:2-10 & 38:31

Job (oil on canvas) by Bonnat, Leon Joseph Florentin (1833-1922) – Wikimedia – Public Domain 








The photo to the right is the Pleiades Cluster.

Does it appear to you like an angel?

Well, if it does, then you are encouraged to keep reading.


The Pleiades (Above constellation can be seen in colder months in mid sky, traveling east to west through the night. With the eyes alone, it would appear much smaller than this. But with binoculars, it would appear more like this photo).  NASA photo by Robert Gendler 








The Pleiades: Mystery Babylon: Mother of Harlots


Just who are these two women?

And how can this be, that nobody has ever seen the Pleiades as a constellation of a woman?

This article will discuss this great paradox of these two women, found in the Pleiades, and what it means scripturally to us: we who comprise the global community of Christians.

.Captive Angel Constellation


Because this constellation, or should we say Constellations, plural, have very much to do with us: those of us who are living right now on the threshold of eternity. 

And as you might expect, the Bible holds the key to understanding all this.











What is this mysterious “little” cluster of stars in the night-sky all about?


Notice in this sketch, that the Pleiades is shaped like the furry tassel at the tip of a lion’s tail.


Here is further proof that the Pleiades is the tip of the tail of this Dragon Constellation.










To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “The Pleiades: The Captive Angel & Mystery Harlot Constellation”…

…or you can also read… “Mystery Babylon: Who Is This Harlot Of Revelation?”







October 2 (The Great Babylonian Dream-Machine! Part 6: “How Did We Get Taken Captive?” )

ABOVE PICTURE: Dream Maker of Babylon – Signs Of Heaven.org









The Open Forum Talk Show with Harold Camping 


CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS 90-MINUTE TALK SHOW – – The Open Forum Harold Camping September 6, 2002 (youtube.com)

Harold-Camping – courtesy Family Radio






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